Mr. Mysterious | Teen Ink

Mr. Mysterious

May 13, 2016
By Karla1484 BRONZE, Lafayette , Colorado
Karla1484 BRONZE, Lafayette , Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

May 06 1987,

     It was a sunny morning, you could hear the birds singing. My sister and I pulled up to our new house, it was kinda old, but pretty it was my favorite color, light blue. I was so tired I just wanted to get in and take a nap. As I got off the car I stepped on some kind of liquid, well at least that’s what it looked like. As I started walking toward the house I felt weird like if someone was watching me, but I didn’t pay any attention to it because I thought I was just nervous because we were in a new town and I didn’t know anyone.

My name is Emili I am 15 years old and this is the story about when I met Mr. Mysterious. When I first moved here I didn’t know anyone, one day my sister went to work and I was alone at home. I heard a knock at the door. I looked through the window and there was a tall guy standing in front of the door, he looked 17. I opened the door “Hi, my name is Josiah. I live next door” “Hi i’m Emili nice to meet you.” Something about Josiah was weird, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. As we started talking more and more, he began to talk to me about his parents, he would tell me how his parents had problems, how they started sleeping in different room ect, he asked me how my parents were doing and all I said was “ my parents are doing fine! They’re always together, they go on business trips every week that's why they’re not here right now,” but what he didn’t know was that my parents had died when I was 5 and that’s why it’s just Jacqueline and I.

May 16 1987, it was the first day of school for me, I was excited, but scared, I didn’t know what people were going to say about me or what they were going to think. Jacqueline came into my room and said “Don’t be scared! I know you’ll make new friends, you’ll like the school.” It was 7:15 it was time to head to school, as I got inside the car my body was shaking I couldn’t breath right, my heart pounding so fast, I felt like I was going to pass out. We arrived to the school I didn’t want to get out of the car “you have to get to class! come on Emili!” said Jacqueline, I finally got off the car as I walked inside the school I saw Josiah “hey Josiah!” I said, but he didn’t listen to me “Who are you talking to” asked Jacqueline “my friend Josiah, look he’s right there” as we turned around he was suddenly gone, Jacqueline just looked at me like if I was crazy. As I walked to my class we passed through a wall that had pictures of someone, but I was in a hurry that I couldn’t see who it was, I thought it was weird. It was finally time to go home, it wasn’t such a bad day after all and i actually made a friend. I passed by the wall that had pictures and I decided to see who it was. When I got closer I was in shock! “Josiah!” it was a billboard it said “Rest In Piece Josiah.” I was so confused, I couldn’t speak suddenly a girl came up to me and asked “How did you know Josiah?” “I didn’t I just heard I lots of stories about him” I said, but of course I was lying she would of thought I was crazy if said that I talked to him a couple days ago.

May 17 1987, It was time for school once again, but this time I wasn’t as nervous, I actually decided to go to school a little bit earlier. When I showed up to school went straight to see the billboard, not long ago Josiah showed up, he just appeared out of nowhere “Josiah! What is this? Is this some kind of joke or something?” I said “No this is no joke! I passed away on April 16th, I was hit by a car” he said. When he said that I thought he was joking, but then a girl came up to me and asked if I was okay, of course I responded yes “Why are you talking to yourself then?” she said “Do you not see Josiah? I don't like this joke! Please stop” I said “What are you talking about? Josiah passed away in a car accident” she said. When she said that I ran out of the school I went straight home, I was scared, confused I didn’t know what to think. I was home suddenly I heard someone talking “ Are you okay?” the voice said, I wasn’t sure who it was “ who’s there” I asked “it’s me Josiah” “why are you here, go away “ I screamed at him. It got quiet I opened my door slowly, no one was there.

May 18 1987, I didn’t want to go to school Jacqueline came into my room “ what’s wrong? Did something happen at school?” she said “ I think I see dead people” I said with fear in my voice “ Emili we have to talk about something” she said “ our mom had this “power” she could see and talk to dead people, that’s probably where you got it from” I was shocked I couldn’t believe her, but that explained a lot, that explained why I was the only person who could see and talk to Josiah. I was still scared about it, but after a while Josiah never appeared like if he just wanted to show me that I had this “power” and as soon as I found out he was gone. One morning I found a letter that said “ I knew your parents had died, you didn’t have to lie to me, they were with me every time I was with you, they were the ones who wanted me to show you that you had that power” Josiah. What I never understood was why I couldn’t see my parents, but I saw Josiah and to this day I still wonder about it. 

  The End

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