My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

January 13, 2016
By AllianaHoyer BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
AllianaHoyer BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The winters here in New York are harsh, but they are worth seeing the beautiful springs, and summers that come around.  The most gorgeous place in New York would have to be the Brooklyn Bridge Park. I know because I’ve been an important asset in that park for 14 years.  I feel my life has been long, although for some, 14 years doesn’t sound like many, but know I think I’ve become fairly wise after all these years.  
Many people depend on me, and one of them is Suzy.  She talks all day to her friend Ellen about her problems.  I’ve heard problems ranging from her husband forgot to pick up the mail, to her getting laid off from her job.  You can tell that Ellen really cares about Suzy, and is willing to help her in any way.  Through all the talking she does, and all the ah ha moments and all the tears, she never really seems to consider me, or my feelings.  Still, I am always there for her; ready to be strong for her when she needs me.  She cares more for Ellen than me, and even when Ellen isn’t there she still cares for her more than me.
     Then there is Fred, the stay at home dad. I’ve met him many times. He goes to the park with his son almost every day of the week to talk about life or just to play football.  You can tell that he loves his son, and cares about him in every way.  They laugh and chase and talk about all sorts of things and Fred really gives his son good advice.  They don’t spend much time with me, but I sure do enjoy seeing them.  Fred’s wife, on the other hand, is a different story.  I hardly ever see her, and when I do, she spends lots of time with me complaining about Fred and much of time on her cell phone yelling at Fred.  Sometimes I think she doesn’t really appreciate him at all.  He’s a pretty calm, patient person, and he never argues with or yells back at his wife.  I can tell that he really loves her.  I can see it in his eyes.  I can also see the hurt that he feels when she is angry.  He wishes she wasn’t so stressed out.  I’ve heard him say that her job seems to be making her crazy.  He admires how hard she works, but has admitted that it is hard on their relationship and their son.  She seems so unhappy, and sometimes just plain angry.  I wish I could tell her how much he’s doing for her son, and remind her what a great guy he is, but I just feel frozen.  
Sometimes I question if my life has meaning.  I’ve always been there to support everyone else, but no one else seems to care about me.  I am watching everyone else, and listening to their problems, but no one ever seems to notice me.  I just feel like I’m not being appreciated. I feel like I’m only here to support everyone else.
Today was the day that changed me forever, today Phillip came by to see me.  I’ve seen that kid around before, but he’s never really stayed to talk.  He always seems so distracted, he’s never opened up to me.  Today he seemed especially lonely, until he etched his name on my heart, then I realized that I was important to someone.  I was special because someone chose me, and he put his name on me.  I feel like someone finally made me feel worthwhile, and it feels so good.
I don’t know, maybe I should just accept the fact that I am just a park bench…  And maybe this is just my role in life, this is what I’m meant to be.  I’m supposed to be the watcher and not the doer, maybe I’m just here to support everyone else.

The author's comments:

This is a short story written through the perspective of something unexpected.  They descibe their life and question if it really has meaning.  Read this story to to find the one thing that changes them forever.

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