Snowy August | Teen Ink

Snowy August

February 19, 2016
By LomyKyleson BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
LomyKyleson BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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The first day of snow had arrived right in front of a kind fellow named Jerry Studio. But before we start this mystery of a story, let me tell you about Jerry. Jerry is a good hard working man who would never intentionally hurt anyone. He even donates 27 percent of his monthly paycheck to a charity for kids in Africa. Let me tell you Jerry makes quite the paycheck each month, almost $30,000. Jerry does not have a wife, nor does he live with anyone, he lives by himself in Colorado. He is a tall man with dark hair and blue eyes.
  The only person Jerry could not stand was his close neighbor, Bill. He thought bill was just the worst, he was so annoying in Jerry's opinion. He would brag about everything he got. Bill made even more money than Jerry and had everything, including kids and a wife. He didn't like their kids because they would rip out his grass or dig holes in his front yard. His wife he didn't mind because she was so sweet to him and they got along so well. But anyway, let's talk about the day Jerry almost dies.
It is a snowy day and Jerry thinks this is a little weird that he is having to shovel his driveway in the middle of August. Because it is his off day, he will not worry about shoveling his driveway. So instead, he is going to make some coffee and go watch the news, like he does every day off. As Jerry sits there he wants to know when he can expect a sunny day with nice temperatures. Jerry whips out his phone, pulls up the forecast on the web and notices something he has to look twice at. He rubs his eyes and looks again. The only thing Jerry can see is it is a sunny and nice day today. He also notices the temperature outside is 73 degrees. But he still sees there is snow falling outside. He is so confused. Jerry thinks he is dreaming so instead he decides to go back to bed.
Something Jerry does not notice yet is he is surrounded by neighbors but he doesn't see any. Jerry wakes up from his small nap and glances out the window. The ground he can see is blue? Like his house is in the ocean. He quickly throws on a jacket and steps into his slippers and sprints outside. His house starts rocking as he opens the door. He jumps outside almost falling off the edge of his house. The only thing that held him from doing so was his tight grasp of his door handle! He is swung around like a doll, quickly climbs back into his house, as the door is shut hard by the strong winds! Jerry is stunned. He doesn't know what to think anymore. He has not a clue of what to do. Jerry takes a seat on his couch and looks at his reflection in his TV with eyes the size of his head. The TV suddenly turns on and it's his local news channel, the same thing he was watching this morning. Jerry does not care that his TV just randomly turned on, he actually sees this as a sign. That maybe if he can get signal from his TV he must have service on his phone.
Jerry leaps out of his chair to his room and grabs his phone to call his best friend. The phone rings, rings, and rings, but nothing. Maybe his friend just isn't picking up, but he knows 911 will. The phone rings, rings, and rings again for the third time with answer. His phone says he has service, but it doesn't work. Jerry slowly lowers his phone from his face in anger like he had never felt before. He slams his phone into the table almost breaking it. He thinks he has officially lost his mind, but in his confusion he is suddenly calmed. Jerry feels like he is still dreaming, but this was different, it was so real that when he almost fell from his house he got cuts and bruises. The man was done with everything that was happening, he was even annoyed. Jerry felt like it was worthless to try anything else. It came to his mind at one point to just end himself. There was no other route to take.
Jerry had one more idea to possibly save himself from death. He thought about how a long time ago he bought a kayak for white water rafting with his friends. Jerry even took lessons, so he did know how to use it. He quickly grabbed his gear, dropped the kayak into the ocean, tied it to the house and went back to get his paddle and both of his coats. He opened the door and hoped in the kayak. Jerry noticed a huge storm coming his way but he was already in the kayak and was ready to go. Instead of waiting he took his chances and went struggling through the waves as the wind whipped at his face. He was thankful for the jacket he slipped on before he left.
Jerry knew this was not going to be as easy as he thought. He even thought about turning around and going back, but it was to late. As it got colder and rain drops started falling, Jerry put on his other coat and was warmed instantly. Something was ahead of Jerry. It was big but it was blurry from all the rain hitting him in the face he couldn't see anything. With all the waves rocking him back and forth. It was so intense, hard to bare, and something Jerry wish he had never done. Wind pushed Jerry right onto his side drilling him into the ocean. He was being thrown around like an umbrella in a tornado. As he came back to the surface of the ocean, the storm was completely gone. It was now hot and sunny! Jerry grabbed the kayak and flipped it to get in. He was so confused, he was lost for words. He told himself that he needed to keep going anyway. As he paddled in a direction he thought was safe, he had not a clue were he was going, he just paddled along.
Jerry thought he was safe because the ocean was calm. He felt a slight bump in his kayak but hoped it was a little wave. Jerry knew it wasn't. He knew in the ocean there were hungry creatures below that wouldn't hesitate to eat you. He did not care about what was going to happen, he might have been a little scared but he was already in a bad situation. Jerry stood up and yelled out, "Just Get It Over With Already!". Something viciously smacked his kayak and sent him up in the air, BAM! Jerry had hit his head on the edge of his boat and fell off. He was hurting but tried climbing back into his kayak. But he had no strength to do so.
Jerry was tired and was still trying to get back in, when he finally reached the seat to pull himself up. He just couldn't do it! Out of nowhere he is awoken by a bright entity with brown hair and bright blue eyes the color of the sky, her name was helium, she told him. She tells Jerry that he is just.... But her voice is crypt off as Jerry is thrown into the ocean. Jerry pops back up and shouts "wait I am what". With no response Jerry shuts his eyes. As he is submerged, back into the ocean water, he opens his eyes to see a huge shark swimming towards him. It hit him with great force, not biting him just hitting. Jerry found this odd that the shark didn't eat him. Jerry wanted him to! The shark spun around and swam right back at him. He closed his eyes and waited for a long time. As Jerry opened his eyes it was already there striking him once again.
This time it was different. He watched his life flash right before his eyes. Memory's of his  dead mother and his fantastic family. Then in a sudden blink everything went black into darkness. Jerry arose to a sound of a fan and a small breeze. As he opened his eyes more and more, he noticed his ceiling fan running. Jerry sat up, opened his window, and realized it was indeed a terrifying dream the whole time! He yelled out in joy, "I'm Ok, I'm Ok!" Stood up and realized he did have cuts and bruises that he saw in his dream and cuts that he never had before he fell asleep. He looked at himself in the mirror, "It Was Real" he explained, "But How"? The thing that made his day the worst of all, is Bill the neighbor, rings on his door bell wanting to show him his new car. Jerry in relief hugs Bill then quickly hops back into his house and slams the door on Bills face. Jerry Studio had finally made it home.

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