Craving Blood | Teen Ink

Craving Blood

March 29, 2016
By sannevanvliet BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
sannevanvliet BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He was walking through this landscape, the one he once saw in a different way.  Apparently he did not realize what was going on. While he was looking around, he started to recognize things of the previous night. Slowly, the world started to have some color again. First he thought they were just some black spots, he had seen them before when he was dizzy. There were puddles of black oil, splashes of sable-colored ink on the stones around him.
It did not surprise him that his hands up to his elbow had exactly the same shade. He also discovered the metallic odor that tickled his nostrils. He sniffed his hands. His body was surrounded by the same smell. Metal, what I smell is metal. I smell the copper in blood.
Blood? His heart started pounding in his chest. His breath was trying to imitate his previous physical state. The one that he was used to. The colors started filling up his world again.
He was standing right in the middle of a puddle of blood. He turned and looked around and noticed that he was surrounded by limbs. Severed limbs. Arms, legs and pieces of the upper body. Bodyparts he hardly recognized were right under his feet.
The rocks in the area surrounding him looked like they had been painted on. Blood-red spots, stripes and splashes. It was like someone wrote on the rocks in an unexplainable language. A bloody story about pain, torture and indescribable suffering. It was like a bomb crater, like he was standing in the center of the destruction.
He started to panic, a weird panic that filled his heart. The fluid that ran in his veins started to coagulate when he saw the pieces of the human body on the ground. He felt the bitterness of the rising bile rising in his throat. His first reaction was disgust, but then he felt a weird feeling of satisfaction in his whole body. Something inside of him admired that color, the color of blood. The scattered pieces of the human body were the only things on his mind.

There was something on his lips, a thicker kind of liquid. Without even realizing it, he started licking off his lips. He could not describe the taste of the liquid. There was a force inside of him, a force he had never felt before. He tasted the sweet, strong taste. His stomach was not protesting anymore. He felt a full and complete sense flowing through his body. He felt that strong feeling growing from his stomach to his arms and legs. Eventually the warm feeling hit his head and with every second, the world started to get more clearer.
He discovered colors in different shades, almost a hundred new colors he had never seen before. Everything was clearer and every object was surrounded with a black line. He started hearing things, things he could not explain. When he heard a spider walking around his web, and could easily tell what the bird was eating in that tree, he realized it. He just knew.
He would never be the same again. He would never see and hear the things like he used to see and hear them. Before, the world was grey, with not even a sparkle of life. His different body condition showed him a total different world. He felt like his eyes finally opened. He could feel and see now what a wonderful place this world was. Unfortunately, this awesome physical state he was in, came with a price. He would have to fight everyday for the rest of his life. He would have to suffer and even kill until the last day he was part of the earth. It was like a strong desire that he felt in his heart. He felt the urge going through all of his veins. The taste and especially the smell that made him go crazy. This feeling was even better than pure lust and true love.
This was his calling. This feeling was so strong that he had to answer it. The blood in his body was screaming and shouting and he felt like he could not stop himself. It was murderousness, the craving for blood. He would give his life up just for a drop of fresh human blood. This was the only thing he would want to live for.

Whoever he was before, was in the past. It did not matter anymore. He got a different body with different and more senses. He became a different person. He was faster, stronger, more independent and a professional in everything that he did. He knew his name was Robby James, but the sound of that name almost made him sick. He would separate himself from everyone and everything he once knew. From now on, he was stronger than anybody. He would walk on the earth being the king of blood. From today on, Robby was in the past. He was reborn that day. He named himself Franklin. Franklin George Payne, the vampire.

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