Judge | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a cloudy, misty night, October 30th, the night before Halloween,  known as the Devil’s Night. A squad of young guns sat around a fire chatting, drinking beers, laughing, and having a ball. Billy, who was known around Dexter for his drinking skills, street smarts, and always making people laugh, had began to feel sick.
“Hey boys, I’ll be right back.” Billy shouted to his friends while it was silent. Then headed toward the edge of the woods.
Little did he know walking up to the dark, and mysterious would be a man who went by Mer, his real name being Merzie. Now Billy couldn’t see Mer, but sure enough Mer could see him.
He was a middle aged man who has been living by himself for a few years now, having his wife pass back in 2009. However, no one knew about his other side…, growing up he was assaulted and sexually abused by his younger sister, Abigail and this has had a huge effect on his life. Mer worked as a judge at the Washtenaw County Courthouse.
Throwing up from having one too many drinks, Billy began to vomit and dry heave. Mer, who held a kitchen knife in his hand, came from deep in the woods and slit open his throat, blood splattering everywhere. Due to the loud music and talking coming from the campfire, no one was able to hear the short, and desperate scream for help before Mer finished him off by breaking his neck. Mer then proceeded to bag up the body and take him back to his white van with no windows in the back and the rest tinted too dark to see into and Mer took Billy back to his bare, vacant cellar in the basement of his old white rundown farmhouse. Being inspired by the film, “Silence of the Lambs”, Mer enjoyed skinning his victims alive and wearing their hides as a costume for role play.
Back at the campfire, it was around 2:00 am, Con realizes that Billy has been gone for a while now and heads over to the woods to see where he went and what he was doing. Not knowing where he went, he decides to just head back, but on the way back, scrapes open a scab that was on  his arm on a branch. Everyone asked him where Billy was and why he was bleeding. Con was very intoxicated and while slurring his words replied  with, “I dunt know, whoooo drunk ouwr beer?”
“I’m sure he just walked home or decided to go back inside the house and try to go to sleep or something.” said Rick.
“I know but isn’t that just the slightest bit strange to you, I mean, he did say that he would only be gone for a little and that he was coming back.” replied Bank.
Rick, being the only somewhat sober one, then decided to go see if he was inside the house, he was nowhere to be found. Rick looked everywhere, the basement, all six bathrooms, all 3 bedrooms, and even the attic just in case.
It was November 2nd, and at the courthouse awaited the young man Con. He was being tried for the manslaughter on a young man by the name of Billy Gold. In a situation like this one, there will be no jury, and the decision is to be based upon evidence and knowledge given by one man, EJ, and he gave and told everything he knew to the judge of the courthouse, Mer.
“It is more than obvious to me, Con, that you have committed 1st Degree murder on Bily Gold! You’re blood was found on the crime scene of this murder and your squad has told me that you and Billy have been in many prior confrontations!” Mer shouted to the people.
A huge sigh of shock came from the people and it wasn’t uncommon to see these two get into a tiff at school, having them both be friends, but two very different people. The people were still shocked.
“Now why would you do this Con?” Mer then asked.
“I swear on my life I didn’t commit this crime, why would I do this to my friend, a best friend may I add, and not only that it was the blood from a previous cut already on my arm, the scab had just got ripped of by the branch” Con said frantically and quickly. “Yes I know we have our differences but I still love the kid, and would never put his life on the line, we’ve done so much together and now that he’s gone I’m nearly devastated!” Con said with a fragile voice.
Mer then listed off the sentence in a angry tone, “Ten years in the county jail, no bail.”
Everyone in the courthouse was in shock, they were all speechless. This is the tenth murder in Dexter in the last four months. Con’s squad was devastated and very disappointed in him and never wanted to talk to him again. 

The author's comments:

I love this piece of work. 

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