The 50 Year Old Haunted House | Teen Ink

The 50 Year Old Haunted House

May 16, 2016
By Emiligh BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Emiligh BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A small family of four ( Olivia Anderson, Liam Anderson, Mrs. and Mr. Anderson) had just moved to Massachusetts. The family bought a 50 year old house for a really cheap price, they didn’t know why they were selling it so cheap they thought that they just wanted to sell it. They didn’t know anything about the history of the house. When they were moving in strange things were happening in the house. They Would leave some boxes in certain places and they would go and get the boxes and they wouldn’t be there any more. They didn’t put too much attention to it.

Days passed and things would would get even more strange. They would lock the front and back door when they would leave the house and when they would come back the doors would be open. There would also be wind in the house even though all the windows and doors would be closed and things would disappear and appear again out no where. One day the kids; Olivia and Liam, were watching tv. in the living room, Mrs. Anderson was doing laundry and Mr. Anderson was working, They heard a man ask them “you want to play”. Toys started to appear in the living room. They started screaming and crying, their mother came in running. When she went in the living room all the toys disappeared. “ Why were you screaming?” Mrs. Anderson asked. Suddenly a tall man, about 35 years old appeared on the couch “Want to join us?”. “ Family I’m home!” yelled Mr. Anderson while entering the door. Suddenly the man disappeared.
Mr. Anderson walked in the living, he saw his wife and kids paled, “what’s wrongs?” he asked. “ There was ghost in here.” Said the children “ It probably was your imagene.” Out no where something fell in the kitchen. They walked in, there were a bunch of toys on the table. “I’ll play with you later”  said a deep voice.

The family researched the history of the house. They found out that a 35 year old man had built and owned the house 50 years ago. He was murdered by one of workers that were helping build the house. The worker killed him because he said that he would command him a lot of things, he got tired of him and one night when all the other workers left to their home, he killed him with an ax. They also found out that every family that moved in would disappear out of nowhere. No one knew where they would leave.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson decided to hire a ghost expert. The ghost expert went to the house to see if there was a ghost in the house. “Yeah there is definitely ghosts here” “Ghosts?” asked Mrs. Anderson with a frightened face.  “ Yes, you are not the only family in this house. These are probably the families that disappeared.” “ But I don’t see a man with the description that you gave me.” 

Right when the ghost expert was about to leave the man appeared. “ Is that him ?” asked the ghost expert. “ Yes that’s him” “Hi” said the ghost expert. The man and the ghost expert talked for a while. They found out that man had built the house for his family, but he didn’t get to enjoy it with his family. That’s why he would take families, so he could enjoy the house. Eventually they would die because he would get mad that they would try to leave.

They researched about the family they had died in a car accident. They told the ghost. He started to break things in the house and open and close the doors. “ you’re family have crossed over. You have cross over to be able to see them again.” “ How do I crosse over?” “You’ll see a light and you will walk to it “said the ghost expert. “ He left “ said the ghost expert. “ What about the others?” asked Mr. Anderson “They all left too”

Days passed and everything was fine. Nothing strange ever happened in the house. The family lived their for years. Until they sold it and moved to another state.

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