Happy Days: Part 1 | Teen Ink

Happy Days: Part 1

March 29, 2016
By Anonymous

Chapter 1
I lay down on my bed exhausted, bathing in the smell of fresh paint. I felt a sense of ethereal joy as I looked at the finished product: pretty, peach walls. He told me I could paint this room a long time ago, and yesterday morning he finally came home with the paint. I was like a small child then, jumping with joy.
I pointed my gaze at the glass ceiling and was met with the sight of stars and rain. It had been raining hard all day today. Of course, I loved the rain and didn’t mind it. It was the loud, earth trembling thunder that made me anxious. There was nothing for me to do now but wait for him to come home. As I listened to the rain, my eyes closed and I was lulled into a half-awake, half-asleep state.
   The rain was relentless tonight; I was shivering and soaked. Of course my dad had to choose tonight to get on my nerves. I knew he would be looking for me soon; I could never get away from him for long. God damn it, I should’ve at least grabbed an umbrella. I contemplated turning back in the direction of my house, but decided against it. That would be silly considering what a fit I threw before walking out:  yelling, stomping feet, eyes rolling, and slamming the door behind me. I can’t go back and listen to his mocking now.  I just wanted to get a ride to Rachel’s house and they wouldn’t let me because it’s a “school night”, like, how stupid is that? I’m fifteen. I should be able to go to a friend’s house if I want to. They just like to blow everything out of proportion.
   A car started slowing beside me out of nowhere, and I glanced at it from the corner of my eye. I didn’t even bother to look up. I knew it was my dad coming to get me because there is no way, at this time of night, there would be anyone else finding a little girl, alone, on the side of the road.
    “Hey, sweetheart, can I give you a ride somewhere?” I looked   up from my rain soaked shoes, startled at the deep voice that was not my father’s. I couldn’t distinguish his features in the dark, rainy night, but I could see the vague silhouette of a man’s head looking out of a car window.
“My mom always told me to never get into cars with strangers.” I replied, using sarcasm to mask the sudden uneasy feeling that settled over me. I was more aware of the rain soaking my cotton jacket and my teeth starting to chatter.
“Oh, come on now. I won’t hurt you. I just know you must be freezing. Let me give you a ride.” It was too dark for me to get a good look at his face, but I could tell that he was smiling. I wasn’t buying it. As the rain continued to drip down my face, I noticed the cold, wet feeling more than ever. I realized this was one of the back roads; no one ever comes by this road.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m just heading home now. Thank you, though.” Maybe if I’m nice he’ll leave me alone.
“Isn’t your house the other way?” He asked and my eyes widened. I suddenly felt warm in the cold weather and I could feel my heartrate speedup.
“H-how would you know th-that?” I stuttered.
“Oh, so you’re headed to Rachel’s house again?”
Even through the darkness, I could feel his eyes on me. It made me want to hide inside myself. He couldn’t possibly see me that well, could he? Usually I would love the attention directed at me, but in this situation I was not enjoying it at all. I just wanted him to stop looking at me.
“Who are you? Do I know you?”
“No, but I know you.”
“W-what?” I started backing away from the car.
“I won’t hurt you, sweetie, just get in the car before I have to come out after you.” My heart stopped for a second.
I stood in the rain, paralyzed. I really wished this was my mom. Am I ever going to see her again? I felt tears overflow onto my cheeks, warm in contrast to the cold rain.
“Come on, Sophie, don’t make me get out of the car to get you.” His tone of voice had changed from a false friendly to unmasked anger.
“Please, I just want to go home.” I didn’t want him to know I was crying, but it was too hard to try and keep my voice steady.
“Okay, if you just get in the car, I’ll take you home.”
Hysterical laughter took over me. I can’t believe he just said that! But I sobered up when I saw him open his car door.
“I really didn’t want to have to do this, Sophie.” He started walking towards me.
I screamed and started running, but I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, and everything went black.

My heart jumped when I heard the door open. I sat up instantly, giddy with excitement, dream forgotten, as he entered the room. I ran across the room and felt my arms absentmindedly wrap around his neck, I pressed my nose into his chest, welcoming the scent of rain and cigarettes that clung to his leather jacket, and smiled as I felt him kiss me on the head. An involuntary giggle took over my body, the nervous habit I could never get over.
“Hi,” I giggled out.
“Hello, pumpkin, what have you been up to today? I see you finally got to paint these walls a different color, huh?” He smiled at me. His teeth were a little crooked.
“Yes, I did! It’s so much more cheerful in here, isn’t it?” I waved my arms around to indicate the beautiful walls I had painted.
“Yes, baby. I’m glad you’re happy.”

The author's comments:

This is a work in progress

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