3:00 A.M | Teen Ink

3:00 A.M

January 21, 2016
By Anonymous

The bright green lights of my alarm clock shown bright, I read the numbers 3:00 a.m then I look away only to see "It".Closer and closer it came the tall dark faceless, sinister figure cloaked in black seamlessly floating closer with every blink of my eye as I lay there paralyzed unable to scream or cry for help only able to move my eyes, it came closer. Until finally I woke up drenched in sweat screaming at the top of my lungs I looked over to where the figure was but it had vanished ,glancing at the alarm clock the numbers read 4:30 a.m  and I realized it was just a dream. I had been having the same nightmare for the past few weeks ever since we moved into this ancient decaying house. Getting up from the bed I go to fetch a cup of water to calm me. Once back I get into bed trying not to hit any of the many boxes that I hadn't gotten to unpack yet and somehow coax myself to sleep. The morning came in a flash and it felt as though I had gotten five minutes of sleep. I reluctantly got up , the house smelled of death, a rotting sickening smell that filled my lungs and made me gag.My mom was running all around the house when she saw me. "Veronica!"She yelled "I thought you had left you better hurry up or you're gonna be late for school"she scorned."sorry I went to sleep late last night I had the dream again." "Veronica those things are just figments of your imagination nothing more I'm headed to work you can walk to school and when you get home try to unpack those boxes also I have to work late." She said abruptly"okay mom bye...love you" I said with hopefulness. She gave me a strange look then left. Those were how most of our days went she dashed out of the house without telling me bye or telling me she loved me. My mom could care less about what I do, where I go or whether I'm alive or dead she is so work oriented and all she ever does is complain about everything and about all the things we don't have as well as always wanting a change in scenery. This new house was her idea of that. My dad ,on the other hand left on a business trip and decided never to come back. There were times when there used to be so much love in our family but it had been stopped when my mom had my sister, Maria, my mom said she was a "still born". Mom spent many nights crying her eyes out and being very distant from me and dad. I guess that's what drove him away. Now I have nobody to care for or to care for me so what's the point of any of this if I can't have the joys of life. Well I didn't have time to think about all of that "nonsense"as my mom calls it. I had to get ready for school. The time at school flew by.I didn't have many friends because all the kids at my school were ignorant and so mindless. Given that I didn't want to be lonely but none of them would even give me the time of day. I rode the bus number 6 home the one that smelled of the processed plastic and rusty metal. The bus got to my stop just as it started to rain I made a run for it and made it home before it got to rough. I made dinner for one and did my homework and went to my room to go unpack the boxes. I looked down at those boxes with great animosity not wanting to unpack them so I just decided to go to bed.In my pajamas I got in my bed and laid down I stayed up and waited to hear the sound of a car door being shut and the front door knob to jiggle. Without realizing it I drifted to sleep. The green light of my alarm clock was bright and I turned to see the figure. I had been fed up with this dream and was done letting it control my mind and body so in my head I told myself that it was just a dream. Again I told myself "it's just a dream..it's just a dream". I woke up with a feeling of relief that I had concurred the dream. Sitting up I glanced at my alarm clock the numbers showed 2:59 a.m then quickly 3:00 a.m a feeling of absolute terror flooded my entire body as I slowly turned my head to the corner of my room and saw "it".

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