The Eyes | Teen Ink

The Eyes

February 19, 2016
By saquoiahagan BRONZE, Cascade, Colorado
saquoiahagan BRONZE, Cascade, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My friend Skylar and I have always loved to go hiking every chance we got. Skylar and I have been friends ever since we were little and did everything together. Our families and friends always called us the " trouble twins. " We caused a lot of trouble but always had fun doing it.   But then we experienced the scariest thing ever. We experienced something no other teenagers should go through. This story has taught me many lessons and we have both learned what to do and what not to do. This has definitely changed our life's but we're glad we both have managed through it together. This is our story that we will never forget.

   Skylar and I decided to go on a weekend trip. We wanted to go deep into the mountains and discover new areas. We wanted to see unique sights that were unforgettable. We drove for four and half hours before we decided to stop and unpack everything. We saw numerous mountain peaks filled with tall green trees. When we saw the peaks we knew it was the right place to stop. We then parked the car and eagerly began our journey.

    We hiked to the top of one of the numerous peaks and admired the view. We viewed the pointy peaks and took many pictures for memories. Skylar said " I wish we could stay up here forever."   It was starting to get dark then we thought it would be a good idea to set up our tent and start a fire. We laughed and shared jokes with each other, watching the stars light up the sky. We both fell asleep, but then I was awoken by loud strange noises coming from the distance.

   I woke up Skylar. " listen carefully ". She started to panic and then she grabbed her flash light. As she was shining her light in the distance we saw nothing, we move the light back and fourth with the sound. The anonymous sound began to get louder and louder. She shined her light once again then we saw a pair of eyes glistening back to us. We sat there still not being able to move. We noticed the eyes were getting closer and closer each second. We then stood up quickly then frantically ran. We left everything behind but our flashlight. Our flashlight led our way through the pitch black night. I told Sylar " run faster! "

   We ran and ran, the eyes still were chasing us. Skylar and I were running out of breath but we knew we couldn't stop. The eyes got closer and closer. We were slowing down and it was still very dark and we didn't know where we were, we then paused for a second.  The eyes were then right in front of us, it was breathing heavily and stood high. It then struck us both in our stomachs knocking us down to the cold hard ground. We cried in fear and pain. It was pitch black and we couldn't make out what was attacking us. The eyes then latched onto Skylars leg, I heard her scream in agony.

     We both were scooting back I was pulling Skylar along with me. Her leg was shredded and dripping blood. We were both to weak to go any further but we pushed as far as we could go. I noticed the sun was starting to leak over the peaks. Then I turned back in the eyes direction and there was nothing there. I breathed in relief. I then started to head down the mountain with Skylar latched to my side. We were still shaking and trembling getting closer to the bottom of the mountain. We reach the rode and see a car speeding towards us. I signaled them to pull over an help us.

    The drivers eyes were shocked and then began to help me lift Syklar into the car. We drove to the closest hospital. The driver asked.  "What happened up there?" I was to petrified to speak. People always ask us what happened and how we feel about it now but we don't always tell them because it's to hard. That night up on the mountain was one night we would never forget and the night that changed our view on hiking in anonymous mountains.

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