What's Done is Done.. | Teen Ink

What's Done is Done..

October 15, 2016
By lostinherthoughts BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
lostinherthoughts BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What’s Done is Done

He sat and pondered over what to do. This was a situation where any wrong move, could lead him to the dead end. It was only a matter of time before people would find out. Have it blasted all over the news. Everyone staring at him, giving him deadly looks. But they didn’t get it, they won’t ever get it. He was left with no choice, he had to do it. She had left him with no choice, she started it all. She wasn’t at all who he thought she was and now, she was going to push him into his grave. He ran out the door, thoughts racing into his mind, there’s only one thing left to do. He rushed to his friend’s house, banging rapidly onto the door. Opening with a creak, a head poked out. “Do you not know what time it is? What are you doing here Greg?”
“Let me in,” he said, looking around to make sure no one was watching.
They sat in the living room, where he poured the story, bit by bit.
“Now that you’ve heard it all, you’ve got to help me. I can’t have my life end up like this. You’re my only hope.”
Moment of silence. His friend’s face grew so pale and he didn’t even dare look Greg in the eye. “Look…. I’m usually good at letting people’s crimes magically “vanish”, but this is definitely a big risk. Too big of a risk, my police job will get ruined from this.”
Hearing that, Greg felt bad for his friend. He was right, and his friend has a good heart and has always been helpful, this time though, it was too much for him to take.
“I’ll just have to find a different solution. Bye.”
He walked, stressed over the entire situation. At first sight, he thought his wife was everything he could ask for. She was funny, beautiful, smart, yet sweet as a pickle. But after they got married, their relationship took a turn for the worst. She was awfully close to other guys, she acted as if she didn’t want to be around with him, and she was always saying she was too busy to be with him. It boiled his blood thinking about her and her destroying the relationship he had wanted. What was once so perfect took a turn for the worst and became so wrong. He did all he could to make her happy, and now his life was over because of her.

Later that day, Greg’s friend went to his work force. He spilled the beans on Greg’s scandal and showed the police his recording of their conversation the night before. Little does Greg know, his friend can only be trusted with just enough information before it all comes out. “Thank you officer. If this goes well, I’ll gladly give you a higher position in police rank. For now though, help this case get started so we can get the arrest.”

“Nice of you to treat me today. I really needed something to get my mind off this situation.”
“Yeah, man. It’s the least I could do. You were going through so much.”
He sighed and took a sip of his drink. “I know. I got to use the bathroom real quick.”
“Third door to the right.”
Greg went up to the bathroom. He walked out and looked out the window to see police officers on the street. His heart beated so quick, it could jump right out.
He raced down the steps to his friend. “Are you having your police friends--” The door to the house bursted open. His friend blocked Greg from running one way while the cops blocked the other.
“There’s no way out. Greg Morgan, you are now under arrest.”

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