Lonely Children | Teen Ink

Lonely Children

May 26, 2016
By spartabailey16 BRONZE, Draper, Utah
spartabailey16 BRONZE, Draper, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She wakes up with a start with the smell of smoke in the air. She looks around and sees everything in her room burnt to a crisp. All of her clothes, gone and all of her pictures, diminished. Her bed that she is lying in, is the only thing that wasn’t touched by the fire which she thought was strange. She gets up and walks out of her room. The living room where her family watched movies and helped her with her homework was gone. Everything, burnt to the very last pillow stuffing. She goes into her parents room to see if  they are alright. What she sees causes her to burst out crying. The only thing she sees of her parents are the ashes the fire made of their bodies. She stumbles out of the room and goes to find her brothers.
“Max! Alex! Where are you? Please tell me you’re alright!” She yells.
“Maddy! We’re right here!” Max yells. She finds them and they are in the same state she is in, everything perfectly fine. There were no scratches on their tanned skin.
“What’s going on? Why were our beds not touched by the fire? Where are Mom and Dad?” Alex asks. The last question brings her back to what she saw earlier, she starts to bawl and falls to her knees. From her crying, they could probably tell what happened so they wrap their arms around her in a tight hug. They let go of her and Max takes out his phone to call the police. He hears a beeping from the phone and he looks at his phone to see that he lost signal.
“Let’s go outside to check and see if our neighbors are okay.” Max says in a calm voice. She nods and the three of them walk out the door. What they see, shocks them to their very core. Every house they could see from their front yard was burnt or on fire. They see only kids sitting in front of their house, watching their house burn to the ground. They only see kids coming out of the house with none of their skin marred or scratched. The three of them walk to the edge of the mountain and see that the whole valley is in the same state.

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