Boy gone missing | Teen Ink

Boy gone missing

May 27, 2016
By Alicia0927 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Alicia0927 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a boy name Jermaine he was only 10 years old. He was going on a trip with his family to South Asia to learn about many plants and food. His mom told him when he gets to South Asia not to talk to anyone he didn’t know. He gave his word that he wouldn’t talk to any strangers. When the plane reached South Asia, Jermaine couldn’t wait to explore different places in Asia. Jermaine and his family stayed in a hotel for the entire trip. The next day Jermaine woke up at 8am to go look at different things in Asia. He wanted to go eat different kind of food before he did anything else. His family took him to a cool looking restraint and let his eat anything he wanted. By the time they were done, Jermaine told his family he was going to explore for a little bit. They were ok with it.
Jermaine went to so many places in Asia that he made a new friend with a boy who can speak English his name was Jake. Jake showed Jermaine cool secret short cuts to many other places. Later it was time for Jermaine to go back to the hotel he promise Jake he would hang out with him tomorrow and they will meet in front of the tallest building in Asia. Jermaine went back to the hotel to tell his family about his day he told them that he had a great time exploring and he had a new friend name Jake his family was happy that he made a new friend but they told him he couldn’t hang out with him tomorrow because they was going to spend the whole day as a family Jermaine tried to talk his family into letting Jake come with them but thy said no. Jermaine was so upset that he wanted to run away and never see his family again. That night Jermaine waited for his family to go to sleep he checks all the rooms to make sure no one was awake. He saw that everyone was asleep and he went out the hotel he had all his clothes his passport, food, and a map. He started to try to find Jake house he remember that Jake said he lives up north and there a big tree when he gets up north. Jermaine went up north he knew it would take him 25mins to get there he didn’t want to travel alone but he had no choice but to go. Jermaine didn’t know where else to go when he got up north he saw a group of kids that look his age he went up to them and ask them do they know a boy Jake and where he live they look at Jermaine and smiled. One boy got behind him and the other 4 made a circle around him the boy behind him grab him by both his arms while the other 4 took all of his things and they start to jump him they ran after they was done. Jermaine had a black eye and they left a big dark mark on his ribs Jermaine couldn’t move that much he knew if he moves a lot it would hurt a lot worst. He tried to find some help he knock at people door to get help but no one answered. Jermaine was in a lot of pain he didn’t know what to do so he decided to find a little box to sleep in he was very cold he couldn’t find no sheet to cover up with but before he knew it he was fast asleep but what he didn’t know was a tall man that was wearing all black he was watching Jermaine the whole time the man walk toward Jermaine he had a white cloth that had a strong smell to it. The man grabs Jermaine and picks him up Jermaine started to yell out help!! The man took the cloth and put it over Jermaine mouth and nose so he would pass out Jermaine got very weak that he black out the man walk down the pitch black ally with Jermaine.
Jermaine woke up the next morning he was very dizzy he saw a door he ran to the door but it was lock from the outside he look under the door and saw no one. He yelled “HELP!” But there was no answer he started to cry and he heard footsteps he ran back to the bed and pretends he was still asleep he covers his face but his eyes. A man tall man came in the room he walk toward the bed where Jermaine was sleeping he check to see if he still asleep he saw that he was still asleep the man rub his hands thought Jermaine hair “You would do great making shoes for all kinds of people.” Said the man he started to walk out the room Jermaine saw that the man had on a red shirt with blue jeans on with some black dress shoes on. As the man walk out Jermaine saw a piece of paper fell out his pocket. When the man locks the door back Jermaine got out the bed and went to get the piece of paper off the ground but the paper was a picture of the man and his mother they look very happy Jermaine turn the picture over and saw the date it have been 2 years since the picture been token. Jermaine put the picture on the ground and went back to sit on the bed and start to cry he was trying not to cry loud but he ended up crying really loud. Jermaine had a big wet spot on his shirt less then 20mins the man came back in the room and he check on Jermaine to see if he was awake. The man came in the room and saw him crying the man walks up to Jermaine and saw he was crying. The man pat Jermaine on his shoulder and said “It’s going to be ok son beside you should be happy that you are going to a new family and you will love them.” He took Jermaine by his hand and brought him to the old kitchen where he made Jermaine a bowl of hot eggs.
“Eat up its good for you.”
“No!” Jermaine yelled,
“Eat it or I will feed it to you myself.”
“No I want to go back home with my real family.” said Jermaine 
“You have no family you have no one you are just a little boy who can’t do anything but cry like a little baby.”
Jermaine got really angry that he thought of something that he could do to get away from the man. He knew it was going to be very risky to do but he would do it so he can get away and find his friend Jake.
Jermaine waited for the man to take a seat next to him so he could try his plan. The man sat next to Jermaine and he started to read a book. Jermaine slowly grabbed the bowl of hot eggs, threw it in the man’s face, and ran to the backdoor. He tried to find a police station fast. The man scrammed and whip his eyes and he start to run after Jermaine. He was yelling “I’m going to get you boy and I might kill you!”
Jermaine kelp running and he didn’t stop for nothing he was not going to let the man catch him at al. Jermaine ran down the street and saw Jake walking to go meet him like they promise. Jermaine yelled, “Jake!” “Jake!”
Jake turn around and saw Jermaine running and saw a man who was chasing him Jake started to run with Jermaine and they both started to find a way to get away from him Jake thought of place where the man couldn’t think of going but he couldn’t think of any. Jermaine and Jake was tired of running when they ran down a block they found a police man he was willing to help them they both started to cry in the police arms and the man started to run the other way to get away from the police. The police called for back up the man ran down an alleyway down the alley there was 3 cops’ cars blocking the alley. The man turns around and ran the other way but 3 more cop cars block that way too. The man had nowhere to go the cops came and arrested him for kidnapping. The cops took Jermaine back to the station where his family was waiting for him. When Jermaine got out the car he ran to his family and gave them a big hug. They were happy he was safe with them again.
The man got 30 years in jail and a parole later that week Jermaine and his family flied back home to tell everyone about their trip and how exciting it was to be in South Asia. They also wanted to visit it again when Jermaine gets a little bit older and when he can learn not to run away when he gets mad at his family. A couple months later Jake came to visit Jermaine for the whole summer so they can have fun since they didn’t in Asia they had a great summer together.


The author's comments:

The thing that inspired me to write my article is I love mystery stories and movies it they seem so exiting to know what happen or who killed the person.

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