6 feet under | Teen Ink

6 feet under

June 10, 2016
By Liz_S BRONZE, Exter, New Hampshire
Liz_S BRONZE, Exter, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was in a coffee shop trying to be in my own world when I heard her voice over the rest. The high pitched squealing she called laughter was far more powerful than my music and got under my skin. I turned my music up but still I just could hear her voice, it was like nails on a chalkboard to me so I left. I couldn't deal with her today or ever. When I heard her voice again in the alley way, I snapped and took her to where she really belonged, in a place where no one could hear her. Underground, trapped, with no one to help her.

One minute I was walking into the alley way next to the coffee shop, the next I woke up in a sea of black. Everything was going as it normally did until the coffee shop. This odd man was staring at me intensely with a look of pure loathing. I've never even met the man so why did he hate me so much? I have no idea. There was a thousand other Starbucks in the area, and I've never seen him here before so I doubt he will come back. Especially because the barista messed up his order.

As I left to go to my car holding my searing coffee in my hands, I set my coffee down grab my keys. That's when someone snuck up on me and knocked me upside the head. I didn't go completely unconscious until I hit the ground with the last thing I saw is the creepy man from the coffee shop grinning and putting in his headphones.

I walked into the apartment expecting Liv to be there. “Hey Liv. I'm home.” I said, thinking I would see her in the kitchen cooking or reading on the couch and giving me a little wave while she was focusing on her task. But instead nothing. Nothing at all. Weird. Usually she would be home from class by now. Something's wrong. I could sense it.  She's almost always home on time, except for traffic or an emergency or her class being held up. I checked the traffic schedule to see what it was like and it was clear. No traffic at all. That's when I started to panic. I called her. No answer. The line just kept ringing and ringing, which was also unlike her. She usually picks up right away. I texted her friend Sarah to see if she was at class today. She wasn't. Then I had a mini panic attack right there and then. My girlfriend was kidnapped.

I woke up in a dark place, surrounded by the smell of blood and coffee. I touched my head and winced. Feeling the sticky liquid I could only imagine as blood come onto my fingers. I tried to look around me and sit up, but a cool metal surface blocked my path in every direction. That's when I knew I was doomed to die. I screamed and yelled for help, pounding on the metal with all my might hoping for a way out, but I don't think anyone heard me. It was completely silent all around me which was unusual in the city. Completely unusual.
I tried to push up in the top again but it felt like something was blocking it all around. That's when I stopped to think. I smelled the air trying to see if I could figure out where I was, when I smelled dirt. Silence + trapped + dirt= buried alive. Oh my God  he buried me. In a coffin. Alive!!! My mind started racing. Why would someone bury another person alive? That's crazy!  I never did anything to him. I had to get out. I had to see Zack again. But also my parents, and my friends and the world. Oh no I would never finish college and get a job or get married or anything! I would die alone, deep in the ground, with no one to help. I let out a scream of frustration. And then I started sobbing.

She was dead.  At least she would be pretty soon. No one in this world will have to hear her infuriating voice ever again. I don't care if I get caught. As long as she's out of the picture, I don't care. In less than 24 hours she would be out of air, and asphyxiate.

First I need to stop freaking out. Breathe in, breathe out. Ok now I need to figure out where Liv is. The police weren’t much help. They said I needed to wait 24 hours for a missing person to be “officially missing”, but I knew she was in trouble and I needed to help her. They couldn't do anything yet, so made a list of what I knew and what I didn't.

What I know
Liv went missing after she left this morning between went she got her coffee and on her way to class.
Between 8:30 and 9:45 she went missing

What I don't know
Who took her (that b------)
Where she was when she was kidnapped
Where she is now
If she is hurt (oh god I hope she isn't)
With that I set off to figure out the answers to my questions by driving the route she took every morning.

Well I can't sleep. Dang it. If I fell asleep I don't think I would ever wake up because I would run out of air slowly then die and I wouldn't even realize it. So that's not an option because I would prefer to live. I suddenly remembered to check my pockets for what was in there. I had a bobby pin, some gum and oh my gosh my phone. I checked to see if there was battery and there was an almost full charge!!! But was there service? Only 1 bar. If I could stay in this position I could call for help! But who would I call? Zack! I called the number I knew by heart and prayed for him to pick up. “Liv?” I heard him say. “Hi” I whispered.

I drove to the coffee shop first because I that's the first place she goes to. I drove into the familiar Starbucks parking lot, and went inside. The place smelled like coffee and sounded soothing. Relaxing music playing over the speakers. I wanted to curl up in the corner with a warm cup of coffee and a book, wasting the day away. But that would have to be another time. Right now I needed to focus on Liv. I went up to the counter and started asking about her. “Hey man.” I said to the barista. He turned around and looked at me. “ My girlfriend was here this morning right before she went missing. Any way you saw her?” “What does she look like?” He asked. “Blonde, brown eyes, dimples, about 5’5…” “I don't remember her. We had a big crowd this morning. What I can do though is have you look at our security tapes in the back. They probably saw something.” So I thanked him and we went back. He rewinded the tapes to this morning, and I sat in the chair and got comfortable. I saw a line of people at the counter, ordering them leaving in a sequence that kept repeating. Finally she came in, and I sat forward and  watched intensely. She was talking on the phone and laughing, a laugh that made me smile. I love her laugh. The thing that threw me off though was the man glaring at her, with a look of hatred. She kept laughing and he got more and more annoyed. Finally, with a red face he stormed out. A few minutes later, Liv ordered, got her coffee and left also. That was it. I couldn't see outside of the tapes area of vision. It all happened in a few minutes. I thanked the man again and left. I went to the alley way right next to the shop for a quick smoke, which I only do when stressed. As I turned the corner, I saw Liv’s black jeep, spilled coffee on the ground and her keys with the smiley faced emoticon key ring. I knew this is where she was taken so I called the police again, hoping that they could do something.

“Oh my god. It's you. Are you ok? Are  you hurt? What happened to you? Where are you? Oh my god I was so worried.…” Zack rambled. I cut him off. “Yes I’m alive for now but I won’t be if you don’t get here soon. Someone kidnapped me and ... buried me. I don't know where I am Zack, but I’m scared.” “Oh my god. We will get whoever this b------ is locked up for good soon. I need you to tell me anything you can about where you are.” he said panicked. “Well I'm in a metal container I think, and there's dirt surrounding me but it's silent outside I think. I'm probably in somewhere quiet.” I pictured his face going pale as I described to him where I was, and all he said was graveyard firmly then hung up. Thanks. Love you too.

I gave up hope soon after. I was losing oxygen and no one had come to get me. I started to drift asleep when. I heard faint voices. I started clanging on the metal In a pattern of 3. Bang bang bang. Bang bang bang. I kept going until the voices got louder and there were shouts. Zack came. He found me. I knew he would. Shovels started digging and the clang of metal against metal vibrated the death trap I was in. The lid was flung open, and I could breathe and see the sky that I missed so much. The blinding light of the sun, made me have to adjust to the light. And when I did, and I was pulled out, Zack was there. I fell to the ground, unable to catch my balance. And when I looked up he was there.

I followed the police to the only graveyard in the city. I cut off Liv to call them and tell them where she was. When we got there, we started looking around trying to find any sign of where she was buried. Then we heard her clangs, we followed them and started digging her up. The police pulled her out, but she was unsteady and fell over. I rushed over to her and our eyes met. “Zack” she whispered softly and started to sob as I hugged her frail body. She was bruised, battered and scared, but I just held her while she cried, not saying a word. Just rocking her back and forth and holding the body I thought I would never see again. “Hey Liv?” “Ya?” She looked up at me with her eyes puffy from crying. “I love you.” She froze and said “Really?” With a look I couldn't describe. “Yes and I won't let anything happen to you ever again.” She didn't say anything back but kissed me and I knew everything would be ok soon.

Oh no they found her. I didn't think this through. I stood watching the story on the news horrified. If she was safe, what would happened to me? Then I heard a knock at the door and opened it. The police. “Tom Bailey you are under arrest for the kidnapping and attempted murder of Olivia Wellington.” And with that they pushed me to the ground and handcuffed me, ending whatever chance I had with escaping. Goodbye world, time for prison.

We went back to our house after the graveyard incident. I couldn't do anything else I was too shaken up. Zack and I were cuddling on the couch when the 6 o'clock news came on and we watched anxious for news on the story, no our story. “A girl today was kidnapped and buried alive, as you might have seen earlier in the news. Thanks to the heroics of her boyfriend looking for her, he found evidence who the girl confirmed was her kidnapper. Tom Bailey was who the person came out to be, was arrested a few minutes ago and was charged with attempted murder and kidnapping and is in prison right now not on bail. The trial will be later on in the month...” I was so happy that he was arrested I didn't listen to the rest of the details. He was arrested and I was safe. I started to cry with relief. “Baby what's wrong?” Zack asked. “He's gone. I'm safe.” I said. “No one will hurt you when you're with me. I promise.” he said his his always comforting and soothing voice.

Tom Bailey
“You are hereby declared guilty.” The sound of the judge’s hammer echoed through the out the room. That's it then. The rest of my life condemned in prison until they come and take me away. Never to return to this cursed Earth. Never able to bid my family goodbye. Why would they want to anyways? I'm glad I won't be able to see them again. I wouldn't be able to stand their voices.

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