The Figure | Teen Ink

The Figure

January 14, 2016
By MattJuss BRONZE, Tyngs, Massachusetts
MattJuss BRONZE, Tyngs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The cop looked in his rear view mirror at me.  He was an older, white man.  Unlike other cops he did not have a stone cold face.   “So why did you do it?”  he asked me,  “I mean you had so much to lose.  You were a college teacher, right?”

“Then why did you kill them?”  he asked, not sounding like a cop but more, curious.
“What would you do?”
“I honestly don’t know.  My wife passed away years ago, and as you can see I am a bit out of my prime.”  He said joking to himself
“But what would you have done?” I asked, demanding an answer.  The car ride went silent as he drove and kept his focus on the road.  “What would you do if you saw your wife cheating on you?”
“Like I said,  I honestly don't know.  My last serious relationship was with my wife and we did not end up on the best terms,”  he said regretfully.
“What do you mean?”
“I really don't want to talk about it,” he said, turning his head at me.  As he looked at me a dark figure appeared in the middle of the road. 
“TURN AROUND!” I screamed at the cop.  The cop turned around to see this figure and swerved to avoid it only too end up driving off of the highway and sending the car airborne.  It felt as if the world was spinning around me the car was flipping so fast.  The only sounds that I could hear were the sounds of shattering glass,  crunching metal, and the officer screaming which were cut short.  All of the glass from the windows blew out and everything else was in disarray.  
“Hey,  hey!”  I screamed at the cop, who laid still on the roof of the car.  I looked at myself seeing if I was badly injured.  My arms were a little cut up and my leg was in an immense amount of pain with shards of glass sticking out of it.
I started to crawl out of the window of the car and I looked at the mess that was once a police cruiser.  I propped myself up so that I was resting on a tree, facing the highway. Hoping that someone would come along and see the accident.  I did not have my phone or my wallet.  They took those away from me when I was taken in.  I closed my eyes afraid that I would not be able to reopen them.  The pain in my leg was immense. 
I reopened my eyes.  Just too see the dark figure again this time walking down off the highway and towards me. 
“Hello?” I screamed at it, “Who are you? ”
It just kept walking at me in this slow, eerry pace. 
“S-Stop!” I screamed at it “Don't come any closer.”  I closed my eyes and turned away from it.  I held my eyes shut for a while before opening them to see that the dark figure had disappeared and that a crowd of people had started to pull over to see what had happened.  All that they got to see was a broken man on the ground covered in blood confused that if the blood on his jacket was his blood or the cop’s. 
I tried to move but I could not manage to do so.  Not too long after the crowd of people arrived so did a wave of cops.  That had come to  detain me again as if I was the person to cause this accident.  They threw my near dead body forward, the pain in my leg feeling worse than ever before because the cops was stepping on all of my limbs as if they needed to hold me back from doing anything.  It’s not like I could.
They cuffed me and dragged me into another police cruiser.  This time the cops were not trying to start a conversation with me, but instead they had this glared at me.  They probably did not think that I would live much longer, whether they killed me or not. 
We arrived at what I could have only to have been a prison.  I had the worst feeling about being there.  I did not know where that thing came from and now people think that I killed the cop and my wife.  I know what I did was wrong but I could not help it.  I was in a state of pure rage and despite me regretting doing all of it I honestly did not know what else to do.  I would fess up too killing my wife and her “lover”  but not the cop.  Hell thats if they decide to put my on trial and not just send me too the chair.
When the cops pulled off into a spot close too they did not open the door for me.  At first the two cops left me in the car as they went in but then I looked again, they went inside to grab more people.  I actually could not count the amount of people that came out of the prison but it was probably more than twenty.
As soon as they opened the door three of them grabbed me and ripped me out of my seat well six or seven cops held out their guns saying stuff like “If you try anything we’ll shoot” or “Don't move ass hole.”
The three cops that pulled me out of the started to pin me too the floor well the rest of the cops started to strip off my clothing and replaced them with rags.  They also throw a heavy vest over the rags to make it harder to move and a straitjacket over the vest so I was literally not able to move my arms.  This is not too mention my wounds at this point, there was no point in trying to move.  The cops grabbed me and brought me inside. 
The prison and the cells were both empty there were probably three cells with people in them.  They dragged me passed all the empty cells towards the back of the prison.  Here it was damper and more crowded not by much.  But in this block of the prison there were at least one prisoner in every cell. 
We came to a dead end at the back of this block.   They through me in a cell with a bigger guy.  He was sitting in the corner.  The guards slammed the door after putting me in the cell.  They even put a second lock on the door after. 
“Ha,  they messed you up, huh.” The big guy said as he got up from the corner and helped me get up, porping me up against the wall adjacent to him.  “What the hell happened to your leg?  Thats nothing a cop could do.”
“I got into a car accident.”  I said still in agonizing amounts of pain. 
“Are you here cause the car accident?”
“No, a cop was driving here and swerved to avoid this thing that appeared in the road.  I umm, don’t want to talk about why I am here.”
“Too each their own, but you know that people are going to judge you for not saying what you're in for.”  He warned me
“What about you?  Are you judging me?”  I asked him
“How could I not.  You come in here and your leg is torn to s*** and you look like you’ve been through hell.”  He said letting out a hearty laugh “Still not many people get the privilege of being looked up with someone in a straightjacket.  So I could only assume did did something really stupid or you’re a special kind of sociopath.”
“More along the lines of stupid.”  I said with a weak smirk on my face
After that we did not talk very much.  He sat their staring at me well I was trying too go too sleep in the corner that he place me in.
The next day I woke up to officers screaming.  “Wake up, and everyone get on the ground.”
I am still humped over in the corner. The cops break into my cell push me on the ground and held me still.  I look over at my roommate and see them letting him out.  Once they let him out the cops let me go and left the cell throwing a paper bag into the cell. 
Inside the paper bag was a couple pieces of bread and a bottle of water.  As if I could even open the water bottle too get some with the way that I am restrained.  I munch on the bread and attempt to open the water but the attempts were in vain.  I curled back up in my corner and waited for my cell mate to come back. 
Probably an hour later he comes back to sees the torn open paper bag and the unopened bottle of water.  He looks at the guards then looks back at me and smiles. 
“How do they expect you to open the water if you're all bound up like that.” he said grabbing the water, opening it for me, and placing it in front of me. 
“Thanks” I said grabbing the uncapped bottle of water with my teeth pouring most the water down my throat.
He sits down against the cell bars,“It's funny the way you're all bound up and the way I need to treat you, it's almost as if you're a child.”
I spit the emptied bottle out of my mouth,“Yea cause I want too be like this” I said as I laid my head up against the wall. 
“What The..”  I hear the big man scream as I am hit with something.  As I looked up at him, I got to see the dark figure.  Realizing that the thing I was hit with was my cellmates blood.  I looked at my cell mate just too see the dark figures hand through his chest.  The figure brings its other hand up too its face as if it's trying too tell me to shush.  I looked at the big guy blood coming from his mouth.  The dark figure pulls its hand out of the big man and as it does the man's body collapses to the ground. 
“Hey... Hey” I screamed, “What are you?”
The figure waved at me as if it was waving bye and then walked away.  Not long after the wave of cops came running back to see my cellmates corpses lying face down on the cell floor with a gaping hole in his chest.  Most of them were speechless when they saw the big man on the floor with a huge hole in his chest. 
The cops grabbed me picked me up and brought me into a differant room in the prison.  This was a white room with nothing in it,  their was nothing else in here except for me.  As I laid on the floor the dark figure appeared over me.  I just sat there ready too just let it kill me.
“You gonna kill me too?” I asked the dark figure
“I....won’t” The figure responded back faintly
“Oh so you can talk now.”  I responded sarcastically
“I won’t.... do too you, what you... did too me.” The figure replied “I loved you”

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