Karma's Insane | Teen Ink

Karma's Insane

April 11, 2016
By Zakirah Razali SILVER, Kuching, Other
Zakirah Razali SILVER, Kuching, Other
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     I immediately waited for my parents after buying some books from the book store. I looked around and noticed that nobody was there. So, I decided to sit on an empty bench in front of the store and that was when someone suddenly grabbed me by the hand. I turned to see who it was and then I saw a guy dressed in a black sweater with a black mask on his face. His grip tightened as I tried to pull my hand away. To defend myself, I quickly bit his hand. The guy howled in pain. I took my chance to escape. I was already running past a few stores when unfortunately, I bumped into a lumpy chubby, fat guy that was also dressed in black. As soon as I thought of an idea to flee, the fat guy pushed me down to the ground. I tried to get up but my mouth was already covered with a weird smelling cloth. I started to loose conscious and felt my eyes closing.
    “Shh… be quiet, she’s waking up,” a voice said. I started to open my eyes. At first, my vision was quite blurry but as everything was starting to be clear, I found myself tied to a chair. I stared around and I realised that I was in a dark, dusty room. I guessed the place was probably an old abandoned store. Two men caught my attention. One of them was the fat guy that pushed me and the other one with a moustache was probably the guy who covered my face. They were both smirking while staring at my face. At that point, I felt like ripping their throats off. “What do you want?” I asked harshly. They both began to laugh and suddenly someone whispered beside my ear. “I’m glad you could make it,” the voice said. I was startled as I turned my head and saw a very tall man wearing shades grinning creepily. I suddenly became speechless as fear had taken over me.
     “Who.. who are you? What do you want from me?”, I asked trying to not show my frightened self. The tall man giggled and then I saw his hand pulling out of his pocket with a knife. I gulped by the sight of the deathly weapon. “We just want to be your friends. We just couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous you are,” the fat guy said. The three men came closer towards my direction. I couldn’t think of anything else but to scream with all my heart out. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping that someone would save me. The tall man immediately covered my mouth and threatened me by placing the knife near my throat. My eyes widened in panic.
    I made a brave move to bite his hand. He pulled back his hand and slapped my face. However, it didn’t hurt a scratch. Instead, it was more like a soft hit on my head. It weirded me out a bit but all I could focus on was a way to escape. I struggled to loosen the knot that was keeping me on the chair. Fortunately, I managed to break free. They should’ve tie the rope tighter if they didn’t want me to escape. I quickly got up on my feet but was pinned down onto the dusty cement floor before I could even make a move. I stood up to find an exit. The three men laughed while looking at my actions. They probably thought that I seemed pathetic. The three just stood there watching while I tried to break down the jammed exit door. I was tired so I gave up and asked, “What do you want? Money? Gold?” The tall man then answered, “Chill, we are just helping to turn you into a successful entertainer.”
     His answer puzzled me. Entertainer? Then, one word popped up into my mind. “Prostitute?!” I gasped. “Wow, you’re quite smart for a teenage girl,” the fat guy smirked. At that moment, I kept trying to calm myself down. I just had to escape. I was so desperate to glee. I snatched a metal bar and just as I was about to hit one of them, the exit door slammed open. A familiar person walked in with his arms crossed. “Gotcha! Haha,” the person laughed loudly. He was my cousin, Jeff. I was ultimately lost in confusion on what was actually happening. All I could say was, “What?” Jeff finally stopped laughing and said proudly, “This is what I call ‘revenge’”. “Revenge for what? What did I ever do to you?” I asked as I became more confused and in need of an explanation. “Remember the other day, when you pranked me? You have no idea how embarrassing it was for me/ So, I decided to prank you back. Besides, I am the king of pranksters aren’t I?” he said. I could not believe what Jeff has done. All I did was put a fart cushion on his seat and he pranked me back by kidnapping. How could he even consider it as a prank? I realised that my own cousin, Jeff is a creepy weirdo. After that, all I said was, “You are such a creep, no wonder you make friends with weird people,” I pointed to the three men who kidnapped me. And then, I simply left the place to head home. Since that day, I never talked to Jeff again. It was clear to me now that not everyone are sane.

The author's comments:

It's about how dangerous revenge is, eventhough to some people it's just a joke, but it may lead to destruction of relationship and friendship. Prankster or not, everyone has their own limits when it comes to pranks (and revenge)

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