Murder on 600th | Teen Ink

Murder on 600th

October 25, 2016
By bianca.cnieves BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
bianca.cnieves BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was sitting down in the interrogation room waiting for Midget to come in. Suddenly, I heard a knock from the door. I was intrigued, ready to knock the answers out of him. Midget’s case was the biggest one I’d gotten in a long time. I got up from the chair, and I walked to the door in a fast but professional pace. Not looking at my surroundings, I tripped on the legs of the chair and went headfirst onto the ground. It really hurt, but being a professional CIA agent, I got up quickly and showed no signs that I was in pain. As I opened the door little by little, I got less excited. It wasn’t Midget, it was Boss.
Everyone called him Boss because he was the one that assigned all the missions, gave us raises, and moved us up a level. His real name was General Tony Berkenhoff. I saw that stupid grin on his face that he would flash every time somebody got a good case. To me, it seemed that he did it to hide his jealousy of not being able to go on missions anymore. His smile was literal perfection. Of course, nobody noticed because of the 3-inch scar on his left cheek and a lightly burnt, crispy nose.
“I think you’ll be excited about this one,” said Boss, “International drugs and weapons dealer right here in NYC.  Three of his men were found dead last night on 600th Street. We think he may have a secret hideout or lab nearby. Brysen will close your other case if you want him to. I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”
I squealed from happiness. Finally, my first big case. I ran to Guadalupe, practically jumping from happiness. Guadalupe was my best friend in the force. When you’re a CIA agent, which we both are, it’s really hard to make friends that you have to arrest or kill at the end. Guadalupe and I have known each other for years. She was my partner in our training classes and when we both got assigned to NYC, we were inseparable. Her combat skills were what made her such a great agent. She could knock down a 200-pound guy faster than Boss could. Of course, since I don’t have those same skills, we got different partners two years ago. I was sad, at first, that I couldn’t work with Guadalupe, but I’d gotten closer to Brysen, my partner, over time. He was funny, smart, and really, just the perfect partner.
“Brysen, want to help me close the case?” I asked. Brysen was a probation agent, which means he wasn’t really an agent, but were trying him out on the field to see how well he fit in.
“Um…yes?” he said. “I’d love to.”
“Good, because the faster we arrest Midget, the faster we can start the next one. And let me tell you something, this one is seriously the best case we’ve gotten so far.” As I said this, there was a knock on the outside door. The only door into our base. The door was located in a train station platform. This was the door that in any other train station, security was located. I opened the door, hoping that this time it was who I hoped for. I opened the door and there he was, Midget, dressed in a bright, neon, orange jumpsuit.
Midget wasn’t like anyone I had actually arrested. He was good looking with his shaggy dark brown hair, his tan skin that looked like he just came from the Bahamas, and his straight, white teeth that made a perfect smile. On the other hand, he was a horrible person. He had killed dozens of people, owned nuclear bombs, escaped from a highly monitored prison twice, and had tried to steal top secret government files not once, but three times.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Brysen said in a deep voice in which he thought he sounded more sophisticated, but he really didn’t. “Get him into the interrogation room, Officer.”
The officer moved slowly into the interrogation room holding Midget by his hands. Brysen and I moved closely behind him. I noticed that the Officer wasn’t wearing the necessary outfit to be inside here. Our outfits were supposed to be dark gray, while his was brown. That’s when I realized he wasn’t one of ours. I looked over at Brysen and we both nodded at each other at the same time. We let them keep their act up until he was about to un-cuff Midget. The Officer made it look like he was getting the key, when he went to swing a punch directly to Brysen.
Brysen ducked and stood up and kicked him in the knee. The Officer fell down screaming in pain. He tried to stand up, but he cursed and fell back down seeing that his knee was facing the wrong way.  Midget unlocked his handcuffs and swung a punch at me. I grabbed his hand and twirled him to the floor. His back cracked and he couldn’t stand up. The Officer stood back up and punched Brysen to the floor. Brysen fell face first and broke his tooth. Brysen fainted with his mouth wide open with blood coming out hi new gap. Midget tried to stand up, but I kicked him right in between his lips and his nose. His nose started bleeding, and  he decided to give up. I took the cuffs that I always kept in my jacket pocket, and put them around Midget. I took the handcuffs from Brysen’s back pocket, were he always kept them. I waited until Brysen became conscious again as I knew I couldn’t carry both at one time. Carrying one and leaving the other could make the one that was alone escape and I was so done with chasing after the bad guys these days.  We went outside and everyone from the base didn’t even ask of what happened, they just kept working like it was a normal day, because for us, it was a normal day.
We went to the holding corridor, which was where we held the prisoners until they could be transported to a high-surveillance underground facility. We turned Midget and the Officer in and went back outside to start the next case.
“Well that was fun,” said Brysen.
“It actually was,” I responded, “ Now we have to get on with the next case. Meet me in the briefing room at 1400 hours.” 1400 hours was the military way of saying 2 pm. Recently, the United States government had started using this way of telling time.
    “Will do.”
      I walked over to Guadalupe and told her what had happened. She didn’t seem that excited, but I was still happy I had somebody to talk about it with.
    “Guadalupe, are you in a case right now?” I asked. I wanted Guadalupe to help Brysen and I in the case. Most cases like this take 3 to 4 people and I wanted Guadalupe to be in ours.
    “ No, not really. Do you need help with your amazing, new case?”
    When I was just about to speak, Boss called me into the office. I rolled my eyes because I was assembling my team for the big case. I started walking away from Guadalupe’s desk and when I reached the door of Boss’ office I looked at her and I mouthed the word yes.
    “Midget has a proposition for you. He wants to talk to you in his holding cell,” said Boss. I groaned loudly. I was so tired of being a spy. I was tired of being told what to do everyday and hiding from my family. Lying to everyone to I ever talked to outside the office. But it was my job, and it paid well.
    I walked out of the office with a fake smile on  my face. Nobody noticed because nobody really cared. I walked for about 3 minutes trying to find where Brysen was. I asked everyone and no one knew where he was. So, I decided to go to holding cell without him. When I was about walk in, Brysen walked out. He had closed the deal without my supervision or my permission. I was about yell at him.
   “Brysen you ca-” He cut me off.
    “Look, I know I’m not supposed to be doing anything like that without your supervision and authorization, but I had to. I have to prove that I can be an agent not just be in probation forever.”
     I couldn’t stay mad at him. He had a point. I can’t keep him as my sidekick for all my life.
    “If you tell me what happened in there and the deal you closed with him, I won’t tell anybody about this. Okay?’
    “Okay,” Brysen said. He began explaining what happened in the holding cell with Midget. “Well, we all know that Midget has dabbed a little in the drug dealing business. So, I tried asking him about his past. He wouldn’t tell me ANYTHING, but one thing he told me really stuck out to me. He said if he helps us in our next case, and then he just stopped talking. Olive Travoski, he died. Was that to formal? Yeah, let me do it again. Olive, he died.”
“ How did he know about our case?” I asked Brysen confused with was he was saying. He was beginning to act very strange.
“I asked him the same thing, but he never responded. Probably because he has been in and out of places like ours he knows we get assigned new cases very quickly.”
    I fell to the floor. The only person that there was to help us died and now I didn’t know what to do.  We’d hit a dead end, there was nothing we could do. I was gloomy and as hard as I tried to hide it, I couldn’t. How could everything have gone so south? Why did this have to happen to me?
    Guadalupe was running towards me and I didn’t want to talk to anybody. I kept walking away, but she caught up with me easily.
    “Olive, I have the most exciting news ever. Having the access that I have, I ran some of the information that we have here in the Fast-o-dome and I found some suspects here in NYC.” The fast-o-dome was a computer that held the biggest secrets from all of the governments in the United States.
    “Tell me, tell me, tell me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I couldn’t believe it! This wasn’t a dead end after all.
    “I typed in the address where they found the bodies. There wasn’t a clear image, but the guy had a 3 inch scar on his left cheek. For other details that’s all I could find.”
    “ I think that will be just enough,” I said as I ran to Boss’ office. He couldn’t let down our government like this. He couldn’t have done this. As I reached the door, my arm was pulled and I was gagged. Great thing about this office is we’re all trained spies. Bad thing about the office, none of us ever pay attention. I kicked and I kicked, I screamed and screamed, but no one ever looked up to see me being kidnapped.
    We went outside into the streets. They dragged me out into a dark alley and told me to look normal. He took off the gag out of my mouth and he let go of my arms. I knew I couldn’t run away because maybe this was the guy that was I was supposed to catch. He pulled out a gun and held it to my back.  I moved with him, scared for my life.
    We took so many turns, that I became lost. I didn’t know where we were, and it didn’t look like the nicest neighborhood in New York. I was going to die. I was certain of it. He threw me to the ground and I grabbed his leg and tried to break his knee. He took his gun and shot me in the forearm. I yelled loudly for what felt like hours. He had left me on the street with no hope.
    Just when I was about to give up, Guadalupe showed up she had bruises all over her face. She was bleeding from her legs and her hands. Her shirt was all ripped up and she looked like she was about to die too. I tried to stand up from the pool of blood my arm had created, but I couldn’t.
    “Hey,” I said. It was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. I was so excited because they had found me. I wouldn’t die.
    “Hey, friend,” she said. Her sarcastic tone made me feel tormented. She pulled out a gun and said, “Ready to die?”
    The last thing I remember is a sharp pain passing through my heart as I heard a loud bang come from her gun.
    When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed, with dozens of machines on me. The room had this blue and white stripe wallpaper that was coming off which made the place look like it had been here since the 1700s. The machines were old which made me kind of reconsider if this was even a real hospital or just a holding cell. The seats were very dusty looking and were a puke-looking green. I saw Boss in one of the chairs and man did he seem happy to see me.
    “You’re okay. You’re okay!” It seemed like he was out of words. I didn’t remember what had happened and I didn’t want to. I was tired and ready to get onto the case. I took the IV off of me and unhooked like 3 machines until Boss grabbed my arm.
    “Don’t do that. You’re on a machine that’s helping you survive, okay.” I let go of the cords and I laid back down. How long was I gonna be here and what the heck had happened that night?
    “ I want to know everything that happened that day. When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING!” I screamed at him. I started coughing and coughing I couldn’t stop. My hands were beginning to get all covered in blood. The white sheets, the white nightgown, my arms, everything was covered in blood. Everything started turning black, I couldn’t see anything that was happening. I could hear things but faintly, almost like the person was whispering in my ear.
    “We only have five minutes until she’s out for good,” I heard from a doctor. Then, I couldn’t  hear anything, so I closed my eyes. Soon, I began to see light in front of me. I tried, to walk towards it, but I couldn’t move. My heart started bleeding and so did my arm. In about 4 seconds, I was completely covered in blood. I shut my eyes, praying to God that this was all a dream.
    I laid on the white floor that was beginning to turn red, and I tried to make my body stop bleeding. I couldn't. No matter how pressure I put on my heart or my forearm, nothing worked. I gave up. I heard a loud bang. I ducked, but nothing was there. I heard myself yelling for help. I heard another loud bang, but this one from a different gun. I heard an ambulance sirens getting closer and closer to me. I soon understood what was happening. I was dying and my mind was replaying the last few days of my life.
    I closed my eyes, ready for my life to end.I began to feel weirded out because there was this sound that was making my ears bleed, literally.  It sounded like when you open the window when you’re on the freeway. I opened my eyes, and I saw my whole life going backwards. My eyes closed, and soon I woke up in an OR with scalpels cutting me open and doctors trying to save my life.
    “SHE’S WAKING UP!” screamed one of the nurses next to my head. “I need more anesthesia. ANESTHESIA!”
    “What’s going o-” I fell back down and hours passed without me knowing.
    “Olive? Olive?” said a familiar voice as I began to wake up. When I opened my eyes I realized it was Brysen. A small smile appeared on my face. I tried to move my body, but everything was hurting and I groaned with pain.
     I tried to make his name come out of my mouth but the only thing that came out was “Bry-.”
           “Don’t try to talk it will just make everything worse.”
    I became confused. What was I ruining? What was he talking about?
           “Bye, bye, Olive. See you in heaven. If you make it there,” Brysen laughed and then took my arm and injected it with this brown-ish, green-ish liquid. I became dizzy and he left with a grin on his face.
          “Olive? Olive?” Boss said. He called out for help for the doctors, but nobody was there. He picked me up from the bed and unhooked the machines fro my body. He carried me to the car and he went back to the office. He took me to his office and laid me in the coffee table. Boss went to his bottom drawer in his desk and took out an Epipen and stuck in my leg. I didn’t know how this was going to help, but at least he was trying.
          I stopped being dizzy, and I woke up with every single bone and muscle from my body hurting. I cramped up and I held my belly.
         “It was them wasn’t it? All this time, all the trust I had for them? It was them?” I asked with the anger showing in my face and my words as I cursed loudly showing my disbelief.
         “Yes,” Boss mumbled.
          “Solve the case,” I mumbled as low as possible. The pain still hurting me badly and it wasn’t going away. I knew to keep my job, I had to keep going and I didn’t want to lose my job. I stood up slowly mumbling curse words under my breath to resemble how bad it fell to move the slightest inch.
“What’d you say? I didn’t hear you,” Boss whispered in my ear as he took my arms softly and led me to the sofa behind the coffee table. As he held me in his arms I felt better. It was as if his touch made all the pain go away. He tried let go of me, but I took his arms and made him hug me and he rested his head in my shoulders. I didn’t want this moment to end.
It was 3 days later and Boss and I were the only ones in the office, we got our files ready to finally solve the case. I was excited but there was this feeling inside me of regret. I don’t know what I was regretting.
“We have to go back to the scene,” Boss said. “We have to see what they are hiding there.”
“Fine,” I said not feeling my best. I got out my office chair and I walked slowly to the wheelchair. I sat down carefully and I waited until Boss came to roll me out of the base.
As we were in the car, we were silent not wanting to talk about what happened 3 days ago. When we got to 600th Street, my body trembled. It was where I had been shot by Guadalupe and the mysterious person.
“Look over there! There’s a trapdoor right there maybe it will lead us to something,” Boss said and he walked over and opened it up. I walked up to him and saw a ladder leading down to a mysterious, smelly room. Boss and I went down the ladder slowly making sure we didn’t fall down.
When we both got to the ground, we saw a guy about 30 years old with 0.9 caliber gun in his hand. He shot it at us, but shockingly I was fast enough to shoot him first. I got the guy that I was looking for and that had caused me misery.  I looked back at Boss and I saw that he had his arms open for me to give him a hug. I looked into his eyes and I smiled. I hugged him and then he let go of me. His smiled and I laughed. I put his hand in my neck and pulled me closer to him. I saw what he wanted to do and I wasn’t against it.
I put my arms around his neck and he put his lips lightly on mine. I kissed him again and then pulled away from his mouth but not his body.
“We better get this done with,” I said as I looked I back into his eyes wanting to kiss him again and stay in this moment forever.
He took his hand away from my neck and walked towards the person I had shot. I walked behind him with no pain or soreness anywhere.
“Brysen?” I said loudly with shock in my words. What? I was so confused with everything. I knew he was a bad person, but not international drug and weapons dealer bad. Then, everything began making sense. Midget hadn’t just mysteriously died, Brysen had killed him.
As I was processing everything, Boss had already had taken him around his arms so we could dispose his body. I went up the stairs and then helped Boss get up the stairs while carrying dead Brysen in his arms. We got him in the back of the seat of the car and drove back to the office. We disposed Brysen’s body and went back to the sofa in Boss’ office.
Boss took his arms and put them around me as I sat in his lap. I turned my head to look back at him and gave him a light peck. I softly fell asleep in Boss’ arms and we slept in that sofa for hours with happiness running through us and soft smiles in our faces.

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This article has 1 comment.

anonymus35 said...
on Nov. 3 2016 at 6:58 pm
I really liked your story