Taken | Teen Ink


May 11, 2016
By Anonymous

“Text me all about The drive over there! And all about the Florida campus!” She said.  She ran around the counter and gave me a tight hug. “Miss you, have fun!” I got in my car and twisted the key as my engine sputtered to life. I bought tank for myself for my 17th birthday. Instead of having a party I asked my parents if I could buy myself a car. Although I named her tank, tanks a 1972 Yellow Volkswagen Beetle. She's old, and has a little bit of rust. But she gets me places. The first time I laid eyes on her I knew I had to save up. And I did. I spent every day during the summer working at the burger joint by my house. I can't complain though, the environment was great. The owners were an old couple that started the burger joint when they were 18. They treated their employees like their own children, we would sit around sometimes when it wasn't busy  and they would let us eat the fries while we watched the news or if we got lucky, wheel of fortune.  Although the I told everyone I would be fine, I was nervous about going on my own. The farthest I'd driven was to Colorado during my spring break of junior year. That took me a month of  convincing to make my parents give me permission, but eventually they did. But this was different, I wasn’t going with a group of friends, I was going on my own. And the only reason they let me go on my own was because they knew how much I wanted to go to Florida.  I plugged in the aux (obviously I had to get a stereo installed) and blasted my music the highest it could go and I merged onto the highway. Eventually I had to get off the high way because of the construction and take the dirt roads, the sky began to get dark and the sunset looked amazing. I knew I had to drive and look for a hotel to stay at, but I had to stop and look at the oranges, reds, pinks and yellows as they all combined in the sky to  wish the sun goodbye.  After an hour of driving I found a motel not that far from the road and decided to stay there that night. The motel was old, upon closer inspection I noticed the white paint chipping from the walls of the outside and the concrete crumbling from the steps in front. Actually… The entire building looked like it was crumbling. I walked in and saw that it was empty. It looked like no one had stayed at this motel in a long time. I walked up to the front desk hoping someone would come out. The front desk was covered in dust as well as a small bell. I didn't have any where else to stay… Unless I stayed in my car. I rang the bell.  “Ding” I rang it again.  I don't think I would've wanted to stay here anyway. My mom would kill me if she knew that I was about to stay the night in my car. But at least I could say I tried. Id rather stay in my car than wake up with bugs crawling on me anyway. I walked outside and a chill ran though my body. It had gotten cold and the clouds had collected in the sky and looked like it would rain at any second. I got scared as I
walked to my car. I wish I had paid the extra $100 to get my windows tinted. But who would really be out at this time of night? Especially on this deserted road.  I opened the back door as I took out he comforters my mother had put in there. I got in the front seat and made myself comfortable.  I woke up to a noise. I looked at my phone. No service. And it was 2:03 in the morning. I looked around and panic stirred in me. In my rear view mirrors was a car parked a few feet from mine. I don't remember a car parked there when I went to sleep. I rubbed my eyes, sometimes sleeping in my contacts makes my eyes see things that aren't there. When I opened them the truck was still there. I moved the mirror and leaned closer. I jumped. There was a figure staring right at me. His hands were gripped on the steering wheel. I fumbled in the dark as I tried looking for my eyes. Finally my fingers found the cold key ring and I put the keys in the ignition. I pressed my foot on the gas pedal as I started back on the rocky road. What was he doing!? Was he watching me sleep!? Why was he just staring!  I was pushing the max I could with my car and I decided I needed to slow down. I couldn't afford tank to break down on me right now. As drove down the road I began to calm down. With this early start I could get to Florida in no time.  30 minutes later I passed a beat up black car with its emergency lights on. I always read about the dangers of helping late at night on Facebook. I chuckled. Facebook. But the stories helped keep me scared enough that I didn't stop to help. I passed the car and felt a pang of sympathy in my stomach. What if that was me?  I continued driving and 10 minutes later  saw something in the distance. As I got closer I saw that it was the same car I had passed earlier. How is this possible? I've been driving straight this entire time! I gunned the engine and sped away.  AnOther 10 minutes later my heart dropped as I saw the same car. This time there was a figure on the ground. I drove past. I stopped my car as soon as I was in front of it. This was creepy, I swear I hadn't made any turns. This didn't make any sense. . But anyway maybe something was seriously wrong with this person. I kept my car running but got out. Around me was an endless amount of trees and mountains. I  began to walk up to the person laying on the ground. I peered down. It was a woman. She looked to be around the age of 40. She had her eyes closed and it looked like she hadn't showered in a few weeks. I bent down to check for a pulse.  “That's weird.” I thought. Her throat was warm and her pulse was strong… I didn't understand why she was lying here. All of a sudden her eyes opened wide and her hand reached out and grabbed my ankle. I tried getting up  and my knees hit the cold ground. The pain in my knees resonated through me. The ground cut my hands as I struggled to get on my feet.  She tried holding on to me but I managed to leave her grasp. I ran to my car and jumped in. I pressed down on the pedal and I grabbed my phone. 
“No signal! Why!”   I sped away. This could not be happening. I felt like I was in one of my nightmares. In my rear view mirror I saw a light. Someone was behind me and they were getting closer every second. Anxiety rose in me. What could I do. I can't go very fast in this old car. Even if I wanted to! It's just not possible! The roads are clear for miles! I have no where to go. The car got closer and the lights became unbearable in the mirrors. It was like looking directly in the sun in this darkness. The car began to violently run into the back of my little buggy. Tears began to form in my eyes.  “Stop please stop! I don't know what you want!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.  “You could stop.” Came a voice from the back seat of my car.  I turned around, there in the darkness  was the figure I saw watching me at the motel parking lot.  The next instant the car behind me hit the corner of my buggy and the vehicle flipped. It wasn't that bad of a flip, almost as if the person behind me knew exactly how to do this. The best possible way to flip a car without causing death. Although I was upside down I opened the door and tried to climb out. The man inside grabbed my ankle and a shooting pain ran through my leg as the woman appeared in front of me and my eyes closed. I opened my eyes to a pain all over my body. I tried to get up, but the pain in my leg was paralyzingly. Something else kept me from getting up. I reached down and a chain was around my leg.The room was dark except for the moon light coming through the small gated window. Something moved in the darkness.  “Who's there!” I shouted into the darkness.  “I'm sorry.” The sad voice whispered. “Did you do this to me!?” I asked the darkness.  “I'm sorry they found you, the last girl they had in here died.” Said the voice.  “Who are you?” I asked.  The figure looked up and the light from the window shined on her face.  “Kate, is that you?”

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