A Murder Mystery | Teen Ink

A Murder Mystery

May 12, 2016
By Jolojo BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Jolojo BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a Saturday. It was late. I was about to go home from work... when she came in. She was clearly in distress. She looked to be about 17, with long blond hair, and bright green eyes.
“Help! Help!” She yelled, practically screaming.
“What’s the matter!? What’s happened?” I said, startled.
“OK, so earlier I decided that I was going to go for a walk in the park. And as I was walking I wasn’t paying attention, and then  I heard some gunshots fired. I got freaked out and ran here as fast as I could. I was afraid of being shot. I didn’t want to be a part of any murder.”
“Quickly, get to the park and take caution there was a shooting! Call an ambulance in case someone got shot! Hurry let's move. Here Hanson, take her to the  hospital incase she got hurt.  Now let’s go hurry!”
“Maylee, it is too dangerous to go out right now,.” Said Hanson. (Who’s real name was Baako. He is an african american)
“We have to go, pPeople could have been shot. And if they don’t get the medical attention they need right now, they could die.”
        “Oh you are right I should have thought of that, Or was I more focused on me not being shot by some murderer.”
“Oh, I’m sorry Hanson. I was just doing my job. Sorry if we are supposed to put the safety of others before our own. Hanson why did you become a cop?”
“So I would be important,  duh…” He said as if it was obvious.
“Uhh… jJust get to work.” I said annoyed.
I quickly got in my car ready to go down and face the shooter. As soon as I left the police station I heard one more gun shot. The way there was horribly suspenseful.  The sound of the tires against the ground got louder and louder the closer we got.
  Then as the park pulled into view no more gunshots were being fired. I parked the car and got  out.
  It was dead silent as if we were waiting to hear the gun again. It seemed like no one was around for miles.
       “We should keep going. Come on!” I said in a little bit of a rush.
I started to walk around the park, passing dozens of trees on the way around Nothing was moving everything and everyone was silent. No one spoke a word. 
“There!” I yelled. I spotted something on the ground. We ran as fast as we could but it felt like a million years till we got there. Police on both sides of me. Willing to risk their lives for people they don’t know. I was glad to be there.  Doing something I love… Helping people.
We got to the spot. Two people had been shot  a male and a female.  It looked like they had been running away from something from the way they looked laying down, face first. I checked for a pulse… nNothing. There was there no heart beat to feel. They were already gone.
“We could have gotten here sooner if it weren’t for Hanson.” One of the other cops commented.
“It's ok guys.” I said trying to defend him the tiniest bit. “At least we got here right.”
“You of all people are defending him!?” said the cop again.
“Just go secure the area. Okay…” I started to have a closer look at the body's. “Jensen I want you to go and get their files and find out who they're are and who they are related to.”
“Ok, anything else you want.”
“No it is okay.” I said as she started to walk away.
Jensen was my favorite cop loyal never complained never fought  me while I was being a little bossy. Such a good person.
I found the bullet hole, on both the body’s. Both went through the heart. It was an instant kill.
Soon someone came with the body bags. As I watched them load the body’s in, I felt as though I had fail the mission to save people's lives.  I have a reason for becoming a cop but that reason, was something I didn’t like to share with others. I knew that I would have to get mad at Hanson for putting us behind schedule. But it wasn’t something I liked doing very often.
I knew what had to happen next. The people who had loaded the body’s had left, He came in…


       The Mysterious Man

He came in as if nothing had happened, as if no one had been shot. He had a very narrow face. Hhe was wearing a suit as if he had come from a fancy dinner. He had brown hair, that look like he had put a gallon of hair gel in it. And he had light blue eyes.  He was quite handsome. But he seemed like the greedy type of person that I didn’t like.
“Hello there,” he said as if I was a little kid. “What are you doing here? You seem too young to be out here.”
“ You seem a little too dapper to be at a crime scene.” I said right back at him.
“I’m detective maylee, And you are?” I said as I stuck out my hand for him to shake.
“The names, detective Decker. It is very nice to meet you.”
“Very nice to meet you too.” I said a little confused. “By the way, what are you doing here? We already have a detective here.”
“ Oh someone called me and told me you would need my help to solve this one. and so I’m here…” He paused for a moment. “Do you know a fellow named Mr.X?”
“Mr.X? Never heard of him… Is that even his real name?”
“I don’t think so but he gave me so much info for this case. It is a little weird he knew so much.”
“So this Mr.X is are first suspect.”
“I don’t know, I don’t even know whether to trust him or not. It is a little hard to figure out this guy. I tried to look for hesitation in his voice, but it is like this guy is a robot. He sounded like a recording.”
“Thats weird. No one sounds like that not even detectives, or cops undercover. We need to figure this out soon.”
“Well I’m going to look for clues. You should go home you look tired. I will fill you in on all the details tomorrow.”
“Fine.” I said as I realized how tired I really was. I began to walk to back to my car when I looked at the time. It was one in the morning. I started to wonder why he was wearing a suit at one in the morning. When I got to my car I climbed in. And decided to go check on the girl that ran in to tell us. Then I realized I forgot to ask her name.


The Witness
I drove to the hospital where Hanson was waiting for me to arrive. I parked my car and got out. Hanson was leaning against the wall as if he was just super impatient. I wanted to tell him off for making us slower than usual. But I ignored him instead. As I entered the hospital the doctor came to meet me.
“Hello detective, how are you this fine day.”said dr. Smith.
“I’m having a hard day, anyway I had hanson bring in a girl where is she?”I asked.
“She is over here.” he guided me through a maze of hallways. “In here.”
I was about to step through when I heard her talking.
“Hello, hi Mr.X, yes it is done, I shot them both right through the heart. The police… don’t suspect a thing. Ok bye-bye.”
Before I knew what I was doing I quickly stepped through the current and arrested her.

The author's comments:

I love to write and I love scary stories or mystery.

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