6 weeks | Teen Ink

6 weeks

March 11, 2016
By Sharkfs7 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Sharkfs7 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

6 Weeks
5:34 P.M.
Los Angeles, CA
Morsel Tavern Bar, 16th St.
Case # - 3245D-4FG55-13WE3
“So hey my name is Lisa, what’s yours?”
“The name… is Thompson; want me to buy you a drink?”
    “Sure why the heck not.”
  As they talked for a good hour as they talked they seem to notice someone walk by who look of. They laugh and as they drink they thought it would be a good idea to be out right jerks to the poor guy. The man ran as hid within the darkness outside of the tavern
“Any ways I have to go can I get your number”
    “Ugh sure why not here you go why don’t I walk
  They call a cab and hope they get home but that is not what happens. The cab drops them at an alley way somewhere north of where Lisa lives.
   “Like what the f this is not my house oh great where is Thompson he left like that jerk” and she walks down the alley but seems to notice something strange. “What is that? Is that Thompson what happen here...? Oh god what the heck what is that ahhh! Help please help me god help nooooo!”
   It drags her down into the darkness leaving her blood lined on the floor but I wonder what really happened here. Her new boyfriend is well painted on the wall.
4:54 P.M. Next Month
                     Day 1- A New Start
The name is Amelia James and I am heading out to find a place to live.  It has been fun here in Carolina but I want to start a new in Los Angeles. My friends and I are heading to the airport to go to LA but when we arrive I can’t wait to explore the city.
“Amelia you coming we are heading out today to explore the city?”
   “Sure Cheyenne let me just unpack my case okay.” 
         “Okay see you at the café.”
  It is going to be such a great two months here I can’t wait. It feels weird walking down here. Why is it so cold? I mean come on it is like 78 degrees. Okay whatever I can see the café. I wonder I told Cheyenne how it felt outside and she was like really it was so warm. I was so confused I mean really it felt like 23 degrees outside
   “Let’s go meet with Tucker okay he is waiting inside.”
       “Okay let’s go.”


“Were where you guys I was waiting here like forever.”
  “Well Amelia was just talking about how cold it is today even though it is 78 degrees.”
“Well it not my fault that it was like really cold today. So what have you guys been up to?”
   “So anyways where is Felix.”
“He is working, how else is he going to pay the house we bought and maybe we should find jobs to.
Well it was a fun night for me and walking home with my friend really help lightens the mood. Anyways it has been about an hour since we left and Felix should be at the house.  Why does it get so dark I mean come on? I get my phone out and use the flashlight app. We made it home and surprise Felix was there and asks where have we been and so we talked and party till the next day.
                     Day 2 A dark secret

The author's comments:

A slow start to a thrilling story. A group of friend head to La where they want to start a new life but instead. they come face to face with someone who wants them dead. who will survive in this horror filled short


in the commet say who should die first 

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