the pointe shoes | Teen Ink

the pointe shoes

March 20, 2016
By queenmaira BRONZE, Miami Fl, Florida
queenmaira BRONZE, Miami Fl, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

          After an hour at the academy talking to the dancers, I found out one of the girls name Sam hate Sarah guts, she said
                   “They were always competing”. I felt like I should tell Sarah to see what she think, so I went back to the office to call her. When I got there I already had a voicemail from Sarah, I pushed the button to listen
                       “It’s her I didn’t want to believe it but it’s her, I’m in the closet she’s trying to kill me” she said before the line went dead, I hurried and grabbed what I needed and rushed to Sarah’s apartment. I got there and went to her door to find it busted open, so I just walked in and knocked stuff over, remembering that she said she was in the closet I ran to the room and by the door there was a pale of orange soda. I looked by the closet to see Sarah on the floor with a pale of blood under her head, I flipped her over to see that she’s been shot in the head. I looked a for clues but found nothing, so I just called the cleanup crew to take her body to the station, after they cleaned up everything I left and went back to the office to figure stuff out. I pulled up to the office and walked in only to see that I had another voice mail,
                              “What’s it now” I said to myself before pushing the button to listen
                               “I didn’t mean to do it, I just wanted to be the best dancer at the academy, please don’t put me in jail I’ll never dance again” the person said before the voicemail ended. I learned back in my chair so I can think, then Mia name popped up in my head. I called Mia and got no answers so I started to get suspicious, I decide to just go to her house to see if I get any clues, I pulled up to her house and walk to the door to see that there was a note on it, it read
                                “She too much”. I touched the door but to my surprise it was open, I just walked in slowly to see a line of blood on the floor from the door to the Livingroom. I look at where the line stopped In the Livingroom and there on the floor is Mia, there she laid with her face beaten and a pointe shoe on her chest
                                     “So I’m guessing she got beat to death with a pointe shoe” I said to myself. I looked around for clues and found a dance bag in the corner with Sam name on it and that was all the clues I needed, I called the cleanup crew and headed to the one place I knew Sam would be the academy

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