A Broken Family | Teen Ink

A Broken Family

October 17, 2016
By Anonymous

  January 18, 2005 the year all fell apart and still can't be replaced. A mother that would kill for her man, but not her children; one named Sophie age 7 and Adele age 10. Everything was once oh so perfect but when Mrs. Neille found out her cheating, bastard, husband cheating again. . Hell broke loose. Other times she would let it go, she'll say " He loves me, I just know it; his just acting up, he'll come around" but this time he cheated with her sister who would take care of the girls when they would be off on business trips or daily work. Mrs. Neille went bizarre. Snakes will always be snakes she thought to her self. It shook her so bad that, she did something nobody thought she would or maybe they did ?

  Sirens of police cars would be around the neighborhood at 4 am, neighbors woke up because they were concerned with what happened. "It's too early for this mess, what's going on ?!" Mr. Wonder asked angrily. " Sir please step back and go inside" the cop with a name nobody could've understand. " What did the crazy lady do now" said the lady who had the darkest lungs in town, Ms. Stanley. The tall police men ran viciously as if something needed severe attention. 

  Adele and Sophie, were the two dolls around that area. People only come over to see them both and give them lollipops because that's what they loved. Their natural long thick caramel hair, always up in a large bows and dresses that would cause you to smile. Their smile though was beautiful from ear to ear and had the deepest dimples like the ocean sea. Even though their mother didn't pay much attention to them, they were the most warm hearted kids. So kind and sweet that it made you think twice of wanting to adopt them as soon as you see them.

  Mrs. Neille pulled the trigger. Both girls got shot and the beloved sister couldn't see the end of the day. She didn't hold no guilt when pulling the trigger, she heard her husband hit the ground, her heart broke like a plate hitting the ground too. The police men running into the huge white tall house. Neighbors all looked at each other and gasped, turning back home as quick as possible. 

  The police men ran thinking they will find the suspect, Mrs. Neille. She disappeared before the bullet went through her husband's head. The ambulance brought out the girls, Mrs. Neill's sister, and her husband. Only one child lived, Adele the oldest one. Since everyone walked out or died nobody visited her at  hospital. They immediately took her to the adoption center, after she got better.

  She felt her life lifting up with agony and depression when seeing all her loved ones die in front of her, her sister that she shared everything with is now gone. Her aunt and father who once gave her unconditional love before her mother got insane. She also loved her mother but she didn't know whether to forgive her or hold a grudge.

   Stores, buildings, and bulletin boards in pharmacies with the face of the running suspect. Nothing stopped her from running farther than California. The case will still be open and pending since nobody has found her. Every border and Airline also have pictures of her too. Being cautious of when they see her. Adele live a horrific life never knowing what truly happened and if they ever found her mother. Everyday she wondered if her mother was alive or even okay, but nobody told her anything. The policeman would check on her constantly asking if she remembers anything from that night but everything was a blur. 

  One long night Adele stayed up all night thinking about the night when she lost her loved ones. Repeating the constant blur in her head, she remembered something that wasn't there before. It was her father who shot them and himself, putting the blame on his wife. It was impossible she thought to herself all the evidence pointed to her mother. Next morning she told the officer who came and asked questions about what she remembered. The cops not believing her all. " why are you laughing ? I'm telling the truth !" Saying with strict voice. " I knew we shouldn't of asked her questions she would've made something up just to save her mom" the foolish policeman said. 

  Adele waited the next day to talk to a different officer but nothing seemed to work. Nobody believed and she felt as if her Bright Eyes and pick up hair didn't work anymore. Her smile changed and she didn't seem to trust anyone anymore. Waited and waited for news from her mother to pop up but it's seemed like the news wouldn't even be surprising anymore. Adele continued her life in the Foster home she now moved into, with a loving family and pets that once she couldn't have. It seemed like the ground opened up and swallowed Mrs. Neille. Adele was able to visit her sister, aunt, and her father at the cemetery every Sunday. 

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