The Day That Changed His Perception | Teen Ink

The Day That Changed His Perception

October 14, 2016
By DarkDynasty BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
DarkDynasty BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The only thing he can hear is his fast paced heartbeat getting louder and louder like a drummer in a band banging on the drums with as much force as possible. He is completely blind, Daniel is stuck in a place where he’s never been before, and his senses are completely cut off. He can’t hear anything he is saying and the only way he makes it around is by hugging the cold, wet damaged wall surrounding the room. Daniel doesn’t know how he ended up here, but he wasn’t planning on staying there.
Daniel is your average student at school. He wasn’t popular yet he wasn’t unpopular. Daniel has a lot of friends, but no enemies, so when he got a message that said, “Run, because if I catch you then you’ll wish you would have never been born.” Daniel played it off as a prank but then he got a picture message from another phone number that shocked him. He didn’t know how he react he stood there frozen in fear with the picture being the cause of it. The picture he got was of himself unconscious laying on a surgery table with a dark, big, tall man standing over him.  Daniel tried to identify when somebody could have possibly taken this photo, but he noticed something in the picture the clothes that he was wearing were exactly like the ones he was wearing right now. Daniel thought to himself when he ever wore this outfit but then he remembered that it was brand new and it was his first day wearing it.
Daniel got another message, but from a different number. The message said, “Bet you were wondering when I took this picture. Let me just tell you that I took this picture tomorrow at exactly five o’ clock. Have a good rest of the day Daniel.” Daniel was confused but he knew that he had to watch what he did. All of the sudden his best friend Dante came out of nowhere. “Hey Danny, what’s up?” “Nothing much Dante, but man I’m just freaked out about these messages.” “What messages” said Dante.  Daniel showed Dante all the messages and Dante had the exact same reaction to all of them just like Daniel. Dante told Daniel “Hey man just chill out maybe if you are careful you can avoid the things that will happen in the picture.” Daniel just shrugged he told Dante that he needed to go study but Daniel new for sure nothing was going to get his mind of those messages.
School is over and Dante runs out of class. He didn’t want to stay in school a minute longer. Daniel needed a ride so he went to Dante’s car. All of the sudden he just felt this negative vibe. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t talk he felt paralyzed. It felt almost like an eternity to Daniel than all of the sudden Dante pushed him and ask if everything was alright. Daniel quickly snapped out of it and told him how he felt. Dante said, “Let’s just go home and relax.” As soon as Dante turned on the car everything went blank. Daniel woke up in room where not even darkness can describe it. He sat there waiting for his eyes to adjust but they couldn’t.
Then the lights just turned on. To Daniels eyes that was the most beautiful thing in he had ever saw it was like a sunset on a Colorado morning. However that will be the only thing pleasant about the light. On the wall in front of him he saw a T.V. that showed Dante dead. His body was everywhere. Daniel knew it was Dante because of the clothes.
All of the sudden he heard a voice. It told him to leave but to never come back and if he tried to look for him that he will die a brutal death. Daniel without hesitation left the room but something was following him. Daniel ran as fast as possible. Whatever was after him he didn’t want to see it. At that moment he saw light coming from the door so he jumped through it but felt a scratch. When he looked down he had three claw marks going down his body. 20 years later he went back. Daniel noticed something he never noticed. He turned around then BANG!

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