The thoughts of a crazy clown | Teen Ink

The thoughts of a crazy clown

May 26, 2016
By maddy_rae BRONZE, Surprise , Arizona
maddy_rae BRONZE, Surprise , Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hakuna matata

The light use to shine so bright. But now there was nothing. The street was dark and lonely. Alone. That’s what I was. But not in a sad way. In a way that was just right. This feeling I had wasn’t right. Something wasn’t right. The light. Where was the light? Why was this feeling here? I haven’t done anything. I wish for nothing more in life. But this light. Where is it? I swear it was here. I saw it. The brightness that made me feels safe. Now what? What is happening? Nothing is right. Or is it. Who knows?  The light was key. Now it’s gone. I need the light. It has to be here. Somewhere, I have to find it. I’m getting these looks. Why am I getting these looks? They are staring. They should know that staring isn’t nice. Where did there manners go? Maybe with the light. So gone, I thought? Yea I guess. Everything gone has to be found though. Or does it? Who knows? People are still staring. Why won’t they stop? Is there something wrong with me? No there can’t be. I am just a normal person looking for light. Isn’t that what everyone wants?  Yes I think so. I see the street again. It’s not empty this time though. It is filled with happy smiles and bright eyes. Why are they so happy? The light is gone. Oh maybe they have found it. No they couldn’t have. No one would keep it from me right? Oh my gosh, why would they do that. It’s my light too. I’m here too. Why won’t they share it with me? Why can’t I have happiness too? I live in this town. I matter! Yes of course I do. I have too. Right? Yes, I’m a good person. My job in life is to make people happy. To make them laugh. What have I done that make me not deserved to be happy? The light. Oh that makes perfect sense now. The light told them to hide it from me. But why? I was so good to it. I talked to it every night and told people to say goodnight to it too. It was my best friend. What did I do to make it turn everyone against me? The people. They are staring again. But now they are looking fearful. They fear me? But why. I’m just like them! What is so scary about me? Is it because of the light?  I mean I never told anyone about the conversations we have had. I didn’t want anyone to think they weren’t special. Everyone is special. They all have their own talents. Mine is making people happy. I’m really good at it too. Well not really after today. Why should I try to make people happy when they try to take my happiness away? The people. The bad bad people. Running and screaming. Maybe they won’t stare. If I run and scream too. Oh no that made it worse. I couldn’t scream I could only laugh. I guess I will just sit on the street corner. I don’t know when it started raining. There are a lot of puddles around me though. I can see my reflection. But only the sad clown doesn’t look like me. But only it is. That is what I am. A sad clown with a single red balloon that everyone fears. Including my light.

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