Dangerous Love | Teen Ink

Dangerous Love

June 7, 2016
By Anonymous

 There lived a woman named Mary. Mary was a widow, who had a son. Her son was named Mike. He was a college student. On a beautiful Saturday morning, Mary got up from bed with excitement. Last night her son came home from college to spend the weekend with her. She got up and made waffles, his favorite food. The house smelled of crispy, buttery waffles with fresh cut up fruits. She loved the smell of waffles, that’s one thing major thing she had in common with her son. She had an eery feeling, it felt like something was going to happen. She didn’t want to be paranoid so she decided to wake up her on. “MIKEE” she yelled. No answer, He must be exhausted she thought. She thought of a great idea: breakfast in bed.  She put the waffles on a tray and a glass cup of hot chocolate with 4 marshmallows, just the way he liked it. She climbed the long staircase, which seemed to never end. She reached his room. She knocked the door three times, no answer. She went into his room, and her heart sank. “Cling” went the tray as it hit the floor. The cup spilled and shattered into a million different pieces.

There was blood everywhere. The bed sheets were white and had blood stains in it. On the floor was a pool of blood. She walked over to the bed, stepping on the glass not minding her feet. She lifted the bed sheets, and there she saw her beloved son. He had a bullet wound to the head. She cried out loud in agony. “NOOOOOO!!” She shrieked. Downstairs she heard a door open. A young boy came upstairs with a panicked face on, it was her neighbor’s son. He was the same age as Mike, they were best friends. He came to where she was sitting. His face turned pale, white.  “No, this was not supposed to happen,” he said. He called the cops right away.Fifteen minutes later about six cop cars came and an ambulance. Mary was still crying in grief, tears were rolling down on her cheeks. She didn’t know why her son wanted to kill himself. No she thought, he isn’t dead.
The cops interrogated the neighbor and asked how he was. All the neighbors had one answer,  Which was that Mike was a good and kind he was a bright student, very passion about his life and loved his mother so much. One of the police officers asked, “if mike used to love his life, why did he commit suicide?”  They went to search his room and found a dairy. “That mike’s dairy, “ said his friend. He alway used to write the important thing in his life. They found a picture of a girl inside the dairy. The officer asked. “who is this girl?”. No one knew this girl, they attempted to ask his mother, but no response from her.  An officer suggests that they could find a clue in the dairy and also about this girl.
They started reading the book and found that the girl’s name was Lucy. Mike saw her at a party and fell in love with her at first sight. When the party ended he tried to talk to her but she went with her friend. He lost her and went home with a sullen face. The next day when he went to the college, he saw the girl in one of his classes. We read in his diary that he stared at her and he blushed so hard, Lucy had an effect on him. He sat next to her.
Lucy looks at him and said “Hi” when he heard her voice, he  enjoyed it like it was music.
“Hello” respond mike. He had a big smile on his face. On that day, he comes singing and dancing.
” My son, why are you so happy today ?“ Said, his mother.
“Mother today is the best day in my life,” said Mike with a big white smile.
“What’s so special about today?”  his mother asked with curiosity.
”Mom come  and dance with me, I want to celebrate this moment. I will answer all questions later. “
“HaHahahaha hhhhhhhhhhh,”  Mike laughed. He danced with his mother.
On  the following day, he went to the college early. He couldn’t wait to see her again as he was roaming one place to another. Finally, she came, She was wearing a red dress looking like the beautiful sunset. He couldn’t take off now Lucy was walking towards him. Lucy said to her friend that. Look that boy pointing toward mike.” I think he is weird”. The friend laughed and said maybe he fell for you. He is one of your crazy fans.She replied ’’no way, he looks so crazy ‘’. Mike kept on following her, but she never cared. Later that day, he went to visit Lucy at her house.
Mike didn’t know whether to climb up her window or to take the staircase like a normal person would; He chooses to climb the window and he knocks on her window “Bang, Bang” lucy wakes up with a shocked face heart full of fear maybe her parents might come in, she ran away towards the door to close it. She opens the window and pulls up Mike. She still finds him crazy, he tells her that he love her and if she doesn't take it seriously he might tell her that he will walk into her parents rooms, Lucy gets scared and tells him that she will talk to him tomorrow in college.
The struggle between them finally ends and lucy accepts Mike. However, after someone of their relationship, Mike gets to know about lucy cheating on which makes him angry and furious. He tries to talk to her but whenever she sees him she ignores him and walk away, One day Mike came home in angry. He slammed the door with a loud Bang, he turns on the TV and watches a movie, but the movie seems like it was about him and lucy’s story; He sees a lover boy kills him himself at the end of the story. 
His friends noticed that he was acting different, he wasn’t the happy person that they had known. One of his friends said he will talk to him.
“Mike, my friend, how are you today”?
“I am fine, “ said Mike. “What about you Mark”?
“I am good but you don’t seem to be good these days, what happened? I know you mike, just tell me, what happened? I am your friend, talk to me I will help you!” Said Mark waiting patiently.
“I have nothing to say and leave me alone,” Mike said leaning away.
“Okay! You want me to leave you alone? I will then!!” He left the room with quite a frustration, he was trying to hold himself back from breaking something.
A week later Lucy came to visit Lucy to confess to him and tell him that she loves him and has loved him all along.
“Oh, Mike!” Lucy said with a shrill voice
“Yess?” Mike said with confusion written on his face.
“I came to tell you that I figured out. . . I know you like me, do you like me?” Lucy said with a hopeful face.
“Uhhhh. . .” Mike was shocked at Lucy’s immediate confession.
“Don’t answer that, it’s just for me to say that I love you for being you, You are fair, handsome, and the one for me, please forgive me,” Lucy said with happiness.
After that day, Mike slept a very weird and disturbed sleep. The whole night the same question was running through his mind “why didn’t she say sooner?”. Mike couldn’t choose between whether or not he should tell Lucy that he doesn’t like her anymore, or the truth that he has loved her all along and will love her forever. 
The next day, Lucy came over again to tell Mike that she was mistaken about the confession and to apologize for the inconvenience. Mike grabbed her before she could leave and said “I love you too” with a smile on his face.
Then one day he saw her hugging his friend. Basically, his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend. The cops led a further investigation. They went to the girlfriend’s house and they found her body shot 13 times and stabbed 40 times. Her body was in the bathtub. There was a note. The note said “I loved you but clearly you didn’t love me back. You are mine and I’d rather die than share you.
Soon we will meet each other Love and it was signed by Mike. Everyone went into shock. Mike had killed a girl and then killed himself. The weird thing is he was smiling when he committed suicide. No one will ever know the real truth behind this horrific suicide.

The author's comments:

One day when I saw my neighbour died becouse of love is when I started to think this kind of story.

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