Visting Grandma | Teen Ink

Visting Grandma

March 11, 2016
By giannat9 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
giannat9 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Hamilton’s pulled up to the familiar house with the giant grey door, as Anna's parents faces lit with excitement, she wasn't impressed. She glared at the mansion through the backseat window.
"We're here!" Anna's mother said.
"I'll get the suitcase out of the trunk, you guys go and say hello to your mother," Anna's father replied.
Anna and her mother walked up to the aging house with the dying plants that surrounded the entry. All the windows were dark and everything about the house just gave Anna and uneasy feeling. Her mom knocked on the door and they waited there for a minute until Grandma answered the door.
"Aren't you excited hon?" Her mother asked.  Anna didn't reply.
"Anna, what's wrong? You haven't said anything since we've gotten here and during the car ride" Her mom questioned her.
"Nothing is wrong, I'm just not that excited to be here," Anna replied.
"It's the first weekend of summer and I just want to spend time with my friends and you know how grandma’s house gives me the creeps." She answered.
Their conversation is interrupted when grandma finally answer  the door. "My favorite girls! It's been too long," Grandma greeted them. "Jenna my favorite child! How have you been?" She said as she gave her daughter a hug.
"Your only daughter," Jenna, Anna's mother, laughed, "But I have been really well, excited for summer!"
"And my lovely little Anna," Grandma grinned as she gave Anna an uncomfortable hug. "Where's Jim?"
"Oh, dad is just getting the suitcases!" Anna answered.
"Well you guys come on in, it’s so dark out here."
Anna stepped into the massive entry of the mansion with a double staircase and shiny tile floors. She looked up and recognized the big chandelier she used to admire when she was younger. Her mother noticed her observing the house, "It's been a while, huh?" Jenna pointed out.
"Well last time I was here I was so young, I barely remember it," Anna replied. But as Anna was looking around trying to make some sort of memory her stomach started to turn and she tensed up. Something just wasn't right.
"Are you guy’s hungry?" Grandma offered as she let Jim inside.
"Not really I think we are all just tired, it's late," Jenna said.
"Yeah, I want to go to bed, "Anna said.
"Alright then. I'll show you where you can sleep," Anna helped her father with the suitcases as Grandma led them upstairs and down the narrow hallway where they stopped at a room. "Jim why don't you and Jenna make yourself comfortable here, and Anna once you father your things you can sleep in the room just down the hall." Grandma explained.
"Thank you so much Denise, sorry we didn't make it until this late." Jim replied.
"It's really my pleasure and please this is early for me, but I will let you get to bed. Sleep tight."
As the family unpacked their suitcases Anna had a few questions, "How long are we staying here?"
"Just until Tuesday." Jenna answered.
"Four days!?" Anna complained.
"It won't be that bad, I know how you don't like grandmas but it's important that we spend time with her now that grandpa is gone." Jim explained to his daughter.
"We will survive Anna, trust me." Jenna assured her.
"Maybe you guys will, but I might just die of boredom," Anna joked with her parents, "but this house gives me the creeps and now with grandpa home I don't think I'm gonna be able to fall asleep."
"We understand Anna, but we have to be here for grandma," her mother told her.
"Had grandma still not told you what happened to grandpa?" Anna questioned them.
"No sweetie she doesn't want to talk about it," Jenna explained.
"Well it's kind of weird she didn't tell anyone about what happened, and she didn't even have a funeral for him, like he was your father too, you deserve to know." Anna said.
"Well Anna that is part of the reason we comely this weekend, hoping grandma would open up," Jenna told her.
"I guess that makes sense."
"Okay well mom and I are ready for bed, why don't you get your things and head to your room," Jim instructed his daughter.
"Okay, goodnight, see you tomorrow," Anna said.
"Goodnight sweetie," Jenna said.
"We love you," Jim added as Anna walked out of the room and made her way down the narrow hallway.
She walked down the hall and she glanced into the mirror that hung on the wall with peeling wallpaper. As she paused to fix her hair she gasped with horror when she saw a smiling face behind her reflection. She froze up, "Grandma?" Anna said as she turned to see if someone was there and no one was, she looked back into the mirror and the reflection was gone. Terrified Anna quickly ran to the room and locked herself in her room and flicked on the lights, breathing heavy her heart was beating faster than ever, she tried to process what just happened.  She headed toward the closet to put her things in and as she opened the door the lights flickered off and she was pulled inside by someone, she tried to let out a scream but her mouth was covered by a hand. She kicked and struggled to fight against the person who had her. Anna continued to try and yell.
“Shh,” the person said, Anna recognized it, it was her grandmother. Grandma release her hand from Anna's mouth.
Anna yelled, “Dad, help me, mom, help!”
“They can't hear you” Grandma laughed.
“What are you doing? What do you mean?  Grandma it's me!” Anna tried to reason with her.
“It's too late now, you're next.”

The author's comments:

I hope people enjoy this piece I was inspired by a friend in class telling me about going to visit their grandma. She told me about the old house and it gave me an idea to write this creepy thriller.

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