The Mystery of Mystery Manor | Teen Ink

The Mystery of Mystery Manor

May 19, 2016
By Reyna_Ramirez-Arellano BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Reyna_Ramirez-Arellano BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Favorite Quote:
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"
-Albus Dumbledore

Every day was like the one before. A few months ago the Johnsons moved out due to some strange and mysterious circumstances that are still quite inexplicable to the average person. And curiously there is still no one living in this strange abandoned house. Actually, once someone moved in; they never stayed long. The Johnsons stayed the longest of all of my other neighbors that had lived in that house. They lived in that mansion for three agonizingly long weeks. In the night, we heard screaming coming from that house. In that family lived a girl my age named Maddie that had become my best friend. But on the day they moved out, she wasn’t with the rest of them. Her disappearance was subtle and barely noticeable by anyone on the block, except me, and sadly she was nowhere to be seen again.
The mansion was bigger than anything you could see in a life time. Everything about it was giant and perplexing. The windows looked as though they had once been taken care of, but now they were shaded from dirt and scratched by the ugly and broken down window covers. All the paint was peeling off and the wood seemed as though it had been pecked by one thousand wood peckers and eaten away by one million termites. Sadly, it made my neighborhood VERY unpopular.
After a few investigations, the FBI and police decided that it was just a prank done by some high schoolers; but I knew something was different about that house. Every day while walking home from school, the house seemed to glow green through the windows, but only when I walked by. After a while of walking home, I began to notice other things about the house. It screamed at me as I walked past and I saw moving shadows through the windows at night. Slowly I began to realize that even though the broken down for sale sign was still there, sitting on the snarling puke green door, someone was living in that house . . . or something. But the door always stayed closed.
On my drearily long way home from school today, I stopped at the house next door to see the faint green glow through the windows, But suddenly the door flew open and a blast of air came out making my golden blonde hair fly out of my face. The house seemed to be pulling me in, even though it didn’t have to because I know that my curiosity would have won me over eventually. Right as I walked in the doorway, I began to hear whispers surrounding me gradually growing louder. I searched the whole house for the shadow I had seen in the window.
I must have lost track of time because the sun was setting. Slowly I began to see transparent figures. There were seven. They all surrounded me. One stepped forward.
“We are the Spirits of Mystery Manor,” It said. Than another came forward. I gasped and my head started to spin. It was Maddie, the Johnson girl.
“Leave while you can Kate, or you’ll become one of us,” she warned. I quickly turned around and sprinted down the stairs and towards the door. But before I got there the door shut and I heard the loud click of the lock. The door closed and locked its self. At this point I knew this wasn’t just a prank done by high schoolers. I started to panic as the spirits gathered around me. They looked kind of familiar. I began to realize that they were some of my old neighbors. One that I didn’t recognize began to speak.
“It’s too late now. Your chances of survival are slim. Now that you are here to stay for a bit, something that will help you is to know the story of the Mystery Manor,” he said.
He began to explain how this mansion used to be beautiful and clean, with lots of servants and rooms. He told of how this all changed when their only son was murdered. The parents immediately left the Manner and were never seen again. The mansion was taken over and sold and sold again each time the owner’s only child was murdered. When they had multiple children, the oldest child was murdered.
“M-m-murdered by what?” I asked with the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.
“Our brethren,” He whispered. ,”They are jealous of the living and when the Manor favors a person enough to let them in, our brethren kill them and take over their body,”
  “How long do I have until they take over me?” I whimpered.
“It depends. I’d say you’ve got a week at most,” He explained. I walked backwards into a wall, hands trembling.
“How will knowing the story help me?” I asked.
“You will be prepared. When the evil spirits try to take over you, you will know of our weakness,”
“Which is?” I inquired. 
“They take the form of your loved ones. That is how they lure you in. You may think it is easy to keep away, but it is very hard. They act as if they are being killed. But if you are strong enough to hold back, then the spirit will be destroyed and the form they took will be gone leaving no carcass,”
The sun was rising as the transparent figures disappeared. ”Wait a second,” I thought. “We were only talking for a few minutes,”
I heard a whisper in the back of my mind saying “Time travels faster in here than in the outside world”
Great, just great. So that means I actually only have 30 minutes at most instead of 6 days. After a minute of standing around, I decided to make the best of myself being trapped in the deepest depths of this manor. Walking around, I began to hear the wailing pleas of all of the poor murdered souls. I looked at the grandfather clock to see how much longer I had. 10 minutes! I franticly paced around trying to collect my thoughts. 9, 8, 7, 6 minutes. My heart was beating so hard I thought it was going to beat right out of my body. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 minutes. My fear built up until I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran to the sink were I violently retched. 0.
“Kate!” I heard my little sister wail. I told myself to stay put, but her voice was full of pain and agony that I had to go to her.
“No,” I told myself. “I can’t go to her. She isn’t who I think she is." I felt as if I was being pulled to her with the same force that pulled me to the house. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t budge.
“Sister, they’re killing me!” She cried.
“No. You are killing me. And you’re no sister of mine,” I snarled. She sobbed so hard that I pleaded with myself to let me go to her. But then finally, the crying stopped and I heard one last breath leave her lips. I ran to the bedroom where the spirit had been. But when I got there I only saw the sprawled out body of my beloved little sister.
“No. No!” I sobbed. That was my little sister and I just let her die. I sobbed all day and all night cursing myself for doing this. After crying for days upon days, I finally gave up. Too tired to continue crying, I walked down to the kitchen to see if there was any food to eat. The first cabinet I opened, there lay a knife.
I ran the jagged blade over my palm causing blood to spew out and all over my jeans. Then I did something that even surprised me; the last human feeling I felt was the cold piercing blade run smoothly to my heart and through my soul. I watched as my dead body thumped to the ground.
It was night. I looked down only to see transparent legs. I was a spirit of Mystery Manor.
The door violently swung open. A boy crept in as swift and silent as a mouse. I followed the other spirits to form a ring around the boy. I stepped forward.
“We are the spirits of Mystery Manor.”

The author's comments:

I've always wanted to be an author, but I never thought I would get this far so quickly!

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