What is it? | Teen Ink

What is it?

April 14, 2016
By ilikeclothes BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
ilikeclothes BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They were walking through a heavily wooded area when all of a sudden they heard a loud crash.
“Aha, so a tree does make a sound if it falls down when no one is around” one guy said bending over in laughter.
“No Shawn that’s not how it goes” The other guy replied.
“Well if it’s not a tree then what is it Carter?” Shawn asked sarcastically..
“I’m not sure man. Let's just finish setting these traps so we can head home”, he said looking around hastily, “it's getting late.”
The guys continued to follow the path deeper and deeper into the forest, searching for the animal traps that there grandfather had set out several days ago. For some odd reason the sun seemed to be setting at faster than the usual pace.
“Shawn, this doesn’t feel right, let’s just call it a day and head out…” carter said, stopping slowly “I know you don’t like to stop when we are doing something for grandfather-but I...I just don’t think today’s a good day to be in this forest.” carter rambled has he slowly eyed every shadow that seemed to be jumping out at him.
“Okay dude, chill. Let’s go Mr. Chicken!” laughed Shawn, “I’ll lead the way!”
“No. Shawn you don’t even know your left from right.”Carter said rolling his eyes.
They headed back in the direction that they had came and as soon as they got to the spot where they had earlier heard the tree crash, they heard a young girl singing.
“Ring around the Rosie, a pocketful of posy, ashes, ashes, they all fall down! Now play with me!” the young voice yelled with giggles.
Carter and run set off running at full speed but soon stumbled over something blocking their path. Whatever it was that made them fall had not been there when they had first walked the path. Whatever it was it reeked of stench. It was warm but yet eerily cold at the same time. Carter touched the object and felt the solid sturdiness of it. Carter raised his hand to his face and said, “Shawn what did we just fall over?”
“Dude i'm not sure. I’m the dumb one remember?” he replied in a scared shaky voice.
“I think it's a human!” carter cried in fear and shock.
“Ring around the Rosie, a pocketful of posy, ashes, ashes, carter and Shawn fall down! Hahaha!”

The author's comments:

The inspiration for this short story was my creative writing teacher, Heidi Murphy. She gave us a journal topic that simply said, "What is it? I can't be sure-but i think it's human" and I went from there. 

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