My Angel | Teen Ink

My Angel

January 30, 2016
By Anonymous

 AS I approached the lake tis dark figure was standing there. Completly still almost like my shadow when I look at it. My curiosity gets the better of me and approach this figure. It's almost inhuman to be so still. Is it human, the more I look at it the more monsterous it seems. The clouds are moving unusually fast now and the figure almost becomes a blur. I'm sprinting now why is this thing disappearing. The sand conforming to my feet as I press down harder with every stride. I blink, and it's gone. What, what did I just see.

     After that encounter I really needed to relieve some stress. My little red steal boat was in it's usual spot. Hidden under the bushes with just the shiny metal prop to expose its location. It was buried in the sand and struggled to move it. But eventually i prevailed and was off. Just the tiny breeze caused the stir on the lake today. This was unusual. Normally it's like an obstacle course to get to my island far on the north end of the lake . After my 30 minute boat ride I had finally arrived. There it was small enough for people to pass it with the blink of an eye, but amazing things happen in the little details. A slight fog started to develop as I slowly approached my escape.

      The scraping of the loose stone off the hard hull of my transport was my cue to lift the prop. I need to walk the rest of the 50 feet in ankle deep water. " I should have taken my socks off." This strange day continues even on my secluded island. The flock of birds overhead wern't there. I do like my peace but the absolute silence I am experencing now leaves a strange feeling in my stomach. I reach the sandy shores, and my feet leave marks of the only intruder on this island. Me.

      Those trees weren't doing their typical magical dance. I walked past the sand and had the irritation on my feet, almost like my feet sucumbed to the sand. Since this is my island I have made a few changes to it. I use the hole I dug to wash my feet off. The slight protrusion of sticks shows my entering point. It is unnoticable to an untrained eye. I duck under the thicket and begin to enter my oasis. The surroundings in here have been changed my lean to and homemade hammock got knoched over. what happened.

     Out of the corner of my eye there is a blurr of motion. My head snaps in that direction and I only see the remanents of what was standing there. I feel the need to pursue whatever was standing there, but I can feel the air pressure dropping. "There must be a storm rolling in." I had very few options. Try to fix my lean to or pray if I get on my boat lightning won't hit the water. I made the choice and began to fix this diasaster. There was a strange sensation reappearing in the back of my mind. This island only contains birds and me. Iam no longer the only intruder here.

     That annoying itching in the back of my mind wouldn't escape my head. It was eating me from the inside out. " I must figure out this tormenting thought." I drop what I'm doing and pursue the path of where I thought it slipped away from. The only sign I was given was a singular broken stick. This was stranger than just a figment of my imagination. It had the ability to have a physical presence, yet disappeared like a ghost. I look at my own hands and see a worn pair of glove's. I look at my feet and see battered old boots. Why can't I see this on anyone else or this thing. Has all the silence driven me mad or am I part of a select few to see things in a differen't way.

    Time has seemed to slow. I can almost feel with every pound of my heart to blood move through my body. First step. Why must it be so difficult to move at this very moment. I can either find what has been tormenting me for the past few hours or have my fear that's been eating me on the inside come true. Second step. I have taken control over my body than I have ever before, yet it seems that I am a mear puppet being lead along by strings. Have my introverted ways made me who I am or someone I never wanted to become. Third step. Why am I returning back toward my boat. Does this thing wnat me to leave.

    I am still following the unknown. My mind feels like a twilight. The colors around me have now plended together to form a dull grey. Except my boat. I must be 100 yards away from it. Why is everything a dull stangnate grey except my cherry red boat. Is it meant to be enticing. Do I continue to listen to this chosen path towards my boat or do I turn and face the grey. I am still, wind is gone, no noise. Has time stopped? This figure starts to form on my boat. No human created or even dreamt has the ability that this thing has. Why does it keep appearing.

     This mystical figure built itself out of the air. Something like this should not be so numb,dull. Almost lifeless but it had the power to come from nothing. It still stands there. Is it judging me. Is it trying to intice me. It has an unnatural beuty to me. Most would be disgusted by it, but it draws me in. My mind saying no, but my body saying yes. i have no choice but to move forward. Its features so bland, it almost seems to be taken out of a sketch book. Why does it look so beautiful to me.

    I stared at it for so long. The vision in the corner of my eyes began to blurr. It seemed to me that i was staring into a mirror, but I didn't see myself on the other side. It mimicked my moves, its chest moving in sync with mine, yet it wasn't me. As I moved closer it got farther, then it dropped. The ripples of the water were all that remain from where it stood. Not a drop of water but ripples. I walked my way into the water where it stood. Where could it have gone, the water was barely past my waist. Its been a stressful day and bare no more time trying to wrap my head around it. I turn around and walk back to my island.

    As I walk towards the island the water gets deepr. My heart begins to race and my legs start to churn. The water is past my chest now the weight of it pressed against it. I bagin to panic and look up. There it was again. Is this thing my angel of death. My heart begins to slow and I start to relax. I accept what is happening to me now, I no longer have a choice in what is happening. It just sits there now looming over me the water is over my head now. My breaths stay steady and calm as I consume the water. My lungs feel as if I am breathing in lave but I do not panic. That thing reaches down at me. The last breath escapes my mouth and everything goes still. The last thing I see is that thing. I hope it takes me to a place where I can finally be myself.  

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