The Nightmare | Teen Ink

The Nightmare

March 24, 2016
By gmorris99 BRONZE, Delmar, Delaware
gmorris99 BRONZE, Delmar, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our flaws are what makes us perfect."

-Machine Gun Kelly

Being home alone isn’t so bad, unless your parents are half way across the country and there’s a strange man banging on the door. Alyssa is a sixteen year old girl who is home alone for a week while her parents on a cruise. Her parents asked her aunt Susan to stop by each night, just to “a check up” on her. On this night, when her aunt had just called instead of actually going there and checking on her, she didn’t think much of it. She had been given money for food each night so she had ordered pizza this night, and when she heard knock, knock, knock on the door she thought it was the pizza man. It was not.

She started to unlock and open the door but she remembered her mom saying, “Oh, and honey don’t open the door for anyone unless you look out the window first.” So she looked, and it was not the pizza man like she’d thought. It was a strange, weird looking man who had ragged clothes on and a dirty face; he obviously hadn’t had a hair cut for some time. She yelled through the door, “Who are you?” There was no answer. She yelled through the door again, “What do you want?” There was no answer, again. She walked away from the door and proceeded to get to the phone to call the police, but before she could there was a loud BANG, BANG, BANG! at the door. She was so scared, she grabbed the phone and ran upstairs to hide.

She called the police, “HELP, there’s someone here and he won’t leave!” She then gave the police her name and address, they said they’d be there right away. They weren’t. The strange man barged in rapidly, knocking things down, breaking anything in his path. She was petrified, not knowing what would happen. He came to her room, she was closed up hiding behind everything in her closet; of course he found her. He snatched her up, she tried to scream but nothing came out, she fought him but he was too strong. After that, it all went fuzzy, and dark. She woke up the next morning, not knowing where she was or how she’d got there. She was so weak, maybe he had drugged her.

She was alone for seven days, no food, no water. Nothing. On the morning of the eighth day, he came into the room where she’d been and handed her a dirty cup of water, and a piece of bread. Then he left. Ten minutes went by and he come back. He took her by one arm and flung her against the wall with a huge force, she heard her arm crack against the wall. She screeched, “Why?, Why are you doing this?” He never spoke. A few more days passed again with no food, or water. She heard a car engine outside of the room she’d been trapped in, it was his truck. He was leaving. She tried so hard to open the window but it wouldn’t budge, she thought she’d take a chance by sneaking out of the room but the door was locked and there was nothing she could do to break the lock. She didn’t understand why someone would do this to her, or to anyone for that matter.

  All she could do was lay there and sob in that cold, dirty room. She heard him pull up, and he walked in the room to her. He snatched her by the hair, practically pulling it from her head. He smashed it twice into the hard concrete floor with one hand, an axe in the other. While she was down he smashed her face in with his steel toe boots.While she was flooding the floor with blood, he finally spoke, “No one will miss you.” He took the axe and plunged it into her brain. Then she woke up.

The author's comments:

This is a suspensful piece, with a twisted ending. 

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