The Dark Side | Teen Ink

The Dark Side

January 15, 2016
By DanielM65 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
DanielM65 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       Carl walked into the pitch black room, sweat dripping down his face. His black eyes watery because he’s scared. All of a sudden, the lights are flashed right into his eyes. It was like a flashbang grenade was thrown in the room and Carl could no longer see. “ I can’t see. I can’t see,” said Carl. He could see nothing but the color black. Carl worried, violently throwing his arms in the air in case someone tried to attack him. Carl’s vision slowly started coming back and when his vision was clear he saw to two scary men in black suits. Carl was terrified.

       Carl’s black eyes grew more watery than before. The men in black slam a black suitcase on the table and pull out pictures of a girl who was murdered. “ Do you know who this is?” they asked. “Yes of course. That’s my girlfriend Jane,” Carl answered. Question after question, Carl grew restless. He couldn’t take it anymore. He started to get paranoid. Began seeing the black walls melt and the men in black hovering off the ground.
     “What do you want from me! I can’t take it anymore!” he shouted. They told him his girlfriend had been murdered and that he was seen at the scene of the crime. Carl was in awe. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Endless tears ran down his cheeks onto his black shirt. He clenched his fist as he pounded on the black table repeatedly as he cried over the death of his girlfriend Jane.
        The men in black hiding their emotion behind their black sunglasses. Realizing Carl clearly wasn’t involved in the tragic accident, they had him call for a ride home. As he walked out whimpering, his face changes. “You ready Carl?” asked his friend. “One sec,” said Carl as he sprayed down the black body bag.

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NickBe said...
on Jan. 20 2016 at 12:27 pm
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
make more like this I love mystery books