A London Murder | Teen Ink

A London Murder

October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

Without a warning, in a blink of an eye it shall come upon you and take your life. Like a thief in the night it’ll steal your last breath.
As the moon rose to its full height, the clock chimed its sound resonating so vividly in the darkness that if one were to look hard enough they might see soundwaves. After 15 minutes, the night fell into a tranquil state leaving the streets with nothing but silence. The tap-tap of his shoes coming up Westminster St, Providence, RI caused the silence to shift out of focus.
After being imprisoned in a box, looking at nothing but mountains of paper Alastair Callum was finally able to feel the night’s air on his face.
“The stars are looking as bright as ever.” He proclaimed to the night sky as he made a right on Adam Street at the intersection. The street he had turned on held narrow streets with tall apartments which suffocated each other. The man should have been the only one passing through; the tap of his dress shoes should have been the only feet making a rhythm on the concrete ground. However, the sound of a sneaker making contact with the ground, journeyed its way to his ears.
Alastair kept at his normal pace, for he did not know yet who he was dealing with. He felt the stranger watching him: their eyes boring into his back causing a hole to form, a shiver run down his spine, forming goosebumps. His feet began to move rapidly at the same pace as his heartbeat as he neared the end of the street, and just as he was about to take those final steps towards the safety of the moon’s light: a hand was placed on his right shoulder making every inch of hair on his body stand to its end. He reeled around wanting to push the stranger’s hand off of him, and to see a glimpse of their face before making a run for it. But before he could so much as even lift a finger, with one swift motion he felt the long pointy object poke at his skin before sliding into the upper left part of his breast.
Shock and fear settled in at once as the knife that protruded in his heart was fiercely yanked out. The pain was a slow process. For the first few minutes it was dull, but then suddenly a pain so overwhelmingly great shot through him causing him to slowly slide to the ground. His eyes slowly began to drooped shut, the last thing he would take with him were the sound of rapidly retreating feet to the shadows of the night. 
How does one fight off a beast when it resides within oneself? She watched as the night fell, hugging the sky with its darkness.
She slowing walked onto Adam St at the intersection where she knew he was coming. Her heart and mind are the two opposing magnets that are repelling each other. Her heart is going insane trying to tell her that she should not be here, while her mind has lost all source of reasoning except to be released of her stifling desire. She was disguised within the shadows of the small spaced apartments when the familiar tap of his shoes echoed its way to her ears.
She detached herself from the darkness and as she began to follow him she could feel her heart begin to race trying to catch up with her, to stop her. But she was already near the finish line. He was about to turn around, but the crunch-pop sound of the knife piercing through the patch of his heart filled the night air, producing a dark red stain. Her mind was filled with relieve, satisfied to be rid of her pounding desire however her heart pierced as if trying to escape the monster she was. Once again, she given the upper-hand to her demons, she thought as she retreated into the night.

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