Lights Out | Teen Ink

Lights Out

October 14, 2016
By ViolaMMA BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
ViolaMMA BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If they haven’t found you in this long, then they’re not worried about you now, Derek convinced himself, wondering why he had gone to the city to begin with. With all of the attractions under much protection and security, Derek usually stayed in the swampy area of Florida.  He walked cautiously past the police car, all of a sudden being reminded about his reason for hiding away, one that seemed decades away when really Hannah’s death was only two years ago.
It actually wasn’t his fault, she was the one who cheated on him. Two years ago. The thought of her made him lose all feeling, turning him as white and cold as a ghost back for his next victim in the night. Now, all he felt was the bile in his throat like a large pill that he couldn’t bare to swallow. Derek got into his dark red 1999 Corolla hoping to be as inconspicuous as humanly possible. He placed his groceries in the passenger side seat instead of the back seat or the trunk. Going back there would only bring back more memories that continued to haunt him every day.
He had slit her throat and left her there to bleed out onto suede car seats, only to come back minutes later to effectively take his aggression out on her, the way he always wanted to. Derek first raised his lumberjack hands, that showed the aches and pains of years of hard labor, and let a few blows land to clear his mind to really plan what he wanted to next. After collecting his thoughts, he had a smile that meant nothing but more problems than what had been caused already. Derek tied Hannah up in the closet to give her a rest before what would come next. As he went to town to Wal-Mart, he bought bleach, soap, rope, and lighters. For any other person, this would mean a cleaning day or a camping trip, which would be common due to Derek’s rusty look and the fresh smell of pine. When arriving at his home, on his way to collect Hannah, he found a trail of blood leading from the closest to his living room and to Hannah’s quivering body on the ground. After Derek was finished with her, his original ideas finally completed, he put her back in the closet along with the bloody supplies and other evidence. While cleaning up her blood, he felt confident about what he had done and not an ounce of guilt. Even though he would forever be disgusted by Hannah’s action, he couldn’t feel anything but a cruel joy about his actions, not knowing about the true weight of regret and guilt he would now feel.
Derek pulled off with a mission in his mind to get back to his house. However, for some reason, he started to see more and more police officers around the area, more than usual. Immediately, all of the gruesome images came back to him of his former love on that day. Reaching 60 mph, Derek started to see the flashing lights and the sirens behind him. No, he thought, I can’t go down for this now. He now steps on the gas as if, if he stopped it would end his life. However, after swerving between a few cars, Derek’s car flipped over 10 times like a toddler playing with a flip phone.
After recovering the brutally mangled body, the police officers investigated the scene and other information on Derek. During the next week, the investigation ended and the state took his property and gave permission to search it and clear it out for sale. Although no one thought of the smell old bleach and soap while entering what looked like was once a lovely home, the police officer found the body that was once Hannah’s but what now looked like a half decayed, special effect dummy that you would see in a movie but was the opposite of anything fake. The officer then wished that she hadn’t eaten anything that morning as she began to taste the bagel and cream cheese in her mouth. Ignoring the warning signs she felt deep in her stomach became her  number one mistake that she would never make again.
After watching the body being carried out in a black bag on a squeaky stretcher, the original officer that went to pull Derek over said to his partner, “And to think I was just going to let the guy off with a warning for having a taillight out in his car.”

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Eyez said...
on Nov. 4 2016 at 3:57 am
Great story

Aviance said...
on Oct. 28 2016 at 11:23 am
I love how much detail is in the story, it makes it as if I'm right in there! I enjoy a good story as yours that also puts me deep in it. Amazing job.

Ms.Marie said...
on Oct. 21 2016 at 1:07 pm
Great job cousin really intense visual story. You have my vote.....

Twyn said...
on Oct. 21 2016 at 10:20 am
Great Job! Keep up the awesome work.