Ding Dong | Teen Ink

Ding Dong

October 24, 2016
By Connor823 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Connor823 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I was sitting in my house on halloween day, getting ready for the halloween party I was throwing that night. But when I looked outside at 3:30 it was already dark out. “That's odd” I said to myself, must be daylights savings or something. Then I hear the doorbell ring and I hear joyful kids laughter coming from outside the door. But when I open it there isn't any kids there just a note. I open it slowly thinking it might be a prank or something. But when I opened it all the note said was R.I.P. So I quickly ran out my door thinking maybe I could catch a glimpse of the writer, but I trip and fall over a mask of a clown. I picked it up to get a closer look. There seemed to be… Blood? It can't be blood I thought to myself. But it sure looked and smelled like it. After looking at it with fear and finally realizing it was blood I ran in house as fast as I can. I was scared now, I'm home alone on halloween night. Seems like the perfect plot to a scary movie right? So I try to keep my mind off what just happened by getting ready for the party again. I was out picking pumpkins that day so I was still a little dirty. So I decide to go clean up in the shower. When I walk in my room I go to pick out an outfit but something odd catches my eye. A pair of big red and yellow shoes sticking out from under my dresser. Of course being the curious george I am, I go to check them out. Right as i'm about to grab them I hear the doorbell ring. Startled but determined to catch the prankster who left the note I sprint to the door quickly open it, and again nobody is their. So I step outside confident to catch whoever is doing this. I run to the front of my house staring down my dark oddly empty street. So weird that there is no kids running around like usual. Just the stale sound of the wind blowing the leaves around. As I look under the dim yellow glow of the street light I see a figure step under it. To far away to tell who or based on how my night is going what. All I hear is the faint honk of a little horn and the occasional twisted laugh. After about 3 minutes of me just staring and it just staring back I yell. “Hey! What are you doing just standing there?” It slowly takes a step more into the light and it was then that I realized it was a clown. 


Everything made sense now The mask and the shoes. My face white with terror when I look back under the street light and it's gone. I book it back inside, quickly locking all my doors. But it was then that I heard the dreadful, DingDong! Of the door. Refusing to open it I run upstairs when i hear the lock to my door break and the laughter of the clown right in my very house. It runs upstairs after me. I'm too slow to make it to my room, it grabs my foot and starts to pull me down stairs. I'm kicking and scratching for my life. It's relentless grip of my leg. I see it has a knife, and it starts to grab it. About to stab me I give my last hard kick and it drops me. We both get up but it has the upper hand and a weapon. I try to fight but it's no use all I feel is a sharp pain as he stabs me in the back. I fall to my knees it's the worst pain i've ever felt before, But even with the wound I find the strength to trip him and crawl over to the phone. I'm struggling but still manage to dial 911. That is when I swing the phone and hit him on the head knocking him out. I then get up and go outside in the front so when the police get their the ambulance can help me immediately. Just as I thought it was over I heard the door open and someone come out. I turn and look and it's the clown, he’s sprinting. But not at me. Down the street and into the forest. And that is the last time anyone ever saw a killer clown in that costume ever again. The police arrived and got me medical help. They took me back to the hospital and saved me. And that is how i'm here telling this story to you kids.” (Narrator) And that is when Jack (The storyTeller) got up from the camp fire and helped all the kids back to their cabins at the summer camp. But right as he was about to go into his own cabin something right at the edge of the woods caught his eye. It was someone wearing the very same clown costume as the one on that terrible day. A blanket of fear fell over him as he stumbled to get inside and lock all his doors and windows. 


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