Obvious | Teen Ink


January 21, 2016
By Lizzy.Signs BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Lizzy.Signs BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up feeling exhausted yet alert. After a moment, it all rushed back to me, like a tornado went through my head and I was looking at the aftermath. The one scene that continued to run through my mind was the obvious secret I found out. Of course I should have seen it coming after following all the clues.
    At lunch my least liked person ever walked up to our table, Joslynne. Just like any feud dealing with girls, it was secret. I gave my brightest smile and tried to sound jubilant; all she did was look at me with disgust. When she opened her mouth, I could detect a storm coming my way. She started to raise her voice and accuse me of stealing her backpack. My first instinct was to defend myself, then I thought I have not done anything. I would never go near her or her things knowing a disaster would come. That was when I realized my backpack was also missing.
“What are you talking about, my backpack is also missing?!” I bluntly said.
    At that moment we both realized it was connected. Even though we despised one another with a passion, we put it aside to dig deeper and find the answer. Right at that moment we made a plan to find our backpacks.
After school that same day, we met with a list of suspects. Ironically, we both had each other as a suspect, but funny enough we made a breakthrough; each list included Susie! She was the student that knew everything but said nothing.
“It can’t be her; it is too obvious.” Joslynne said brusquely.
    As the research continued, the situation became even more stupefying. We decided to take a break and walked around the corner when we ran straight into Susie. She then dropped polaroid photos. She seemed to be in a rush and looked pallid, then suddenly exclaimed, “What are you doing here?!” While she was quickly picking up each photo that had fluttered away from her, confusion quickly spread through mine and Joslynne's thoughts when we heard the accusation even though we were at school.
“We have some questions to ask you.” Joslynne answered instead.
“I need to be somewhere, like right now. They keep reminding me.” Susie replied dazily.
    Then, as if they never ran into one another, Susie turned back around and walked out the school side doors.
On first instinct I was going to go follow Susie, but as I turned away towards Susie’s direction someone grabbed my shoulder. It was just Joslynne.
“Just let her go, she seems more unusual today.” warned Joslynne.
However, before I turned back around I thought I saw a camera flash. Quickly shrugging off the feeling of being watched, I started planning, in my head, a way to go and find Susie and find out if my suspicions about her were out of paranoia or truly accurate.
Trying to sound casual, I mentioned, “How about we go and follow Susie... Just to see if she is a worthy suspect.”
“Let's stay behind until we have another chance to follow her.” Joslynne advised.
“What are we waiting for?” I complained.
“The perfect time Susie is not expecting us to go after her.” replied Joslynne.
The next day we met at the same time and location. We then headed for the general direction we last saw Susie go. At the location we lost sight of Susie she was leaving clues, and they were items from both of our backpacks. First it started out with papers, pencils, and books. Then I started to become worried because the trail suddenly stopped. Before I was aware, I had a rag over my nose and mouth; I was struggling to get it off when I felt a cold sweaty hand around my waist to catch me.
I was restrained down to a cold faux black leather couch, in a plain beige unfinished walled room. Next to me was not Joslynne, but Susie smiling wildly and looking less strained than before. After seeing that face, when waking up, who would have not wanted to jump off the couch and run away.
“Where am I and where is Joslynne?” I growled at her.
“She put up more of a fight than you, but it was easy to store her away.” Susie politely answered.
Feeling like I had no control, I watched Susie start laughing and head towards the door. I heard someone thundering down the hallway and a huge solid fist knocked once on the door, before Susie realized it was too late and had the door open. As surprising as it was, Joslynne was in the room and was cornering Susie.
“Go away! Now!” yelled Susie.
“No! Do not leave me here!” I screamed frantically before she could leave.
“Don’t worry I will help you! Try to see if you can escape.” she said with fake optimism.
Susie ran inhumanly around Joslynne and down the hall far away. While we were talking and was out the door, no longer laughing or happy. Until she found her next victim, that will not fail again.

The author's comments:

It was a grade for class and ended up enjoying getting into my story. I love to have fun with my writing!

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