Disappear | Teen Ink


April 6, 2016
By reneeohno BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
reneeohno BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sat there at the train station waiting for my train but it’s about 10 minutes late. It’s about 30 degrees outside. I’ve been watching all the people around me. Every person I see is different. They all have their own style and personality. As I look around I see the people who bang on the buckets and people who are just down here to hang out.
But there is this one guy who looks a bit sketchy to me. He’s tall, has brown hair, blue eyes and is wearing a big black coat that is covering half of his body. When he walked in he looked at me and then sat down at the bench across from me.
When my train finally arrived, I got up and walked in the train and found a seat. The guy walked into the train and looked around to find a seat. As soon as he saw me he walked over and sat down next to me. I felt really creeped out at this point.
He looked at me and said, “Hey I saw you sitting on the bench by yourself so I thought I’d sit with you here”. I moved over a little to the right and he did too.
” Well I was just waiting for the train”, I answered.
“Yeah I guess, what is your name?”, he asked.
I didn’t know how to answer so I just told him a fake name that I came up with.
“My name is Judith West.”, I responded.
He didn’t answer or even respond in anyway. He got up and walked down the train through the crowd of people and disappeared in thin air.
I go to the train station everyday for work and I see him every time. But every time he is at the train station he gets on the train, finds someone to sit next to or talk to. He talks to them for a minute and then walks away and disappears.
The last time I went to the train station I saw him walking from the stairway entrance to the other end of the platform. He turned to me and then waved to me. I waved back. Then he walked a few steps and then evaporated into the air. That was the last time I’ve ever seen him.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I like mystery and creepy stories so I thought why not make my own.

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