Grocery Shopping | Teen Ink

Grocery Shopping

March 11, 2016
By adairahrain BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
adairahrain BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    He had that itch. The one that started at his fingertips, ran up his arm and spread throughout his body like an infection. It was that same itch he’s had many times before. He was bored and his hands were getting bored. It was time to go to the grocery store.

     He scanned the aisles; did he need apples or bananas? He couldn’t remember, but it didn’t matter. That’s not what he was shopping for today. He turned down a new aisle, the humming of that cart’s wheels echoing off of the shelves. He felt himself having a skip in his step as he walked down the aisle; it felt good to scratch that itch. Memories began coming back to him. His eyes drifted down the aisle and he remembered this aisle suddenly… the bread, the girl.
     She was about 26, or he assumed so based on her teeth. That’s why he was attracted to her in the first place. She had the whitest, straightest, most beautiful teeth he’d ever seen. She had flashed him a warm smile that had blinded his dark eyes. The moment he saw those teeth, he knew he had to have them. That would calm his itch.
     They were a pain to pull out. He had to use a wrench and a drill just to make a dent before using pliers to pull each tooth out, one by one. It was quite messy, messier than he had expected. He hadn’t meant to kill her; she had just lost so much blood. He couldn’t believe how much gums could bleed. Poor girl. She was a mother too. He felt bad for her children. He decided to make them a gift, a necklace, made out of their mother’s teeth. So that way they would always have a part of her. He never gave the necklace to the children, for he loved the necklace he had made so much. He had spent hours brushing each tooth until they twinkled in the light and painting over the remaining bloodstains. He couldn’t believe how white the teeth turned out. Why, he thought he could be the best dentist in the world! He slid his yellow stained fingers underneath the collar of his shirt and rubbed one of the teeth. He closed his eyes, having a moment of silence for her.
     “Finding everything alright today, sir?” A voice interrupted his thoughts. His eyes flashed open and stared straight into a young women’s eyes. He stepped back, bewildered by her skin color. She was black, but not just black. Her skin looked like a fresh blackberry and if you took a bite, the inside would be warm and juicy. He imagined her skin felt like velvet. My god, all he wanted to do was press his face against her and feel her silky skin. Did she taste like chocolate? His itch began to tingle throughout his body now. The teeth were no match against this girl’s luminous skin.
     “I’m doing quite well, thank you...” his voice trailed off, looking for her name. She straightened herself up and stuck out her nametag,

     "Angelia,” she told him.
     “Yes, yes, Angelia. Would you mind showing me where the restrooms are? I’m quite old and find myself having to go nonstop,” he asked her.She blushed at his remark and her skin turned a bit pink. Fascinating. She is like velvet. He thought to himself. She led him down the aisle and towards the back of the store, leaving his empty cart behind.
     “Do you need your cart sir?” Angelia asked him.
     “Not anymore, but please, call me George,” he told her. He didn’t need the cart anymore; he had found what he was shopping for. They continued further and further towards the back. He knew the way already; he had been to this bathroom plenty of times before. Sometimes to actually go and others… well, to scratch his itch.
     “Here they are sir, er, excuse me, I mean George,” Angelia said once whey arrived to the bathroom. George reached into his pocket for the rag that had chloroform already on it.
     “Would you mind opening the door for me? I’m afraid my arms aren’t what they used to be anymore,” George asked her, looking helpless as possible.
     “Oh, why of course!” Angelia exclaimed and stepped ahead of him. She pushed the door open with ease and turned back to look at him. George took a quick glance around to make no one was watching and lunged at her. It only took one swift, elegant move, almost ballet like, to grab her and close the rag over her mouth. “Oh, excuse me sir!” Were her last words as his hand firmly clasped over her mouth. He felt little bites on his hard fingers from her nipping; her teeth didn’t feel the same. He held on tightly, arm wrapped around her neck until she stopped squirming in his embrace and hung loose like jelly in his arms.     

     After he had stashed her unconscious body in his car parked by the emergency exit, he realized that he had actually needed to buy something. He went back inside.
     “Find everything alright today George?” Asked a cashier named Kyle, who knew George was a regular. George glanced at the cake mix being checked out and smiled.
     “Oh yes, I found everything I needed today.”
     “Baking tonight?” Kyle asked, raising an eyebrow at George.
     “Yes indeed, red velvet.”

The author's comments:

     I usually write about teen romances and realistic fiction, so this style of writing was new for me. I hadn't ever really pushed myself to write anything else than what I was comfortable with. I had just recently finished watching American Horror Story, and thanks to that show, I was able to find out how dark and creepy I could get while writing Grocery Shopping.

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