Twenty One: Part One | Teen Ink

Twenty One: Part One

April 15, 2016
By nicole1398 BRONZE, Tracy, California
nicole1398 BRONZE, Tracy, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 She entered the Casino to exit the hot weather during the mid summer in Las Vegas, not knowing this would be possibly the worst decision she had ever made.  Stacy walked into the cafe because she needed water or else she would have possibly fainted.  After ordering a water she looked over at the sports bar about twenty feet away from the restaurant.  An extremely attractive man had been watching a football game on the screen.  Stacy made her way from the cafe to the bar with different thoughts running around in her head.  She had come to Vegas for her twenty first birthday and had been exploring the city and keeping her eye out for any attractive men that might want to accompany her on her many adventures.  Once she finally made it to the bar she sat next to the man and ordered a pina colada, because she had just turned the legal age she did not know many different drinks.  The man looked over introduced himself as Shane and  offered to pay for her drink, she quickly refused but regretted that decision shortly after for fear of being rude.  She said he could get the next round but she knew drinking too much would not be the smartest decision at 3pm.  She did not listen to her conscience and let the man buy her as many drinks as he could afford or in this case how many drinks she could hold down.  With poor judgement and regret in her eyes the man offered to take her home and she accepted the kind gesture.  Shane helped Stacy to his car and they took off to what she thought was her hotel.  Stacy passed out in the front seat and woke up not in her hotel room but in some type of wear house.  She was not laying in bed but instead tied down to a chair with her neck tied and held up with a pole.  She had come to the quick realization that Shane had not helped her home but helped himself to keeping her as a victim.  Stacy began screaming and Shane ran in the room with a smug grin on his face. Tears filled Stacy’s eyes because she had a feeling she was not going to be on the plane that night and at home the next day.  Shane stroked her face and kissed her forehead gently but she pulled away with a forceful jerk.  He told her he only wanted to spend time with her and he was not going to hurt her, if she cooperated.  She asked him what he wanted and he said he only wanted her love.  Thoughts raced through Stacy’s head and she told him that if she went home she would come back and love him properly.  Shane yelled with the words no one ever leaves here and no one has ever showed me the proper love and respect I deserve except one person.  Stacy began to cried and Shane wiped away her tears and said don’t worry I will take care of you mother. 

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