Newbella | Teen Ink


January 6, 2016
By Anonymous

Newbella. A magical town. The mayor is a man whose fingers can turn into keys, the pun sells veggie juice instead of alcohol, and the sidewalks… well they are purple. This is a town of friendly and odd faces, the tailor wears a striped suit and his limbs stretch as far as you can see, there is a man in the park who imitates the squirrels and the trees, and the fireman is quite an odd fellow, if you get him mad he lights the fire but when you get him sad he puts it out, and then there is me! What's so special about me you say? Well I can float, not quite fly but float, and it's odd when I do because often others do too! But enough about me let's talk about you, you are dead. Yes dead. Now this might seem strange because it's not white, it's not red, it's just purple black and bleh but this is a place of freaks. No one liked what we did but we did it well and we weren't bad but nor were we swell, we worked in the circus and sometimes the street, on of us even led a naval fleet! We come from all places but we are the same because no one else saw the fun of the game. We had our fun but our time is up, so now do tell me, wassup.
Three people stood at a giant golden gate, two children, a boy and a girl, and a tall man with a yellow suit and golden cane that matched the gate.
“I know it's a lot to take in but do say something…” The man started but then stops with a quizzical look on his face “Was it the wassup? I thought that was a thing for kids.”
“W-who are you?” The young boy asked.
“Oh me, oh my you want to know about me? Well I'm glad you asked because I'm the bee's knees!” The man said crouching down and wiggling his knees stirring a giggle from the girl. “I stand at this gate for those with this fate, I tell them what's what with all the ifs, ands, and buts, I'm here to show you the town so you don't get all upside down.” And with that the yellow suited man tapped them both with his cane. The kids look at him confused but before they can say anything they begin to fall. Not down but up. They land on the bottom of the gate and look up at the man with terror in their eyes.
“Oh don't worry it's just for the tour, once we are done you be on the ground not the roof anymore.” The man told them with a grin on his face. He then levitated himself of the ground but not far. Not quite fly but float. “If I left you to explore on your own you'd get killed.”
“But sir, you said we are dead so surely we can't die, what's the harm in leaving us be?” The girl asked confident she had caught a fib from the strange man.
“I said you were dead, not a spirit. You can still die, so quiet I won't hear it.” The man grumbled. As they walked they followed a weird upside down path that went through the whole town. It was just as the kids were told, the main color was definitely purple and it was on almost every building in sight. The streets were pitch black, darker than asphalt, and the lights had a small orange hue, not like lights in a scary movie though just a small bit. The only thing in the whole town with normal colors was the park in the center. Dark oak trees covered the landscape and squirrels ran free.
“I want to go there!” The girl said pointing to the park. The man said nothing and kept moving.
“Was that so far?” The man asked when they reached a large shop. “Now come here and keep steady, it's time to get you ready.” He brought the kids to the floor and opened the door to the shop.


“What's this?” A tall man in a striped suit asks the man from the gate “Who are they? What do they want?” Even though he spoke to the guide he was obviously asking about the kids.
“They're uh…” The man started “never mind who they are, they need new apparel, get them something nice so they don't look feral.” He said showing the dirty clothes of the children.
“Ahhh new arrivals, it's been awhile since we got some of those, nowadays most people who show up at the gate are like you,” the tall man snickered at the children's guide, “well what color are you looking for?” He said finally speaking to the children.
“Green… No wait blue!” The boy said quickly.
“No can do good fellow, we don't have those colors.” The tailor frowned not aiming to displease.
“Umm, well then how about yellow?” The boy asked.
“I'll give you a hint, when you look around town what colors do you see?” The tailor asked pointing towards the large windows at the front of his shop.
“I see… Black, purple, brown, grey…… And I see yellow on this man's suit!” The boy said confidently.
“Because he is the gatekeeper, so he shall be the only one. Now since you can't decide then you can have grey,” he said pulling out a grey suit with a black shirt “and you get purple.” He said to the girl as his arm began to shake a little. The children watched in amazement as his arm grew in length and he reached for a box at the top of a shelf twice the tall man’s height.
“Do you have something… Less formal?” The girl asked and her brother nodded backing up the idea. The tailor looked slightly offended but he reluctantly decided to let them choose.
“Come with me children.” He said holding out his hands. The kids looked toward the gatekeeper and when he nodded they held the tailor’s hand. He led them to a door in the back of the shop. “This is where most all of my things are, the old clothes, the new clothes, and the ones that never got to be for sale. You get to look through and pick something out.” The children's faces lit up and they were off.
The boy picked out a purple shirt that he tucked into black pants and a pair of black boots. The girl picked out a full grey outfit of a shirt, a coat, shorts, and shoes.
“Absolutely tasteless,” the tailor joked “I like you two, what are your names?”
“We are,” the girl started ready to answer but realized something, “well I can't remember.” The tailor looked at them in horror. He backed away frantically and his slightly behind his desk.
“Exis they are forgetters! What are they doing in town!” The tailor had a clear terror in his voice. “You know they can't be in here, you don't know what they'll do they are probably crazy!” Hearing this the gatekeeper, Exis, frowned at the man.
“You forget, Alexander, that I too am a forgetter. Now watch your tongue, or you'll only live to be young.” The threat was clear to Alexander regardless of the rhyme.
“Yes, yes but you never remembered, that makes you safe!” Alexander said trying to climb out of the hole he had dug for himself, “But everyone after you remembered and lost it! That's why we send them out.”
“That was so long ago, I will show you all what I need to show! I wish to take these two as my responsibility!” Both the kids looked at Exis in surprise, this is the first time they noticed him not rhyming. “If they cause a blue alert, then us three will go to the desert.” Exis said quietly. His words left hanging in the room, shrouded with questions that the kids didn't know how to ask.


The mayor clicked his keys together, looking down on the well respected gatekeeper.
“Exis, Alexander claims that you have taken responsibility over these two… children, is this so?” The mayor asked Exis. The once confident gatekeeper only nodded, he still wasn't sure what will come of these actions, “you vouch for them as I once vouched for you…” The mayor’s voice had a sort of melancholy, eeriness to it.
“I mean to show you all, this I say standing tall, that those that have forgotten shouldn't make you scared, for once one man showed us that he cared… I was lost and scared and destined to roam until this man found me and gave me a home, and look how I turned out. What is this hatred really about?” Exis turned to the courtrooms audience. Murmurs and whispers broke out in the crowd.
“Silence!” The mayor shouted when the whispers became words and no one could hear the men in the front of the room. Every single person got quiet. “Now is there anyone with concerns that need addressing?” For a while all is quiet until one man stands up.
“Surely the forgetters forgot what they forget for a reason!” And I heard they are stronger than the rest’a us! Just look at Exis, he can flip the flippin gravity!” There were chirps of agreement in the crowd.
“My powers are the only forgetter powers seen by you lot! And you never let a forgetter stay long enough to see what they forgot!” Exis shouted at the crowd.
“Enough Exis! I've heard all I need. Exis I trust you with my life and this community trusts you with our gates… So you might as well give those kids some names.” The mayor slammed his stamp on two documents and handed them to Exis. Exis slid them into his jacket pocket. “These kids are bound to you till your death. They initiate a blue alert then you all will be removed out of town.” Exis nodded and turned to the children. “Well now… Emma and Philip… It looks like we will be spending a lot of time together.”


“He didn't even ask us!” Philip complained dropping down on his new bed, “he adopted us without even asking! That's gotta be illegal.”
“I don't know, I quite like him. And the way they talked about us didn't seem like we had another option.” Emma said putting her coat in their closet.
“I know… But I'd still like to be asked. It's not like we’re five, we can make our own choices!” Philip whined.
“You're quite the persistent one aren't you… Philip.” Emma teased her brother.
“And there's another thing, he picked our names!” Philip said sitting up.
“Hush up, Philip suits you just fine.” And with that there was a knock on the door. Exis walked in and closed the door behind him.
“From now on you'll be living with me, this is your home so you must have a key.” Exis pulled out two small keys and gave the kids each one.
“Why do you sound like a doctor Seuss book?” Emma asked.
“Well that's something no one's ever asked a ever asked about… I guess the rhymes just flow like a water spout. But if you wish me to stop I definitely can, I can speak like any ordinary… Uh… Male.” Exis spoke, struggling to speak normal.
“No it's fine, I was just wondering.” Emma said reassuringly. She hadn't intended to make Exis struggle.
“Sir, I have a question.” Philip said very quietly.
“You don't have to call me sir, you don't have to speak in a whir, you can speak with ease if you please.” Exis moved closer to the kids as he spoke.
“Well… It's just… it looks like these people like you and it doesn't look like they like us… so why are you helping us?” Philip stared straight down as he spoke. He didn't want Exis or Emma to see that he was scarred.
“I'm like you-” Exis started.
“Yeah and that makes you being likable very changeable to these people, so why are you risking all this for us.” Philip cut off Exis. He didn't want to hear the I'm just like you.
“Because there has to be another way, this town has turned astray. There used to be forgetters all around town, but now their memory is received with a frown.” There was anger in his voice. Exis stopped talking and looked at both the kids. “But now it is getting too late, we'll finish this on a later date. Tomorrow there will be celebration, two new members joined our nation.”
Exis put the kids to bed and left them to fall asleep, but as Emma and Philip slept he had no intention of doing the same. When he was sure the two kids were asleep he got dressed up in his normal clothes and got ready to leave. He was going to visit an old friend.


The mayor stood up on his roof and looked out from the glass sphere encasing his rooftop. The top level looked like it belonged in a mansion, it was covered in bookshelves filled with books and there was a bar up against one side of the glass.
“You aren't as quiet as you think you are Exy.” The Mayor’s voice boomed through the dome so the the whole roof top filled with his words.
“Oh yes I am, quiet as a lamb, but you were expecting me and that's why you could see.” Exis stepped out from behind one of the bookshelves.
“Don't get c***y with me, gatekeeper.” The mayor said as he turned and stared dead into Exis’ eyes. “Haha! How you been ma boy? You never come to visit me anymore! These books are here for you ya know.” The mayor laughed and gave his old friend a bear hug.
“Being the gatekeeper takes all my time! If you want to see me you gotta get in line.” Exis joked patting off his suit.
“Ya know I wish I could go back.” The mayor said leading his friend to the bar. Exis looked at him confused. “Back to when we were boys out side the wall,” the mayor explained pouring some green liquid into two cups, “we had each others backs and no one else to take care of! Now look at us, I'm only two-hundred and twenty-two and I'm taking care of the whole town. I've got ma whole life ahead of me and I'm stuck making sure no one steals anything! I should be the one stealing stuff!” The mayor sounded frustrated, “and you got an empty gate to take care of! I should know I put you in charge. What happened to us Exy?” The mayor rambled and rambled only stopping to drink. “Now you got two kids to add to your plate. Why did you do that?” He looked at Exis, he'd always been able to tell what his friend was thinking.
“Lionel, you ask me this about my choice even though you gave me this voice, you took me in too why is that what you chose to do, I'll bet we have the same reason and it's not because we like to commit treason.” Lionel scratched his beard and looked down at his drink.
“I did it because this town was once good and now it's full of scum. I did it because I looked in your eyes and saw no evil. I looked at you and didn't see a trace a malice in your body. I did it because I don't believe that your people are bad.” Lionel said quieter than he normally is. Exis looked at his friend with nostalgia. “Well we gotta big, fun celebration tomorrow so we better get some rest. You good to get home? You've always been a light weight.” Lionel's returned to his normal cheery self. The two men said their goodbyes and Exis left Lionel alone with his thoughts. He was right about the celebration being big, but not about it being fun.


Exis woke the kids up the next morning, got them food, and readied ten for their big day. The kids didn't really say much but Exis didn't expect them to because they had no idea what was going to happen. The day seemed pretty normal to the kids up until about noon. Exis told them to stay put for a little while so they could set up.
“Set up what?” Philip finally asked getting sick of the mystery.
“The feast of the beast.” Exis told the kids as he opened the door. “This is a big event, so be prepared to represent.” Exis walked out and closed the door behind him. The kids looked at eachother confused but then shrugged it off.
“What are we supposed to do till he gets back?” Philip asked Emma.
“How am I supposed to know, I just got here as well.” Emma said giving Philip a look. The two sat in silence for a bit until Philip got up and went to their room. Emma decided to poke around a bit and learn about their new guardian. Where to look. Emma looked around and saw a door she didn't recognize as one of the main rooms. There was a lock on it. Emma walked over and tried the house key she got figuring it was worth a shot. Surprisingly it worked.
“So convenient.” Emma mumbled out loud. She slowly opened the door and cringed as she heard it creak. In front of her now was a dark set of stairs. It's tempting, but she didn't know how much time she had. As Emma mentally debated whether or not to go down something crept in the corner of her eye just down the hall. Closing the door again and locking it Emma went to see what it was that had moved. Looking as hard as she could she saw nothing. Emma felt a hand on her shoulder and screamed.
“Woah, woah Emma it's me!” Philip said to the frightened girl, “why the heck are you screaming!?” Even when he spoke she wouldn't stop. “EMMA IT'S ME!” He shouted and she stopped and started to look around.
“I h-heard you, but where are you?” Emma looked right past him, “I d-don't see you anywhere.”
“What are you…” Philip raised his hands to look at them but saw straight through them, “woah that's not supposed to happen…” Philip was oddly calm.
“Why are you not flipping out Philip, you are literally invisible!” Emma looked as if she were about to go into a panic attack.
“Emma, we stood on the ceiling, we saw a man stretch his arms as long as his body, and the mayor's fingers turn into keys, I'm pretty sure this is natural here…” Philip looked around, “the issue is how do I stop it.”
“Right, right, I have no idea but maybe Exis will when he gets back…” Emma started, “since when were you the calm one?”
“Since I was the one who knew where I was.” Philip muttered walking towards the kitchen chair.
“Right we just sit here until he gets back.” Emma said reassuring herself. They sat for about an hour until they heard the door unlock. Exis walked in and put his suit jacket on a coat hanger by the door. He walked directly into the kitchen where he spotted Emma.
“Hello Emma, nice to again see each other, but I must ask where is your brother?” Exis asked taking out a cup filling it with water and turning to her.
“I'm uh, I'm right here sir.” Philip said flustered. Exis dropped his drink and his face turned pale.
“Oh my.” Was all he managed to say.


Exis grabbed Philip by what he assumed to be his arm and lifted him out of the chair. He said nothing but he pulled the boy into a separate room. Closing the door behind him Emma was left not knowing what was happening. All she could hear was Philip asking questions and Exis ignoring him to do what sounded like make a phone call. After a while Exis came out and closed the door leaving Philip in the room.
“He should be fine, but we don't have time, you have to go prepare, this is a party not a fair.” Exis told her and gently nudged her toward her room. “I think you'll find a nice surprise if you truly open your eyes.” He stood and waited for her to go in. With no other option she opened her door not sure what to expect, but there was nothing. She looked at Exis and he just smiled. She walked in and looked around still nothing. Until she looked at her closet. There was a nice dress. It was tacky. Emma hated dresses. Did he really want her to wear this. She looked into the hall to ask about it but Exis had returned to Philip. It's the only thing nice that was available to her for now. She reluctantly put it on and sat down on her bed.
“What now…” She said to herself.
“Now we go.” Philip said from the door to their room. He was wearing a black suit.
“Look who decided to make and appearance.” Emma joked.
“Save the small talk for the party, if we don't hurry we’ll be tardy.” Exis said putting his jacket on. Emma and Philip walked towards Exis who slowly opened the door for them. Philip put on a grin and began to walk out the door.
“Time for a party.” Philip said looking straight forward and marching out the door.


Exis lead the kids a couple blocks until suddenly he stopped them.
“Don't look until I say, this is a very special day.” Exis smiled at them. Philip looked upset. He didn't like surprises. Emma rolled her eyes and placed one hand over his, then placed the other over her own. Exis guided the kids forward and around a corner. There was nothing but silence for a while. Emma felt someone grab her hands, but they were too big to belong to Exis.
“Are you ready?” Asked the man who Emma and Philip recognized as the mayor.
“Yes we are.” Emma said relaxing her hands so they were only held up by the mayor. Lionel waited a moment before letting go so they could see the feast. A wide open area was filled with people surrounding a table in the shape of a u. The big chair at the middle of the u reinforced its Viking look. Emma guessed it was where the mayor would sit. She looked at Philip but he was staring straight at the center of the feast. Two chairs standing tall and separate from the rest. She wasn't the only one to notice.
“It is customary that new citizens center the feast, Frank.” The mayor said assuringly.
“Philip.” Philip said calmly.
“What?” The mayor looked at him confused.
“Its Philip not Frank.” Philip said not taking his eyes off the chairs.
“Right, right and Mayor Isaacs, but as a friend of Exis you can call me Lionel.” The Mayor smiled.
“Children Lionel, I do quite like them, our times been a gem, but I like them more than friend so in the end they are my children.” Exis said approaching the group.
“Bloody hell, would you guys stop correcting me? That's all nice and cheery but these two must've been about 13 and 15 when they died. They're hardly children. Now Philip not Frank and Exis can I explain to these two what they are gonna do?” Lionel waited and looked around sarcastically, “you're gonna sit in those chairs, you're gonna eat, you're gonna say hi to all the people who come up, and you're gonna engage in festivities.” Lionel looked straight at Philip who still hadn't looked away from the chairs. “You got that boy?”
“Yeah, festivities…” Philip was audibly nervous.
“Come on Philip.” Emma held out her hand noticing his discomfort. Philip took her hand but moved very slowly as she pulled him along.
“Those are some interesting children you got there Exy.” Lionel said elbowing his friend in the side. Exis didn’t notice, he was staring at Philip like Philip was staring at the chairs. “What’s with your family and the staring. Have y’all caught a bug?”
“Lionel he got a power. I was gone for about an hour. He shouldn’t have gotten one yet, the townsfolk will begin to fret.” Exis said to Lionel. Lionel’s eyes got wide.
“He got a power? Already? People round here don’t usually get powers in their first year much less their first full day!” Lionel stared at the boy too now. Both men were concerned about this. “S***, Exy, you didn’t even get your power till two years. What's he got?”
“Invisibility.” Exis said quietly. Lionel stopped looking at the boy and gave Exis a look of astonishment.
“You forgetters get the powers that people actually want.” Lionel joked. “Keep him under control Exis, for your own sake.” The mayor's loud, cheery voice became quiet and dark, “I wasn’t kidding about wanting to go back, but if you get kicked out, I can’t go with.”


Philip and Emma sat in their chairs. A few townsfolk came to introduce themselves, most stayed away and ate their food, but the kids finally found a familiar face approach. It was Alexander the tailor. He could hardly look at the kids.
“Are you really still scared of us?” Emma asked the man confused, “we are just teenagers, what’s so scary about that.”
“No, not scared.” Alexander looked at Emma, “ashamed. I’m ashamed of how I acted. You had done nothing wrong.” Emma’s faced turned from confusion to compassion.
“It’s alright, but perhaps you could make it up to us. Philip here is distraught. Maybe if you explained what’s going on you could put him at ease.” Emma said and Alexander saw Philip’s nervousness.
“Well this is the Feast of the Beast… it’s pretty explanatory, we all feast and greet you and then after… well the beast.” Philip stared dead at Alexander which began to make the tailor a bit nervous.
“What do you mean beast?” Philip asked Alexander still not taking his eyes off him.
“Well, in the park at the center of town… there is a beast. That’s why the imitator is the only one who goes in because he can hide from it.  Every time there are new visitors we make the beast put on a show. It’s quite extraordinary.” Alexander explained trying to reassure Philip.

The author's comments:

Work in progress on upcoming story. 

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