Good Intentions | Teen Ink

Good Intentions

January 19, 2016
By lordrevan98 BRONZE, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
lordrevan98 BRONZE, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fitz Wolfe looked like he had been dragged to hell and clawed his way back. His usually kept mid length brown hair was now long and thin and his well groomed beard was down to his chest.  His suit was frayed and had blood stains all over the chest. When he looked around his apartment, he realized it wasn’t his at all. It must belong to some derelicts peddling cocaine and other such things. the wallpaper was peeling off, and the mattresses were stained with urine.
“ What have I done?” he thought to himself…….

“Mr. Wolfe, are you okay?” a woman's voice said, then again  “Mr. Wolfe?”
Fitz Wolfe looked up from his apparent delusion and calmly said yes, recognizing the woman’s voice as that of his secretary Evie.
“Mr. Wolfe, Ms. Strudwick wants to see you in her office at once. ”
Darla Strudwick was the exact opposite of Fitz: Temperamental, quick to judge, moody, and actually quick to forgive. She did however never forget anything. Ever.
“What is it about?” Wolfe asked.
“I don’t know, she wouldn’t say.”
Wolfe hated going to her office without  knowing what it was about. In fact the whole company hated it. You never knew if she was promoting you, firing you or killing you, in one case. ( Poor guy choked to death on a piece of chicken he was sharing with her.) Fitz made his way through the office, everyone looking at him with confusing stares, some cheering him on, others frowning and saying that they hate to see him go.
Fitz got to Darla’s office and knocked on the door.
“Come in, Mr. Wolfe.” Darla said through the door. Fitz entered her office, and immediately knew what his fate was. Darlas face was too grim for it to be good news, and as soon as he shut the door, his world was shattered.

Fitz fled the office like his life depended on it. When he got home, he noticed some things were missing, like 2 of the swords on the wall, the radio on the bureau and Jemma's dresser was also gone. Fitz ran to the phone and dialed 9-1-1, as soon as they answered, he saw the note, tucked between the lamp and the Iron Throne figurine. He hung up the phone and just stared at it,, unsure whether to read it or not, afraid this will break him. He read the note.
“Dear Fitz,
    I am sorry that I am doing this, but I have to. Everything has just been so irritating and you have been very detached. I try and I try to get something out of you, but now it seems all you want to do is sleep, or stay out all night doing god knows what until 3 o’clock in the damn morning. I’m sick of all your excuses, and don’t even think about trying to contact me. This has been a long time coming, and I am glad to say this is the last time I will ever “talk” to you.
Goodbye forever,
Fitz threw the note to the ground as if it were laced with Anthrax. He started bawling and wondering why this had even happened to him.
“Why the Hell have I been FIRED and LEFT in the same damn day?” He screamed aloud.
Fitz never had any reason to complain, he had a great job, awesome Fiance and lived in a nice part of town. Now, he only had one of these things and was a broken man. He went to the mirror in the
bathroom, and started washing his face aggressively, nearly rubbing away his skin. When he looked up he was smiling a sadistic grin, but it wasn’t his own, it felt as if someone had forced his face that way. Someone started laughing hysterically at him, and he must have been quite a sight. His eyes bloodshot from crying, his face red from overwashing, but a unnerving smile all the same.
    When he turned around, he saw Jemma, in her candy apple red dress she wore the night he proposed. The weird part to Fitz was that she hadn’t worn it since.
“Hello Fitz. Sorry about the note, I felt terrible the whole time I was writing it. I’m sorry you read it, I only wrote it because I had a bad day at work and wanted to let out frustration and wasn’t thinking clearly. I was outside in my car when I heard you yell. How about we clean you up and go to Le Petite Baguette? I know it’s your favorite place to eat.”
    “Okay.” said Fitz.
They got back home at about 10 o'clock, the events of the evening still fresh in Fitz' mind. The Maitre D' brought them to their table, and he remembered the smell of the Vanilla candle and how it overpowered everything. As soon as they were seated, Jemma started touching his face. It wasn't in a romantic way, it was actually kind of forceful. She then pulled his head towards her onto the table and started making out with him. The clamor of the dishes hitting the ground made the whole restaurant turn towards him.
The Maitre D' came out of the kitchen and aggressively asked them to leave. Jemma picked Fitz up called the Maitre D an asshole and casually walked out. Oddly, right after she said that, the Maitre D' punched Fitz right in the face, grabbed him and threw him outside into the pouring rain. Fitz looked up and saw Jemma staring at the street, completely oblivious to anything until Fitz stood.

"Let's get a taxi and go home, this was a mistake, everyone out tonight is a total buzzkill." Jemma said calmly. Just then a taxi came by and stopped in front of her. Jemma opened the door and got in, and as soon as she got in the car, a girl came tearing out of the restaurant and also got in the car.
"Who the hell are you?" Fitz yelled at her. When he got closer, he realized it was his neighbor from across the hall, Devon. Fitz got in after her and asked what she was doing there.
“I’m following you. You're not yourself today. Jemma was telling me all about it in the hallway. Are you okay?” She said.
“I’m  fine, Jemma and I patched things up on the way here.” said Fitz.
“I can see that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Nothing, just that you were thrown out of the restaurant.”
“It wasn’t me, it was her.”
“Okay then, let’s just get you home.”
“Yeah, come on Fitz, let’s go home.” Said Jemma.
When they got home, Devon walked Fitz and Jemma to the door.
“Try to get some sleep, you had a long day.” Devon said.
Fitz and Jemma went inside and went to bed, too exhausted and confused to do anything else. The next morning, Fitz woke up and saw Jemma wasn’t there, but instead Devon was there. Fitz jumped up and immediately tried to wake her up and get her out before Jemma came back. As soon as he touched her head, it rolled to the floor. It was just then he realized the puddle of blood all over the bed and soaked into the carpet.
“Jesus Christ! Holy s***! What the hell?” Fitz yelled. what the hell happened last night? Fitz thought to himself. He looked over the body and saw the sword of Robb Stark laying on the ground a few feet from the bed.  What did he do? Jemma had to have seen this and run away. Then Fitz thought about it, what if she killed her and is trying to frame him for the murder?
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Fitz thought again to himself. Definitely not going to call the police, they would just think that he killed her, judging by the fact that they were in bed together.
“Jemma was never this crazy when we were together, why would she go and pull this?” Fitz said out loud. He started thinking about where he would dispose of the body, and an idea quickly surfaced in his mind to put it in his bathtub and bath it in lye.
“Wait, then the police would know what to check for if they found the remains. A quick check of her neighbors would reveal that I bought a whole container of lye.” He whispered to himself. Then he looked out the window and saw the construction site across the street.
He wrapped the body in a trash bag ( She was very small, so she looked like a bag of trash) and started carrying it across the street. Luckily, it was 3 o'clock in the morning, so no one was in the streets or working at the site. He took a shovel from the tool shed on site, and dug a hole fairly close to the actual hole. Unfortunately, when he looked up from his handiwork, Jemma was standing at the entrance of the dig site. She started running, but the odd part, she was coming straight at him, that’s when he saw the Catspaw Blade( a dagger).
He threw himself to the side and grabbed the nearby nail gun, and while he was lying on his back, he started shooting wildly. When he opened his eyes from the haze of adrenaline, Jemma was 2 feet in front of him with 30+ nails all over body and head. A puddle of blood started forming, making the ground wet like it was muddy. He picked her up and threw her in with Devon and proceeded to re-cover the hole he dug.
Fitz turned on the local news after he did a row of coke, and was quickly horrified by what he saw: “Body found on Cormac street construction site” was the headline, and “Identity confirmed to be that of Devon Dudenhoefer.” Fitz knew that couldn’t be right, he killed two people and buried two, why did they only find one?

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