The Coffee | Teen Ink

The Coffee

March 8, 2016
By ALBUMDROPSx2020 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
ALBUMDROPSx2020 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

THE SIP OF COFFEE                                                                                                     

Susan is being dragged through a hallway and she is screaming and kicking but she can't get loose, she starts to cuss and cry but the grip won't loosen, she then gets hit in the head and loses consciousness …  

                       2 DAYS EARLIER
Susan sits alone, on her phone in a coffee shop waiting for her sister to pick her up.She then realizes that she smells like sweat, she just came back from her martial art class, so she pulls out her rose perfume and sprays herself several times with it.
She hears someone walking towards her, it's one of the waiters and he brought her some coffee and told her that it was from the man across the room. She looked at the man across the room, he had hazel eyes with a chiseled jaw, Susan than gave him a smile and raised the cup of coffee as if it was a toast, the man gave a smile back, she took a sip of the coffee while still looking at the man, once she took the sip the man’s smile turned into an evil grin. she felt sick, so she stood up and ran into the restroom and opened one of the stalls and threw up in the toilet bowl but then she started to feel dizzy, she fell down and opened the stall door and tried to crawl so she could get some help, but she started to doze off but before she did she saw the restroom door open and the man from across the coffee shop came in and just stared down at her with the same evil grin from before, she started to lose her sight but before she completely passed out she saw him crouch down and pick her up.

She woke up to a loud bang, she is tied up to a chair and she is also blindfolded but her mouth isn’t covered with anything, but she is too afraid to speak.Susan hears people screaming beside her, they are crying,whimpering,and some are even cursing, Susan knows that crying or screaming wont help her.
Susan hears heavy duty boots coming towards her, she feels the shadow of a hand on her forehead, her blindfold is put down to her nose and she can see but she doesn't  want to look up.
she feels a hand on her chin and then the hand makes her look up, she closes her eyes in horror
but then she hears a voice “Open your eyes” The voice said, Susan opened her eyes
and saw the man from the coffee shop before her.The man looked back down at Susan and stared at her for a few seconds and then said “Why should i let you live?”,
Susan spit in the man's face, but the man didn't give any sign of anger at first but then the man licked the spit off of his face, than said, "Tastes good", than he takes his hand off of Susan’s chin and pulled it back and slapped her, again, and again until Susans face was blood red.
The man picked up Susan and started walking thru a hall with barely any light in it and opened a door and dropped her on the ground, and cut the rope that was holding her hands together, and then spit on her, he then left and locked the door behind him. Susan then started to cry because now she realizes that she can die here, soon Susan cries herself to sleep.
Susan then wakes up to loud screams, she hears a girl yelling and cursing down the hall it sounds like she is being dragged down the hall, Susan then hears the lock from the outside of the door unlock and then she hears the door kicked open. Susan sees the man from the coffee shop in the doorway and he is dragging a girl behind him, he drags the girl near Susan and then drops her and says ‘Here you go,B****” and then spits on Susan again and leaves.
Susan then notices the girl’s face, and she doesn't believe who it is, it is her sister Sarah,she has bruises all over her arms and on her face, Susan gets on her knees and looks down at her sister and tries to wake her up but she won't wake up so she waits for her to gain back consciousness.
While Susan is waiting she starts to sing a song, she starts to sing and when she is done with one song she does another, and another and then when she is almost done singing one of her songs she hears “I don’t like that one” and it's her sister Sarah who said that, Susan gets closer to lizzie and then puts her head down on lizzie's chest and starts to cry.
Sarah sits up and asks “Where are we?”, Susan looks up and starts to look up and says “I don't know yet, but I will”. They both start to hear screams down the hall and gunshots, after every scream they hear a gunshot and then the scream dies out but then more shots start firing, they hear laughing right after. Soon the girls fall asleep.

Susan wakes up to hear the lock unlocking again but this time its unlocking more ferociously
the room is dark inside but when the door opened  a bright light shined in and she was still squinting when he walked in, he grabbed Sarah by the arm and picked her up and pulled her out the door, Sarah stood up and ran towards the doorway but then the door shut closed and she ended up hitting her head on the steel door. she falls down and tries to get up and open the door but can’t get up, she then sees the door opened, then she sees the man come in and grab her by her hair and start to pull her out the door, now Susan is being dragged through a hallway and she is screaming and kicking but she can't get loose, she starts to cuss and cry but the grip won't loosen, she then gets hit in the head and loses consciousness. she than wakes up in the same room as before kneeling down, and she then sees Sarah blindfolded in front of her, the man is standing behind Sarah and he then pulls Sarah’s blindfold off and then pulls out a pistol and aims it at Sarah’s head Susan starts to cry and she than starts to beg, she says “Kill me please, just don’t kill her”. The man looks at Susan and points it at her and takes off the safety Susan then says “Thank you”, Then the Man said “Don’t thank me yet” at that moment he takes his pistol off Susan and aims it at Sarah’s head and the Bang!, he shoots Sarah in the head and all of Sarah’s blood from her head sprays on his face and he then looks at Susan with a evil grin and then having his pistol still aimed at Sarah’s body he keeps on shooting her one shot after another till there are no bullets left in the gun. Susan starts to cry and scream but the Man’s posture is still the same, he then starts to walk towards Susan, when he gets right in front of Susan he then says “Now you can thank me”.
The man leaves the room and goes somewhere in the hallway, Susan gets up off her knees and runs towards Sarah’s body. and she then falls down and gets on her knees and looks down at her sister’s body and starts to cry. A deep feeling of anger starts to build up inside her, she then starts to clench her hands into fist and then starts to get up and starts to walk into the hallway that the man was at, he didn’t see her coming or at least she thought, she then swung at The Man sitting down in the chair in the hallway but the punch didn’t land instead it stopped, she looked at her arm and saw The Man’s hand on her wrist, the man looked up at her then said “You're gonna have to try better than that”, he then twisted Susan’s wrist and then got up and punched her in the stomach and let go of Susan’s wrist. Susan stepped back and started to hold her stomach because her stomach started to hurt she then tried to swing again but he then kicked her down to the ground, Susan fell down and ran into the big room where her sister’s body is, she then started to look around for a weapon but instead of finding a weapon she finds all the other girls bodies in a pile in one of the corners. she tries not to scream and covers her mouth with her hands, but she then hears The Man’s heavy boots hitting the concrete floor, Susan runs towards the pile of the dead bodies and jumps over them and hides behind the pile.
The Man then starts to walk slowly towards the big room and then stops and starts to laugh
he then looks straight at the pile of bodies and starts walking over to them and he then stops right in front of the pile and then turns around and sees Sarah laying down on the floor calling for Susan, The Man then starts to walk towards Sarah, once he gets close enough he then picks up his foot and starts stomping on Sarah’s head, he then started sniffing around and then said "Hmmmm Roses" he then starts to walk back to the pile, and , he then starts to sniff the air “Hmmm roses”
he then started to walk towards the pile of bodies and put his hands on the bodies and started to pull the bodies off of the pile and then once he started to get towards the bottom of the pile Susan then started to crawl towards the other side of pile and then she got up and started to run towards The Man while he wasn’t looking and punched him in the face, he didnt go down as expected and then turned his head looking at Susan and said “Is that all you got?”, susan then started to punch him in the stomach but he wouldn’t go down, With a smile on his face, he looks up and say’s “fear will make people do unexpected things” and starts to laugh it wasn’t just any kind of laughter it was the laughter of a demented person. He looks down at susan with the same grim that he gave to at the coffee shop, one quick swift kick and the stomach and said “there we go now thank me again B****”  then kicked Susan in the chest and then tried to stomp on her head but she moved out of the way before he did, she ran into the shadows as fast as she could. The Man then started to look around, “You can run, but you can’t hide” The Man said, Susan was trembling in fear she started to move her hands against the walls to see if there was anything she could use as a weapon, she then found a fire extinguisher and then ran towards the man and blew out all the chemicals from the extinguisher in The Man’s face so he couldn’t see and when he finally wiped all the foam  from his face Susan ran towards him with the empty metal fire extinguisher and hit him right on the head, he went down fast.

The Man wakes up tied to a chair, Susan is standing in front of him, looking down at him with a wooden plank in one hand and the gun The Man had in the other.
Susan put down the plank and took the safety off of the pistol and aimed it at The Man’s head, and when The Man thought it was going to be over Susan moved her aim from The Man’s head to his kneecap and pulled the trigger BANG! The Man’s left kneecap is bleeding, “You B****”
The man said in a angry tone, Then Susan points the gun at The Man’s right kneecap and pulls the trigger BANG! “No foul language” Susan yelled, Susan threw the gun far away on the floor and picked up the plank and swung the plank as hard as she could towards The Man’s kneecap, The Man yelled in agony but susan didn’t care she wanted revenge. she then turned to look at a corner of the wall, she then started to walk towards it once she was close enough she swung the plank into the corner breaking the wooden plank into two sharp ended pieces, she then picked up both pieces of the wooden plank and started walking towards The Man, as she was walking towards him she kept on seeing her sister Sarah’s face getting stomped on, a deep feeling of anger started to build up inside her until she couldn’t hold it in anymore, she started to walk more faster and faster until she was right in front of The Man, she then said “You know i really like your jaw, too bad no one else will after this” she then pulled her hand right arm with the sharp part of the plank sticking towards her, and swung as hard as she could and broke his jaw , and put both sharp sides of the wooden plank facing the floor and picked up her fist and dug the wooden planks into The Man’s shoulder’s.
The Man than yelled in pain and tried to cuss at Susan but no words could come out since his jaw was broken, Susan then grabbed the part of the wooden planks and started to twist them until The Man’s shoulder looked limp.
Susan then walked a few steps back, and started to laugh,”How does it feel to be the prey”
She then walked towards him and punched him in the face again and again till his face was dripping with blood. She kicked the chair over and he fell back, Susan then put her foot on his face and said “Thank you” and then stomped down and made his skull collapse.
She then walked towards one of the corners of the room and sat down and put her head into her hands and started to cry, she never stopped crying, she kept on crying until she fell asleep.
Susan woke up two hours later screaming and started looking around fast and then realized where she was at, she was still back in the room in the corner. she stood up and tried to find a way out, she then saw a bright red sign that said EXIT. Susan opens the door to see that she was actually in a big basement in a old mansion on a ranch. So Susan ran towards the nearest house, when she finally got to a house she knocked on the door and asked if she could use the phone. Once Susan got the phone she then called 911 and told them everything that happened.The police then came to pick her up to take to the police station, while in the squad car a voice in the Radio came out and said “Hey  Sarge are you sure, this is the right place?”, “Yes, that’s the only old mansion in town” The Sarge said 
“Well, The building is on fire, and i don’t mean like a little bit of fire like I mean that the whole damn place is engulfed in flames” Said the voice in the radio.
“I’m heading down there with the victim” Said the Sarge

Susan and the Sarge get to the mansion in 5 minutes, and Susan can’t believe what she is seeing the whole place is engulfed in flames.
She looks towards one of the cracked windows at the top and sees The Man in the window looking down smiling at her. Susan then runs towards the sarge and tells him to look up at the cracked window, The Sarge said he doesn’t see anything. But while he is saying that she is still looking up at the cracked window and see’s The Man up in the window and he is holding a body with a white sheet over the body on a rope and the rope is holding the body by the neck. When the body spins in the air by the rope Susan sees the face of the victim, it’s her sister Sarah but her face isn’t stomped in like before instead her face looks like a greyish color and she then hears Sarah’s voice but it isn’t her normal voice it sounded more raspy and demonic like.
“Why didn’t you save me Susan?!!!”, Sarah said.
“I couldn’t save you” Susan then said
“Why couldn’t you save me?”, Sarah asked
“Why,Why,Why,Why couldn’t you save me Susan, WHY!!!!!!”, Sarah yelled
The question kept on going over and over again in Susan’s head until she couldn’t take it anymore.
“I DON’T KNOW, I DON’T KNOW, I DON’T KNOW, I DON’T KNOW!!!!!!”, Susan yelled
The Sarge heard her yell and grabbed Susan’s shoulders and took her away from the mansion, but while they were walking they heard “Goodbye Sis” and then laughter behind her then a loud sound, that sounded as if a body fell.
Susan turned around and saw a body with a white sheet covering it on the ground, Susan then ran to the body and started to cry, when she got to the body she kneeled down and took off the sheet covering the body’s head and then saw her sisters smashed in face right before her, she looked nothing like before but this time her sister had a smile on her face.

The author's comments:

This is my own story that i created in the beginning of 8th grade i hope u enjoy

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on Apr. 11 2016 at 10:32 am
ALBUMDROPSx2020 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
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