The revenge love brings along. | Teen Ink

The revenge love brings along.

February 29, 2016
By BreeLynn SILVER, Huntsville, Alabama
BreeLynn SILVER, Huntsville, Alabama
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them.
But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Fifth Mountain

Blood was dripping from the hand that was once attached to the now helpless body. He lay there as his eyes look filled with tears. In awe, I stand there surrounded by the abandoned beasts, who look as if they haven’t eaten in a week. Pleased with the gory scene of a loose hand, and a now forming puddle of blood. The cold stone walls and concrete floor holding in the pain and my pleasure of the appendage that lie on the floor, cut clean off from the body.
My laughter of enjoyment, and the feeling of revenge surrounding us. Anxious for what is about to come next. Standing there waiting, the body that was thought of to be dead, begins to twitch.  Reaching out for help, trying to mumble through his pain.
One hand already detached, the other not. Taking an ax several feet into the air and swinging down as fast as possible making a thud as it chops through the wrist and smacks onto the concrete. Silence fills the room, as the hand drops to the ground.
Moments later the shriek of agonizing pain pierces every ear around. The beasts; German, American, Doberman, and Rottweiler begin to howl in starvation.
The German shepherd’s golden hair rising off of its back in anger. Its teeth razor-edged like the edge of a freshly sharpened machete. 
The American bulldog short but muscular. Leaving a trail of slobber behind every step. Proving a point of viciousness within it.
The Dobermans shiny black coat, now covered with dirt. And ears so pointy they look like horns warning all predators to stay back.
The Rottweiler vicious and needy. Its eyes looking at you as if he just wanted you to show affection, but his snarling says otherwise.
All awaiting for the moment they finally get to taste the chewy, crisp flesh between their teeth. As the smell of freshly surfaced blood, one of the loose limbs are thrown into the cage. They fight to get just a nibble of it.
Now, as I’m pacing back and forth, looking at him in his lying, and cheating eyes. Wondering that at this moment, if he wishes he never had spoken to her, touched her, kissed her, and put that evil demon in her. “A little boy they say it is. He’s so handsome, they say. He looks just like his father, they say.”
In anger the scalpel is picked up and taken to his eye lids. “Better close them or this is going to hurt even more than it should. And you need to participate, because if you lose too much blood, we won’t get to the grand finally.”
His eyes close and the little knife drags across the very top of his eye lids. The dogs are quiet as if they know it’s almost their turn. “You’re eyelids are being taken so you can see every part of the grand finale. You can’t miss it, it’s a once in a lifetime event.” I caress his forehead and continue on cutting. The ripping of his skin, quiet but delightful. Taking the eye lid and setting it to the side, the other one is now being cut, tearing as easy as a piece of paper would.
“There, you’re finished. You look perfect, now you can go to the last stop.” His mouth no longer shrieking for help.
The body lying there all peaceful with no movement at all. Dragging him across the floor, his head bobbing with every step. A trail of blood falling behind. The dogs going crazy as the smell of the meat gets closer and closer. Opening the hatchet to the feeder which lead to the dogs, shoving the body through.
They tear it apart piece by piece. The ripping of the skin and crunching of the bones, enjoying every moment of it. “Enjoy. Even your own kind thinks you’re worthless, you dog.”

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