The Haunted House | Teen Ink

The Haunted House

February 29, 2016
By Anonymous

Once there were three best friends, Sarah, Jay and Ben. They were friends since they were toddlers. Sarah is kind, brave and adventures. Jay and Ben were very childish and they both like Sarah but they kept a secret from her so both made Sarah their leader. The three best friends always spent  time together and never let one of them down. Now they're almost eighteen.


It was Halloween. All three were excited for Halloween because that's the last week before Sarah's going to Japan and leaving Jay and Ben in New York. Sarah told the boys that she was excited to go to Japan but both of them just kept quiet. They were sad for Sarah leaving them behind. On the spooky Halloween night the three best friends went to all the houses to get candy. They got so much bags full of candy until they can't even carry. After walking towards the neighbourhood at the end of the road there was an abandon house next to the cemetery near the woods.


People in the neighbourhood say that the house was hunted and mysterious. People say that passerby's always her crying sounds and someone shouting and screaming. Jay and Ben were frightened when they saw the house and tried to ran away but Sarah pulled them and asked them to calm down. Sarah being an adventurous  girl told the boys that she wanted to explore the house and wanted to proof that everybody was wrong. Jay and Ben at first didn't want to go but for their girl,they were willing to do anything . Also, that was her last night so they followed Sarah exploring the house.


The three best friends went in the so called haunted and horrendous  house. Sarah felt like a detective while the other two were very afraid.Jay could almost pee. Sarah checked the rooms and said that the house was very dirty and extremely dusty. She didn't saw any spooky thing in the house so she had a good feeling. When Sarah and the boys went upstairs, they smelt something strange. She opened a door and saw something black, looking very gloomy,glaring at her. Then she realised it was a cat. She was so relived.


After that, Sarah heard a screeching "This house is haunted, you will die", but she ignored. Ben almost fainted when he saw the cat. Ben told Sarah that that's enough exploring for tonight. Sarah agreed and the three of them went downstairs. On the way out suddenly from the back, Sarah knocked over something and fell. She screamed to the top of her lung. Jay and Ben was frightened. They both didn't look back. Then, Sarah said 'Help Me Guys, I'm Hurt!!!". Jay looked back wanting to help Sarah but when he turned his head he saw something small, scary, red eyes, pointy teeth and has a tail but it wasn't a cat. It was just a dusty old lonely little doll. Ben picked the doll up and told Sarah that she knocked over that doll. All of them laughed at the same time were relived. Without wasting any more time, they went home in a relived feeling.


The next day, at school, Sarah invited Jay and Ben to meet at that house again. Her cousin is visiting her so she wants to bring her cousin to the so call hunted mysterious house. Jay and Ben agreed happily so that evening four of them were at the house. Sarah asked everyone if they want to explore the cemetery near the house. Jay and Ben's face changed suddenly. They were afraid again but they still agreed. Sarah's cousin also agreed in a confident way so all of them went to cemetery. At the cemetery, Sarah and her friends walked in the cemetery slowly and slowly. There was fog everywhere.


Suddenly, Ben stepped on something. He look down, saw a bone and scream loudly. Everyone looked at him with his shocked face. Then, they all  ran away from there leaving Sarah alone behind. When everyone got out Jay realised there was one missing. Sarah's missing. He then shouted to call Sarah followed by Ben and Sarah's cousin. Suddenly an old lady came out from the fog holding Sarah's hand. She was the witch from the owner of the house. Everyone was terrified. The witch asked them why they were in her house yesterday but everyone kept silent. Sarah said that she and her friends what to explore and prove everyone that the house isn't hunted.


The witch was shocked. She put Sarah down and asked everyone inside her house to have a cookie. Everyone was confused when  the witch's face turned from nasty and scary to a beautiful fairy. They all wondered why. The witch apologised to everyone of what she had done. Actually the truth was the witch isn't a witch, she is a fairy. Her husband died a long time ago so she was alone in the house. She didn't even had time to clean the house. That cat that they saw yesterday was hers. That doll that  Ben found was a present from her husband before he died. Everyone was very sad for the witch so they all apologised. Then, they all had chocolate cookies baked by the fairy herself. Since that day, they all became friends with the fairy. Sarah the week later said goodbye to all her friends especially Jay and Ben, her best friends from childhood till now.

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