Never Expected | Teen Ink

Never Expected

May 31, 2016
By megan35 BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
megan35 BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the small town named New Bern, where Pepsi was founded, lived a small family.  It was just the little old couple, quiet and strong, who always lived their lives to the fullest.  Fredward the husband always wore fancy clothes with his hair perfectly combed over. Angela the wife always wore fancy clothes also with her hair pulled back. Most people thought of them as this cutest couple the world has seen. They had been in their house for 30 years, and now desperately needed a new house.  They had planned on building their house, so for now they had to stay in an apartment for the summer.

Looking for apartments, the old couple found the one.  This apartment was called Copperfield.  It was more of an elderly place which was perfect.  Once they decided Copperfield was the place to be they went to the realtor.  When the realtor had a chance to meet with them he did. 

“Come sit down, please,” he blurted out, “my name is Jackson and will be helping you buy an apartment today, is there anything you are interested in.

“ Indeed there is, the apartment called Copperfield,” excitingly Angela said.

“Oh, that is the perfect one for you both,” Jackson said joyfully, but I will have to warn you whatever you do, don’t enter the basement `!”

“No worries, we will buy it.” said Angela.

After a long night of thinking why he said not to go in the basement, the next day finally came.  It’s moving day!  That day for the two of them was a scary-fun-exciting-weird day because remember they haven't moved in 30 years.  Couch by couch,  tv by tv, and chair by chair, dragged one by one into the apartment. It was a long day of work, hands sweating and feet stomping, but the couple did it.  After the day the couple went to bed in their heated bed spread.  Angela was sound asleep when Fredward heard, bang bang bang, HELP,  He thought to himself, oh it’s nothing.  He tries to continue to sleep,  but then he hears it again…
Bang, Bang, Bang, HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP.  It sounded like someone was getting murdered.  This time he woke up his wife and said “I love you very much and I will never forget you, get out of the house and I will meet you as soon as I can,” as he opened the door leading to the basement.  Walking down the creaking stairs, he says a quick prayer as he walks step by step.  He is scared to see what lies in that basement.  What he sees is unbelieveable. Blood dripping, eyes darkening, Fredward has seen this man before, somewhere, somehow.  He slammed the door as soon as he could, right on his bloody face. Fredward ran up stairs with his heart beating out of his chest, and jumped right into a chair and started doing research. What he searched was, who has been missing over the past 20 years. A guy named Johnny Pullen popped up on the screen, along with a picture of him.  Oh my gosh, I know him and he is in my basement, he whispers to himself, this can not be good.

Grabbing a gun, Fredward walked the the basement ready for war.  Once he slowly opened the squeaky door, Johnny jumped up in his face with a thank-gosh-you-let-me-out-I-have-been-in-her-for-21-years look. 
“I’m sorry Johnny I have done some reasearch, and it comes up that you are a killer.  I don’t want my town getting hurt because of your mistakes, bye bye Johnny,”  Fredward depressingly says as he shoots him.  Fredward feels bad for what he has done, and he knows how bad it was, but he knew it had to be done. 
He walks outside slugging to his wife as he says, “we don’t need to discuss what happened in there, we need to move back into our 30 year old house.”

“Will do,” she responds.

Moving day happened all over again and with a snap of a finger they were back into their old house.  In the small town of New Bern, where pepsi was founded, lived a small family, home once again.

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