Country Life | Teen Ink

Country Life

May 13, 2016
By GavinWard BRONZE, Pleasant Grove, Utah
GavinWard BRONZE, Pleasant Grove, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ward Country has been on the planet Zornia for only 15 years, before it was a animal habitation. This part of Zornia has been the safest just because of the animals, so when I found out I was the president I was pumped, I thought nothing bad would happen to use. Until 2016, Jeremy (the biggest and baddest) country in Zornia attacked us to make life hard for us. Our military is very small, we only have 21,000,000 in Ward Country and 8,000,000 of them are part of the military or some section of the military.

As our defensive weapons I had all of the wizards that are the pilots in the military (most of the wizards) make their special spells to shoot at the Jeremy army as they attacked. Although we have no land troops at this moment on, Ward we managed to scare Jeremy enough to get them back onto their own country.
It was a year after, we had scared Jeremy off that two forest fires started in the Oukur Mountain Range on the southwestern side of the country. Everyone was shocked because there is practically nothing out there except for I-47 that passes over the top of the mountains.
After two months of investigating the area the San Anthony Police Department had found out that the aftershock of the spells from us shooting at Jeremy had started these fires! The fires could not be stopped by any of our fire departments so we sent on the back up!


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