The Proposal | Teen Ink

The Proposal

March 15, 2016
By smasek BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
smasek BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A burst of cool air swirled around me as I slammed my wooden door shut. I put my back up against it, let out a drawn out sigh, and dropped my shoulders. The press only wanted answers but I had none to give. Ally has been missing for four long days now. The last breathe she took was on Sunday at 5:46pm. The police haven't found any leads to where she could of gone. Was she kidnapped? Was she murdered? Did she run away? They will never know. What good are the police? Slowly, I pulled out the sparkling diamond ring. It was very simple the way Ally liked. It had a shiny silver band and a singular diamond in the middle. I fondled with it between my fingers then laid it in the middle of my palm and starred at it. It was gorgeous, kinda like Ally. I miss her so much. Her vanilla scent, her dazzling smile, the dimples that sat right in the middle of her cheeks, I miss everything. Maybe she shouldn't have turned down my proposal and she'd still be alive.

The author's comments:

It has an unexpected twist at the end and I think stories are better when they end that way.

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