A Breath.. | Teen Ink

A Breath..

April 28, 2016
By nejadsn BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
nejadsn BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I can hear myself breathing. My breath is making the window fog up with condensation. The train is dark but the light from the moon illuminates through the window, unless there is something so sinister in the other rooms that even the moon light cannot brighten. My hands have been clenched in my lap for as long as the train has stopped so I'm assuming that they have turned yellow now. I hold them up to the window so the light can help me see and I see and feel the blood slowly rush back in to my hands again. I hear foot steps coming to the door. I panic and duck down under my seat which isn't that much help since the seat is small. But then, i notice that on the door of my section, there is a lock i quickly rush over to it and twist the lock. It made a rusty noise. I quickly go back under the seat. About 5 minutes later, I start getting cold. A rusty old stale odor starts intoxicating the room. I look around me, out side the window, I see nothing, but I dont dare to look under the other seat. I seat back on top of my seat not even taking the chance to get on the same level as what my gut knows is under the other seat. A hand slowly comes out from under the seat, pale, and so bony it could pass for a twig. My eyes are bulging out of my head. I can feel the beads of sweat forming from under my skin. The hand soon becomes a full arm, a skinny meatless arm with no muscle, pale under the moon light but skin can be darker in sunlight. Before i even blink, A full body crouched on all fours with distorted figures is staring back at me. The oder is so foul that my eyes are tearing up. It's ribs were showing from under the pale skin, it's head was balding. Its finger nails were as long as a crayon. Suddenly i just started thinking about my childhood, all the wonderful memories that i had and how they are about to end. It stands up, hunched over like an animal but on its legs investigating me. I hold my breath. I feel a thin soft cloth wrap around my waist and soon my whole body. It finishes the wrapping, then jolts with the cloth at hand and breaks through the glass with me tied to it. I struggle to escape but it is no use. I see a vague sillhouette of the thing struggling. I hear a scream coming from it as it appears its trying to grow wings. It pulls from its back as they cast a shadow blocking the moon light. i soon feel myself flying and the moon is closer then ever. i disapeaer into the night sky. 

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This article has 1 comment.

nejadsn BRONZE said...
on May. 29 2016 at 2:25 am
nejadsn BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Thank you to anyone who has viewed and enjoyed my article, keep an eye out for more to come!!