Lost My Head | Teen Ink

Lost My Head

April 6, 2016
By pixievane BRONZE, Miami, Florida
pixievane BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He inhaled the last puff of his cigarette. The evening sun was fading into the dark. The crisp cold air nipped his skin. He looked at the boy next to him, staring at him straight in the eyes. His soft brown eyes and his light brown hair complimented his semi pale skin. He wanted to tell him how he felt about him, but instead he kept it bottled inside somewhere where he hoped it would never come out. His thoughts were interrupted as the older boy opened his mouth and spoke in a sweet soft voice " These streets are the veins of the city but the memories we have here they rush through my body like the blood in my veins. " they stared at each other, lost in each other's eyes but something didn't click right away. " I...um, is there more weed? " the older boy, Finian or as he preferred to be call Fin , asked. The younger boy's bright blue eyes lost their spark for a small moment  " I'm sorry I didn't have enough money so this is all I could afford " he gave Fin a small smile as if saying 'I'm sorry for ruining you night' . " It's okay, at least we don’t look that high " Fin said with a grin and a small laugh. " I just want to forget about this stupid city and the people here " Trevor ran his long, pale fingers through his curly brown hair. He lay on the hood of the car and looked up at the stars. " Why? " the older boy said laying down next to him.
" My head is spinning with all the memories from here, it's a mess I don’t know what I want. " he said glancing at his friend, he gave him a weak smile. " Well what do you want? " fin said glancing back at the stars. Was it the weed or maybe it was the perfect moment to finally confess but the word came out. " You ." Silence. You could hear the rest of city going on with their night. fin quickly sat up and Trevor followed " I'm sorry I did- " his sentence was interrupted by Fin's sweet soft lips. It was pure bliss. Their lips moved in sync. It was beautiful. As they both pulled away they stared at each other. " I'm sorry it was on impulse " Fin said while looking down at his beaten up, used to be white, converses.  " It's okay I enjoyed it, you..um… you're a great kisser. "  his cheeks lit up a rosy pink, he was blushing and so was Fin. The weeks that came were ethereal. Here in then they would steal kisses from each other and would buy little gifts for each other too. It was like he was swallowing nostalgia, the memories had started to pour in.
Trevor sat on the opposite side of Fin, the white walls decorated with art pieces surrounded them. They were in fin's house, 'Always' by panic at the disco was blasting around the house, although none of them were actually paying attention to the song. " I really love you Fin I truly do, you…you are my entire world. I adore you so much. I even put you first " the words that came out of Trevor's mouth broke through the music. " I… I just don't get why you thought it was okay to hurt me like that? " he glared at the boy, fin didn’t bother replying. " why do you always have to break my heart!? Why can't you just love me!? " he got up and threw his chair, it hit the wall, the framed artwork fell and shattered glass flew everywhere. " Finian you are my love, my sunshine, our love was… it was like art, something beautiful, something people loved… " hot tears spilled from his eyes' staining his cheeks, he had bloodshot eyes', anger radiated off of him. " Finian why? Why did you play with my emotions? Why did you fall for him and not me? Am I not good enough for you? " he looked at the older boy, waiting for his responses, it never came.  " I'm sorry for this I truly am , I've never been like this. " he looked at the older boy from the opposite side of him.  " I prayed every day that you would love me back, I prayed to a God that I don't even believe in just for your love. " he got up and walked towards the boy. He looked at him " God, I hate how you will never actually understand how I feel about you. " he ran his fingers through the older boy's hair. Fin stared back with white eyes.
" Even with blood trickling down your throat, with bruises and cuts on your arms and legs, even with white eyes, you still look like a masterpiece. " his voice sounded hurt, but at the same time he sounded happy. In his own delusional mind he thought he had done the best thing for the both of them. He walked towards the phone, calculating exactly what he was going to do next. He quietly dialed 911 without hesitation. The voice of a female operator responded "Yes 911, how may I help you?' she sounded concerned. Of course she did it was her job to make it sound like she cared about what was happening on the other side of the line. He spoke with panic and sadness in his voice. "Yes help quick my boyfriend was just murdered." 

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