The Door | Teen Ink

The Door

May 19, 2016
By the_olympics_magic BRONZE, Colorado,Springs, Colorado
the_olympics_magic BRONZE, Colorado,Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lucas came to his house that he moved into. He was really nervous m it look like a haunted house and Lucas took his first step while his family was behind him. Lucas smell something super bad it smelled like a dead rat that died in a pan. Gross yelled Lucas covering his nose. Lucas and his family were in the living room unpacking their belongings but, his sister Gabby went upstairs in her room because she was super exhausted from the ride. Also, she blew up her blow bed and went straight to bed. Lucas his dad, Bob, were so tired because it was 9:00p.m but at that time they heard a sound come from upstairs. Boom!!
What was the yelled Lucas jumped out of his skin.
I don't know said dad let's go check it out.
So Lucas and his dad Bob went upstairs Lucas brought a bat if something happens. They were walking slow 1 foot on each steps. Bob wasn't scared to say that he is   frightened but His eyes were open like garage doors when they were on the top step and his head tilt to the right and to the left. They saw something at the end of the left hallway. It was big, black, scary, and had some red fireball eyes glowing in the dark.
Lucas said, “What the heck it that?
I don't know said Bob.
The thing that looked like a ghost were chasing them and Bob said, “Let’s go in your sister’s. They ran to the right side and ran to the end of the hall they slam the door behind them.
Darling are u ok said Bob.
Yes said Gabby rubbing her eyes as she woke up from her nap.
We need to get out of this house said Bob.
Ok Lucas and Tammy said.
They were about to get out of the room But the ghost came in grab Tammy and took her through this door in her room that could  never ever be open!!!
Bob yelled MY BABY!!!
Tammy yelled Dad!!!As she was holding tight on Bob but she was gone.

  The next day later....... Bob called the police what happen to Tammy. The police were asking questions too Lucas, Bob and Tammy. Police Tony were asking Lucas and Bob the same question since they were together. Hello sir so you are tell me there was a ghost that took your daughter through a door that was in our room that can never be open right said Tony.
Right said Bob
Well sir I don't know about this but this is a really crazy story said Tony.

What you don't believe me here I'll show you where she got taking come on said Bob trying to calm down.
Bob and Lucas showed him where the daughter got taken from.
Here said Bob.
Tony said to his other officers come on guys come on let's open this door.
Ready 1...2....3 boom the door was open there was just bricks behind it.
Well sorry sir I don't think we can do anything for you I'm sorry for your loss of your daughter Gabby said Tony really sorry.
Alright Bob and Lucas said.
After the police left Bob and Lucas were talking. Ok what are we going to do said Bob
I know! Said Lucas
What? Said Bob
We wait till night said Lucas.
Why night? Said Bob.
Why the ghost thing came out at night so we will wait for him.
Great idea son said Bob.
Thanks dad said Lucas
They waited until 9 o'clock because that's when everything started happening when they started hearing noises. So they went up the stairs didn't see the ghost  anywhere they went in Gabby's room and couldn't find anything so they were searching in her room for any clues. They took a good look at the door and they push on it boom we found something said Lucas.
Yes son said Bob.
I can't believe there’s no bricks in the door. What the heck is going on here dad I'm scared?
I don't know I wish I knew what was going on. Said Bob
Well I can't see anything there said Lucas.
They went back down the stairs and got a flashlights, waters, knifes, bats and two light bags to carry the things that they had. They went back to Gabby's room they went back to the door and they turn on the flashlight them only see black walls. So, they took a step and they fell down.
My ankle said Lucas
Oh my god are u ok? Said dad
I don't said Lucas
Son I don't have no choice I have to pop back your ankle said Bob
Ok just do it said Lucas
Ready 1...2...3 Lucas scream so loud but he felt better after 10 minutes. They look around and saw weird things like everything was just black and white. They walked around and watching each other's backs like Hawks.
My legs hurt said Lucas.
Me too said Bob let's take a break.
They took a nap and drink their water. After, 20 minutes past they started to walk again. As they walked they keep hearing a voice Help! Help!
What is that Lucas said?
Let’s go see said Bob.
They walk a little more and they were so excited they found Gabby after like 2 days. They were going to run up to Gabby but the saw 2 guys that were guarding the jail cell she was in. Luckily they had their bats Lucas had one guy and Bob had the other guy. They swing so hard that the guys just vanish and were dead.
Yes we did yelled Lucas high five His dad.
One of the guys had the keys to open up the jail cell and Lucas open it up Gabby ran out of the cell. She hug on Bob and Lucas so hard.
Gabby cried I love you guys so much thank you thank you!! Let's go home.

The author's comments:

Inspired me to make people think what is happening in this story like a mystery.

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