The Mysterious Camera | Teen Ink

The Mysterious Camera

February 29, 2016
By Anonymous

In the fall  of 2016,My best friend Tengku and I signed up to be in a photography competition. As soon as we signed up, Tengku had an idea of going to buy a new camera for ourselves at  an old shop down town.


When the school bell rang, we both hop on our bikes and ride them to the shop. It only took us 9 minutes to go to the shop. We went in the shop and an old man was greeting us with joy. I asked him that we wanted a good vintage camera. He said its in the back.


When I was walking to find the perfect one, I saw a white vintage camera on top of the shelves. I said that I wanted that camera to Tengku but the old man said that he wanted to give a discount on that camera. Tengku asked why because that camera deserve a higher price. Then the old man said "that camera was my daughters camera. She died 7 years ago because she had breast cancer. But I have allot of things that reminded me about her ." The old man face turned red and tear drops started to fall down his cheeks. "I'm sorry for your lost" I said. Tengku said enough with the sad stories already, cheer up you guys. Then we decided to buy that camera and Tengku and I went home.


It took us only 6 minutes to reach home. When we got back from the store, I and Tengku quickly ran  to go to my backyard to take some  beautiful pictures. We took a lot of beautiful pictures there. Then when we collect all the pictures, I was shocked because there was a blur spot on each picture. I called Tengku and she said that it probably didn't process it well. Maybe I must wait a little longer. Said me to my self.


I waited 3 hours and the picture got clearer  I was shocked because I saw a lady standing at one place in the picture. My hands were shaking when I called Tengku. Tengku came as fast she could  to my house.


Both of us ride our bikes to the store. We got into the store and show the pictures to the old man.  When the old man saw the pictures he said that the lady in the picture is his daughter that died 7 years ago. The man quickly asked us to go out to take some pictures. When we had took all the pictures. There was a blurry spot on each picture but it was not clear yet. We waited until the picture was totally clear. When the pictures were clear, everybody saw all the pictures had a lady standing at the blurry spot. Then the old man said that he wanted to talk to her daughter blond the grave. He said that he has an oujia board in his office. Maybe he can talk to his daughter through the game.


When the old man brought the oujia board to the centre of the store, he told us the rules of playing this game. It is really dangerous and don't play on your own. And please don't let go of your finger on the board. We started playing. Then the old man said "Ohh, and don't forget to always say goodbye. We continue playing the game. The old man ask us to put two finger on the piece of wood and say the magic word. The old man started to ask question. He asked that is his daughter can hear us. Please give me a sign. Then all the lights started to off by its own. I can't feel my legs touching the ground.  I shouted really loud. I heard the old man voice but this time he is talking to a lady. I think he is talking to his daughter. He was saying that he misses her. If he could, he wanted to be with her forever but it is still not his time to go to that dimension.


The lights started to turned on again. When I saw Tengku she was just standing still while her eyes were close and she was shaking. Then I saw the old man is sitting down while tears of joy and sadness fall to his cheeks. He said that her daughter said that she can't go to heaven because he wants his dad to forgive her mistakes that she had ever done while she was alive. And she said that she misses her dad and she wants to see her dad every day. I cried to hear his story. He also said that his daughter said that she is save and she has meet her mother. The man said that one day he wants to be together with his family again till forever. But now is still not the time.


When I was crying, I feel likes that someone is watching us. Then Tengku said that the old man's daughter was watching us and hope that we can take care of the precious vintage camera. I asked Tengku how did she know, and she said that when we were all in the dark. She heard someone was behind her that was saying "Hello" with a cold breeze. I said that I promise that I will take care of the camera carefully.



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