The Decision | Teen Ink

The Decision

February 21, 2016
By c@|[€€7 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
c@|[€€7 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our parents were out of town, we lived in the neighborhood  of Catahoula. I would say our neighborhood was rather safe, we even had neighborhood watch. Me and three of my best friends were on the Catahoula High soccer team. Brandi was the tallest of us all and she was a striker, this season she had seventeen goals!  Then there was Anna she was the shortest of us all she was the best defensive player I've met. And me, I played midfield. My name is Cady. What I didn't know was in a few hours none of that would matter.
       "I cannot believe we just lost to Bridgewater!" Anna said in an exasperated tone. Neither Brandi or I answered disappointed in ourselves. The car ride home felt like hours, especially in complete silence. Once we got home it finally felt like the cloud of darkness had passed over everyone. All three of us sat on Anna's bed and started gossiping about all the "popular" girls at school.
       "Chloe and Jake are so gross together!" I said disgusted.
       "I don't understand why she has to wear purple everyday."
       "This is a buzz kill." Noted Brandi
Brandi jumped on the bed and started singing can't touch this, but then she stopped. Anna and I looked at her confused.
       There was a short pause, then in the softest voice Brandi asked "did you hear that"
Frightened Anna and we shook our heads side to side, still being silent. Suddenly the lights went out. No one moved. The door was locked but someone slammed it open. I heard a loud squeal from Anna. The last thing I remember was the excruciating pain of something hitting the back of my head.
       I woke up on a slab of cold hard pavement. I blink my eyes open, as things start to get clear I see Anna and Brandi kneeling over me.
       "Where are we?" I asked baffled
       Brandi sadly answered, "We have no idea."
I asked both of them what they remembered and both of their stories seemed to be almost identical to mine. Suddenly I felt dizzy so I sat down. My head hurt so bad, it felt like it was going to explode. I got nauseous and passed out.
       As I woke up I heard Anna and Brandi talking.
       Anna said, "We need to find a way out, she can't make it much longer."
       "There is no way out I've looked everywhere!"
       "You must have missed something"
       In the faint noise I heard a deep voice. "I have a way out."
       "JUST LET US OUT NOW!" Brandi screamed at the intercom.
       "Only two of you will be able to make it out alive, the other must die."
After that everything gets fuzzy. Feeling tired again I start to pass out, realizing I must not have been out too long. Too weak to move.
       I hear Anna was arguing with Brandi. "Why don't we just kill Cady? She is sick and won't even make it through the night."
       "She is our friend we can't just take her down because she is weak!"
       "If we don't kill her now we will all die."
Brandi thought that that was a valid point. She knew that she didn't want to die and that she wasn't strong enough to kill Anna alone. After a few minutes of deep thinking she agreed. I tried to work up the strength to stand up using the anger that my friends would stab me in the back like that as motivation. Once I stood up I finally knew what I had to do. I had to kill Anna. There was a hammer just a few feet away from me and I picked it up. The blood splattered everywhere, I saw Brandi's face.
       "What did you just do?" Brandi asked, her voice trembling from terror.
       "I didn't want to die."
       The voice from the intercom interrupted, "congratulations, you two may now be set free to live normal lives."
        "How Is my life going to be normal after that?!?" I screamed as loud as my lifeless lungs would allow.
       The man threw two blankets through a opening in the door along with some sandwiches. After we scarfed down the food and the drink he opened a door in the back of the room. We slowly started to walk towards the road noticing that we were near the police station. We walked in and it felt like thousands of people bombarded us. People started asking questions and people started cheering and then I saw my parents in a room I walked up to them and hugged them so happy to see them both.
       "I think I need to go to the hospital I don't feel so well." I said in a weak voice
       "We're just glad you're back and safe!" My dad said in the most cheerful voice I've heard in a while.
       "What day is it?" I asked as I started to feel woozy.
       "The seventeenth" the officer replied.
Two years later I was in my junior year of high school. Nothing has been the same since. Two years ago all three of us has a picture perfect plan and an unbreakable friendship. Since that day me and Brandi hadn't talked, I never got the chance to say sorry. Brandi joined with the "popular" group and got a full ride scholarship to a university  in England for soccer and academics. My grief and pain urged me to focus on basketball.after all four years of high school I had a 4.0 GPA and was the star basketball player on varsity. Colleges never came to scout me. Apparently after the kidnapping I got the title of a "murder." Everyone at school was scared of me even though it wasn't my fault. One day I got the courage to go talk to Brandi.
       "I'm so sorry I did that, it ruined my life forever I've got back on track and am exceeding in school and basketball. I haven't got one offer for college so it ruined my life if that makes you feel better. I need you to forgive me for all the pain to go away." I pleaded
       "I never held any of that against you not once. You saved my life and I still get to go to college so thank you for giving me everything I could have asked for."
      When I arrived home last night and I started doing homework. As stressed as I was, I looked back on what Brandi said: "thank you for giving me everything I could've asked for." That line must have ran through my head thousands of times before I found myself locked in the bathroom with a razor in my hand. I thought about Anna and slowly slit deep lacerations down any vein I could find.

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